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Newsitem List

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imageMaking History Through Medication at the International Cannabis and Hemp Expo
by ~Bradley
The International Cannabis and Hemp Exposition, held at the Cow Palace in Daly City, just outside San Francisco, on the pre-420 weekend of April 17th and 18th, was historic. The expo, which had the first permitted area for the use of medical marijuana, was the largest event of its’ kind to hit Northern California. Established activist organizations dished out information to prospective members, and hundreds of vendors pitched their freshest accessories inside two large convention halls to...
Posted: Tue, Apr 20, 2010 1:12am PDT
textVideo-Palo Alto Gunn High School Sings Away Hate Group by via alternet
When the Kansas hate group known as the Westboro Baptist Church announced they would picket Bay Area schools and Jewish institutions, students at Gunn High School decided they could not sit by quietly....
Posted: Mon, Apr 5, 2010 3:53am PDT
imageCampaign Launch: Blue Cross/Palin 2012
by Billionaires
Palo Alto campaign managers Eunice Wentworth and Bertha Gotrocks woke up on April 1st and decided that, although the national campaign has yet to be announced, it is high time to urge the fine people of the San Francisco Bay Area to support the next big ticket: Blue Cross for President, Sarah Palin for Vice-President in 2012....
Posted: Thu, Apr 1, 2010 8:21pm PDT
calendar*April 1st Street Theater* Billionaires for Blue Cross/Palin 2012 Campaign Launch by Eunice
Lytton Plaza, intersection of University Ave. and Emerson next door to Pizza My Heart downtown Palo Alto...
Event Date: Thu, Apr 1, 2010 12:00pm PDT
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2010 11:26pm PDT
imageAnti-War Busycle Ride on 7th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion
by E.W.
While some of the San Francisco Peninsula based Raging Grannies ventured beyond their home base to San Jose or San Francisco for anti-war rallies, a half dozen stayed closer to home. They rode the busycle through Palo Alto residential streets with anti-war signs. The busycle is driven by human power....
Posted: Sat, Mar 20, 2010 4:15pm PDT
imageJuana Briones' Birthday in the Park
by E. Wentworth
Dancing and singing were the order of the day when activists gathered to demonstrate for the preservation of the historic Juana Briones homestead....
Posted: Sat, Mar 13, 2010 11:13pm PST
imageCelebrating Juana Briones' Legacy on her Birthday/Save Her Historic House!
by E. Wentworth
Preservationists, California history aficionados, and the Raging Grannies celebrated the legacy of local heroine Juana Briones today. Entertainment was provided by Jorge Prado and his merry Mariachi Band and the Folklorico Dancers of Castro School. Photos by E. Wentworth...
Posted: Sat, Mar 13, 2010 6:20pm PST
image4th Stealth Action at Bank of America
by E. Wentworth
BBC radio caught wind of the Raging Grannies' stealth action and followed them to the Grannies' latest "hit". See 1 min. video of stealth action at:
Posted: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 11:47pm PST
videoBank of Animals (video/quicktime 49.3MB) by Raging Granny
The Raging Grannies are tired of being preyed on by big banks, so they decided to take action! 1 minute long video documentation of their adventure...
Posted: Tue, Mar 9, 2010 6:37pm PST
imageU.S. Navy Conceals Nuclear Weapons Production in California
by Mil Watch
A U.S. nuclear weapons assembly plant in California is off limits to any kind of photography, information gathering, or reporting. Local residents are unaware of the plant's existence and its potential radiological hazards. (Repost from Indymedia NL)...
Posted: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 7:03am PST
documentArmy Base "Warns" Monterey Residents About March 4 Protests
by Michael Frederiksen
In an attempt to reduce public support for the March 4th protests against budget cuts to public education, the Presidio of Monterey issued a Force Protection Advisory to Monterey residents regarding the protests....
