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Newsitem List

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textEvents from the Youth Force Coalition by friend of YFC
UPSET THE SETUP 4 ; ³Bush Did It!² Peace Through Justice Now ; 4th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival; A Walk for Remembrance & Peace; ³Bush Did It!² Demonstration; SILENCE IS VIOLENCE! Get Proud, Stand Loud; Resist the Silence, Raise Your Voice; Official Campaign Launch ­ Just Cause Oakland; 2nd Annual Clean the Air Festival; Free Palestine-National Day of Protest...
Posted: Sat, Sep 7, 2002 12:11am PDT
textUS Should Threaten War on Israel, Not Iraq! by Jesse X. Morales
While the US President and his supporters are trying hard to justify a war against Iraq, they are also trying to divert our attention from what should be the real target : Israel, the fourth largest military in the world and the proud owner of a nuclear bomb....
Posted: Fri, Sep 6, 2002 7:52am PDT
imageIMC Video from Palestine available now!
New Video from Palestine...
Posted: Fri, Aug 30, 2002 8:24am PDT
videoSUSTAIN targets the Caterpillar Corp. (video/quicktime 6.3MB) by Bill Carpenter
Caterpillar's bulldozer sales to Israel used to demolish Palestinian civilian homes were protested in San Francisco on Aug. 7th. 2 min. QT movie. 6MB...
Posted: Wed, Aug 28, 2002 10:13am PDT
textSocial and Class issues underly the Israeli-Palestinian tragedy by International Communist Party
Social and Class issues underly the Israeli-Palestinian tragedy...
Posted: Wed, Aug 28, 2002 12:39am PDT
textReport from the Occupied Territories by correspondent
This is a report written by Roxanne, on behalf of Cindy (US - NYC) who has been in Tulkarem for the past week. She is part of the first ISM international contingent in this West Bank town, which lies near the Israeli border....
Posted: Sat, Aug 24, 2002 12:00pm PDT
textThe Zionist Lobby and American Foreign Policy by Gilad Atzmon is hardly surprising to discover that the Jewish state and Zionists lobbies are fairly active behind the scenes. It all makes far more sense when you find out that America's current divorce from humanism is closely associated with Israeli interests. A brief study of the history of Israel will reveal that from its very early days Zionism specialised in tracing dark political motivations and interests in order to abuse them to the very limit. Zionism is a very singular political method ai...
Posted: Thu, Aug 22, 2002 11:24pm PDT
textExposing Israel Documentary Tonight at La Penya! by vic-repost from CList
This film proves without a doubt that Israel is NOT a democracy....
Posted: Thu, Aug 22, 2002 11:45am PDT
textPalestine Video in Oakland, 8/29 by Scott Johnson
The People and the Land A ground breaking documentary film on the struggle for Palestine...
Posted: Wed, Aug 21, 2002 8:00pm PDT
textWhy I Am a Pro-Palestinian Activist by Wendy Campbell
Since I am not Jewish or Muslim, people are often surprised at how passionate I am about the injustices that the Palestinians are suffering at the hands of the Israeli government, which is propped up with our US tax dollars. The following explains why I am a pro-Palestinian activist....
Posted: Mon, Aug 19, 2002 9:01pm PDT
imageQueer “Settlers” Land on Berkeley Starbucks, Analogy to Israeli Colonists
by QUIT!
About 25 queer settlers descended on a downtown Berkeley Starbucks on Saturday, August 17, claiming Berkeley as “a city without people for people without a city.” The street theatre called attention to Israeli colonies in Palestine....
Posted: Sun, Aug 18, 2002 11:01pm PDT
textLabor Strikes in Israel by Socialist
The Israel garbage is soon gone from the stage of history, thanks to the actions of the workingclass. There are now general strikes in Israel as the Israeli economy sinks to the bottom of the sea, and the sooner it sinks, the better not only for the US taxpayer who pays for it all, but for all humanity....
Posted: Sun, Aug 18, 2002 9:45am PDT
textJewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak
In recent years there has been a dramatic growth of Jewish fundamentalism in Israel which has manifested itself in vigorous opposition to the peace process and has played a key role, as well, in the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the murder of 29 Muslims at prayer by the American-born fundamentalist, Baruch Goldstein....
Posted: Thu, Aug 15, 2002 11:38pm PDT
textNew College Events / Live Webcast by Jon Garfield
Sunday, August 18: Stephen Zunes: "The Israeli Palestinian Conflict" Public Event / Live Webcast Tuesday, August 27: Roxanne-Dunbar Ortiz & Max Elbaum on 1960s Movements...
Posted: Wed, Aug 14, 2002 10:56pm PDT
textMaking life difficult for the Palestinian peace camp by haaretz
How the Israeli authorities try to keep Palestinians supporting Hamas......
Posted: Wed, Aug 14, 2002 11:59am PDT
imagePacifists against occupation (by Latuff)
by Latuff
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave pacifists and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror....
Posted: Mon, Aug 12, 2002 8:25am PDT
textFlashpoints Aug 6-7: Pal prisoners; Vieques; US prisons by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio -August 7: stories of Palestinian political prisoners.. Vieques update.. human rights in America's prisons.. -August 6: about the psychological damage of increasing violence and resistance on Palestinian families.. Israel faces an environmental crisis.. VP-select Cheney comes to SF ----- full story and audio links at
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 9:16am PDT
textThe Sinking Israeli Economy by Three Cheers
It is a basic fact of life that no society can have both guns and butter, and Israel is no exception. Its economy is sinking under the weight of its military might and murder of the Palestinians, all at the expense of the Israeli workingclass, as usual....
Posted: Wed, Aug 7, 2002 8:13pm PDT
imageUrgent appeal for Israeli peace group Gush Shalom
by Latuff
In today's Israel, if you are Jew and fight occupation, you are a TRAITOR! Israeli peace group Gush Shalom needs our support NOW!...
Posted: Wed, Aug 7, 2002 5:01pm PDT
textFlashpoints Aug 5: home demolitions, CAT protest; Iraq update; Cheney SF protest by Jaguar Johnny
Flashpoints Radio Aug 5: Israel continues Palestinian home and farm demolitions, interview with Salim, a Palestinian man who is trying to rebuild his home for the fourth time.. a campaign against Caterpillar Corp for giving bulldozers to Israeli military.. a 40 day fast at the UN begins to protest the imminent attack on Iraq, Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness.. VP select Cheney comes to SF Wednesday.. protest at the Fairmont Hotel, 8AM Aug 7...
Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2002 11:56pm PDT
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