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textDistrict Attorney Presses Charges Against Two Free Speech Activists Arrested During NAB Convention Protest by Andrea Buffa
District Attorney Presses Charges Against Two Free Speech Activists Arrested During NAB Convention Protest at Clear Channel Communications; Activists’ Attorneys Also Face Charges. Clear Channel station KYLD "Doghouse" DJs who tried to instigate a fight with protestors include Joseph (Big Joe) Lopez who faces charges in San Mateo County for another provocative on-air incident...
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 5:13pm PDT
by geneman
Sept 26. Protest in downtown berkeley....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 4:23pm PDT
by geneman
Sept 26. Protest in downtown berkeley....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 4:22pm PDT
textn/a by Diane Booth
Please help a little boy, age 7, to be returned to his mother in Canada or to his relatives in New York State. He is being detained against his will in Santa Clara County, California and is being abused and medically experimented on with dangerous drugs....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 4:20pm PDT
by Don Maddox
Friday, Sept 22: Steve Rendall of FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting) after his arrest while participating in the march from the NAB convention to the Clear Channel protest....
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 3:02pm PDT
videon/a (video/x-pn-realvideo 1011.5KB) by Dan Mattson
Saturday 9/23 marchers arrive as Rebecca Riots plays followed by short piece by Company of Prophets. 4min13sec...
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 12:58pm PDT
textn/a by Low Spark
Prague Coordinators (INPEG) Call for Support...
Posted: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 11:39am PDT
textn/a by anon
a response to those who feel breaking a window gives a bad PR image....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 10:12pm PDT
textn/a by durg
This November, 200 of the world's most powerful CEO's will meet in Cincinnati, OH in the USA under the name of the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue to write the trade agenda for the WTO. These people are the real power behind the WTO...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 8:10pm PDT
videon/a (video/x-pn-realvideo 1.1MB) by Jenesse
Steve Randell gets out of jail in time to remind us we're in the beginning stages of a movement. Under two minutes....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 7:40pm PDT
videon/a (video/x-pn-realvideo 706.9KB) by Jenesse
Mark Lloyd of People for Better TV discusses lack of public knowledge on ownership of the airwaves....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 7:36pm PDT
by Ted M. Coopman
Protesters at the SF Hilton for NAB Marconi Awards...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 5:30pm PDT
textStatement of SPJ Northern California Chapter on the Sept. 22 expulsion of journalists from NAB convention in San Francisco by Society of Professional Journalists
SPJ statement on NAB expulsion of journalists...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 5:29pm PDT
textn/a by Bubba
Heavy reminder in Mountain View,ca...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 5:06pm PDT
textn/a by Kellia Ramares
A brief interview with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman after the Anti-NAB rally & concert 9/23 (6:30)...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 4:38pm PDT
by Rebeka Rodriguez
The NAB was inside presenting their Marconi award to Rush Limbaugh while protesters gathered in front of the hotel after the concert and rally at Union Square on September 23, 2000. Direct action, education and culture are some of the tactics we can use to create a media democracy movement....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 4:04pm PDT
textn/a by ACTIVE VISION
less than four minute explanation of why we should protest the N.A.B....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 2:58pm PDT
by Ted M. Coopman
Protesters chant and march from UN Plaza to Union Square....
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 2:44pm PDT
by Ted M. Coopman
Keven Close, President of NPR, talks with LPFM Supporters outside of NPR Board Meeting in the SF Hilton...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 2:41pm PDT
audion/a (audio/mpeg 343.1KB) by Partytown Radio
PartyTown Radio AUDIO NEWS CAST reports from Friday at the NAB protests .. this is a draft report , more reports and photo's soon !...
Posted: Wed, Sep 27, 2000 8:21am PDT
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