Posted: Sat, Feb 27, 2010 3:23pm PST
imageCulture Jam at Big Banks in three SF Bay Area cities
by Eunice Wentworth
Sending the message via creative culture jam...Break up with your big bank! How to start: FIRST Move your money by starting with a small deposit at a local bank... Next: Cut up that big bank credit card! Photos available to use under Creative Commons License by Eunice Wentworth and E. Moran. Top photo: a tiger at Wells Fargo by E. Moran...
Posted: Fri, Feb 19, 2010 8:37pm PST
imageVictory for California’s Environmental Justice Movement: Romic Can Never Operate in this State Again
by R. Robertson
Members of Youth United for Community Action (YUCA) say that polluter Romic Environmental Technologies' settlement with the San Mateo County DA is a victory not only for environmental justice, but also a big win for the community of East Palo Alto. The toxic waste handler that operated in East Palo Alto agreed to never do business in the state of California again and will pay $350,000 in penalties. Photo by Bill Carpenter: YUCA members demonstrating in front of San Francisco's OSHA offic...
Posted: Thu, Feb 18, 2010 2:33am PST
imageTesla Employee's Private Plane Hits E. Palo Alto Daycare Center
by Eye on E. Palo Alto
Miraculously no one was injured in a daycare center shortly after 8 a.m. this morning when three Tesla employees, apparently headed to southern California on company business, crashed their plane into a house in an East Palo Alto neighborhood. Corporate media reports indicate that the private plane that took off from the tiny Palo Alto Airport in heavy fog was owned by a Tesla employee and that at least one high level executive may have been among the three who died in the crash. Last D...
Posted: Wed, Feb 17, 2010 7:08pm PST
imageBreak Up Your Affair with Big Banks like B of A
by Eunice Wentworth
Say goodbye, adios, and sayonara to Big Banks! This week the Raging Grannies of the San Francisco Bay area are spreading the word that big banks are bad for America, and bad for your life. The Grannies passed out fliers at an SF peninsula ATM, sang some anti-big-bank songs and had some interesting conversations....
Posted: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 3:41pm PST
imageUAW Offered GM,Chrysler Deal To NUMMI-Toyota: UAW VP Bob King Interviewed At UAW 2244 NUMM
by Labor Video Project
Bob King, the likely new president of the UAW was interviewed at a rally for NUMMI workers at the UAW 2244 NUMMI plant on 2/12/2010. He supported the cancellation of union membership meetings and also said that the International had offered the GM-Chrysler concession deal to Toyota....
Posted: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 1:44pm PST
imageKlezCalifornia Yiddish Culture Festival
by Eunice
Photos of February 13 concert and dance party with music by Yiddish Festival teachers Stu Brotman, Christian Dawid, Josh Horowitz, Frank London, Cookie Segelstein, Eleanor Reissa and more! World-renowned Steve Weintraub led dancing after the concert. Palo Alto, California...
Posted: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 12:04am PST
imageGoing to the Courthouse, Gonna TRY to get Married
by Justin/Eve/Ruth
Activists forced the hand of the County Clerk's Office of San Mateo County, California on National Freedom to Marry Day, February 12, 2010. Same sex couples tried to register for marriage licenses and were turned away. But far from being upset at the demonstration, San Mateo County workers were part of the event as well. They welcomed the rally on the steps of their office and with obvious sadness refused to grant licenses to same sex sex couples. Photos by Justin Miel are copyrighted....
Posted: Sat, Feb 13, 2010 9:42am PST
imageNational Freedom to Marry Day in San Mateo
by E. Moran
Photos by E. Moran under Creative Commons License...
Posted: Sat, Feb 13, 2010 2:28am PST
imageSame Sex Couples Request Marriage Licenses in San Mateo
by Ruth Robertson
Same-sex couples requesting marriage licenses today were joined by members of supporting organizations, guest speakers, and the Raging Grannies on the front steps of the San Mateo County Clerk’s office. Their requests for marriage licenses was symbolic of the struggle that continues for full equality for gays and lesbians. San Mateo County Deputy Assessor County Clerk-Recorder Theresa Rabe spoke out in support of full marriage rights. She said that the short period in which gays and lesbia...
Posted: Fri, Feb 12, 2010 6:40pm PST
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