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textLooking The Other Way ; The Real Crimes of the UN in Iraq by Kathy Kelly, Commondreams
Shortly before sunrise, this morning, a small band of us gathered at a busy Chicago intersection and unfurled vinyl banners bearing enlarged pictures of Iraqi children. One banner called for an end to US warfare in Iraq. On my banner was Johan, smiling wanly, a 14 year old child who weighed 75 pounds shortly before she died of cancer in the oncology ward of a Baghdad hospital on September 21, 2003. As our banners flapped in the wind, I tried to compose a letter in my head to her teenage...
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 9:06pm PST
textTorture charges filed against George W. Bush in Canadian Court by Various / CCNWON
This is not satire....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 6:14pm PST
textBarghouti Changes Mind, Enters Race for President by Arab News
RAMALLAH, 2 December 2004 — In a remarkable development, jailed Palestinian uprising leader Marwan Barghouti yesterday entered the race for president, associates said, reversing an earlier decision and throwing Palestinian politics into disarray....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 4:37pm PST
textGunfire Erupts During Powell Visit to Haiti by reposted
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - Shooting erupted on Wednesday outside Haiti's presidential palace while Secretary of State Colin Powell was inside talking with the interim leaders of the violence-plagued country....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 3:29pm PST
textUpdates On Situation In Ukraine by UK Guardian
Ukraine's prime minister, Viktor Yanukovich, refused today to accept the vote of no confidence in his government by the country's parliament, describing the move as "illegal". "I will never recognise this decision," said Mr Yanukovich, who was declared winner of the country's disputed presidential election on November 21. "They approved the decision in political terms. But it is against the law. It is against the constitution."...
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 3:23pm PST
textAbu Ghraib abuses known to US generals before photos by Middle East Online
Special Operations, CIA mission in Iraq abused detainees, held them at secret facility to hide their activities....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 1:01pm PST
textUkraine elections betray Western bias by ALJ
Western media are misrepresenting the Ukrainian election crisis as a conflict between the forces of democracy and dictatorship, according to numerous political analysts....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 12:26pm PST
textFreed Haitian Priest Gerard Jean-Juste: U.S., France, Canada "Were All Behind the Coup" by Democracy Now
Haitian priest Gerard Jean-Juste was released yesterday after serving seven weeks in prison. His case was eventually dismissed after an international outcry over his arrest. He joins us on the phone from Port-au-Prince....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 11:02am PST
textNegroponte Optimistic; Shiites Enthusiastic for Reasons that would not Please Negroponte by JC
"The problem here is that Sunni Arabs may only be 18 percent or so of the population. What would be a good turnout? At this point, could Negroponte really hope for more than 50%? That would be 9 percent of seats in parliament, which would not be enough to satisfy Sunnis as the new constitution is hammered out. And,it could be less "...
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 10:23am PST
textHamas calls supporters to boycott Palestinian presidential elections by sources
Hamas on Wednesday called on its followers not to vote in Palestinian presidential elections set for Jan.9 ....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 10:18am PST
textLawlessness Breeding Ground for Gaza Social Woes by IOL (reposted)
GAZA STRIP, December 1 ( – Lawlessness and instability in the Gaza Strip are the main culprit for the unprecedented crimes and social woes, though isolated, that plagued the Gaza Strip recently, a Palestinian human rights activist has said....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 10:14am PST
text Sistani pulls main Shia parties together to dominate Iraq poll by UK Guardian
Iraq's Shia parties have built a powerful political alliance uniting moderates with extremists and seem likely to dominate next month's general election. The coalition, formed in weeks of private negotiations, will put forward a joint list of candidates....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 10:12am PST
textAl-Barguthi to run for Palestine president by sources
Jailed Palestinian leader Marwan al-Barghuthi has decided to run for Palestinian president, reversing his earlier decision to stay out of the race....
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 10:06am PST
textTrafficking in Women: Sex slavery in the modern world by The Economist
Recruitment follows a familiar pattern. A young woman, say from provincial Ukraine, almost certainly under 23 and often far younger, is approached by a trafficker. She is offered employment, usually as a waitress or maid, in Central or Western Europe. Having agreed, her underground journey takes her to a squalid way-station. There, her passport and identity papers are stolen, and she is sold, more or less as chattel, to brothel owners—many of them based in Germany, the chief destination for t...
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 8:51am PST
textLoveland, CO - Wal-Mart workers want union by repost
Posted: Wed, Dec 1, 2004 12:48am PST
text"How Do Air Tasers Work?" Manual by V. Irving L.
With the resurgence of terror as a way of motivating people to guard themselves, I provide my site's review of air taser's technicals....
Posted: Tue, Nov 30, 2004 10:20pm PST
textThe Insurgency Strikes Back: There Are No Safe Havens in Iraq by Counterpunch (repost)
Disintegrating security in Baghdad was underlined in a sombre warning yesterday from the British embassy against using the airport road or taking a plane out of Iraq. The embassy says a bomb was discovered on a flight inside Iraq on 22 November. It shows that insurgents have been able to penetrate the stringent security at Baghdad airport. The embassy says its own staff have been advised against taking commercial planes....
Posted: Tue, Nov 30, 2004 5:28pm PST
textRefugees Await Return to Fallujah by IWPR
Thousands of Fallujah families who fled to Baghdad prior to November’s United States-led strike on the troubled city are set to spend several more weeks in temporary accommodation. But with only limited amounts of aid reaching them, they are increasingly angry with Coalition forces and the Iraqi government....
Posted: Tue, Nov 30, 2004 4:01pm PST
textIraqi National Guard Abuses Anger Public by IWPR
The US-backed and trained Iraqi National Guard is facing allegations of misconduct and ill-discipline. Commanders of the nascent force - which replaced the Iraqi Civil Defence Corps after the transfer of sovereignty on June 28 - insist that its members behave professionally, but admit there are some “troublemakers” within its ranks. In recent weeks, there have been a number of complaints about guardsmen beating and abusing members of the public....
Posted: Tue, Nov 30, 2004 4:00pm PST
textBaghdad Burning: Tired in Baghdad... by Baghdad Burning (reposted)
The situation in Falloojeh is worse than anyone can possibly describe. It has turned into one of those cities you see in your darkest nightmares- broken streets strewn with corpses, crumbling houses and fallen mosques... The worst part is that for the last couple of weeks we've been hearing about the use of chemical weapons inside Falloojeh by the Americans. Today we heard that the delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Health isn't being allowed into the city, for some reason....
Posted: Tue, Nov 30, 2004 3:51pm PST
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