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textFrom the Ground Up: Race and the Left Response to Katrina by reposting from NO indymedia
“For a lot of people, people of color from New Orleans and the south, we’re all trying to put our lives together. If we had the means, if we had the same privilege, we would be here too, we would be organizing and fighting for our community. It’s important for people to realize the privilege they have and others don’t have.”...
Posted: Mon, Jan 16, 2006 10:41am PST
textUS living standards in 2005 continued downward trend by wsws (reposted)
Millions of Americans saw their living conditions drastically decline in 2005. For the US working class, four years of a supposed economic recovery celebrated by Wall Street have translated into rising expenses, stagnating real wages and record debt....
Posted: Mon, Jan 16, 2006 8:57am PST
text Kashmir earthquake survivors abandoned to freezing winter freezing wi by wsws (reposted)
Three months after the October 8 Kashmir earthquake, many thousands of survivors are living in tents and face the danger of freezing to death as the Himalayan winter worsens. Severe cold waves have been reported from the quake-affected areas, with nighttime temperatures falling well below zero degrees Celsius, and heavy snows have fallen. Minus-2 degrees has been recorded in Muzaffarabad, the capital of the worst hit Pakistani province of Kashmir and minus-13 degrees in mountain villages wher...
Posted: Mon, Jan 16, 2006 8:56am PST
textCity residents denounce “Bring New Orleans Back” rebuilding plan by wsws (reposted)
New Orleans residents reacted with anger and defiance Wednesday to a proposed rebuilding plan for the city devastated by Hurricane Katrina more than four months ago. The “Bring New Orleans Back” Commission, created by Mayor Ray Nagin, unveiled the plan at a standing-room-only meeting attended by hundreds of residents. The audience was too large for the meeting room and spilled out into the corridors of the Sheraton Hotel where it was held....
Posted: Fri, Jan 13, 2006 9:57pm PST
text'Fire on the Bayou': African American leaders converge on New Orleans by CC Campbell-Rock, Bay View (reposted)
African American leaders from all over the United States and from as far away as Canada are meeting for the Institute of the Black World 21st Century-sponsored Martin Luther King Holiday Weekend Initiative, entitled "The Struggle Against Racism and Inequality in New Orleans: National Days of Return and Action," set for Jan. 12-14 in the beleaguered Crescent City....
Posted: Fri, Jan 13, 2006 9:23am PST
textRebuilding New Orleans: The Struggle Continues by Democracy Now (reposted)
We look at the the ongoing struggles around rebuilding New Orleans after the Hurricane Katrina disaster. We speak with Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League and a former mayor of New Orleans and Tracie Washington, an attorney representing a number of evacuees in New Orleans who are staying in hotels and are facing eviction....
Posted: Fri, Jan 13, 2006 8:10am PST
audioAbout the french riots, october-november 2005 (audio/mpeg 6.3MB) by Ytzhak
All of the people “ on top ” ...talking down to the youth rebellion have one word, and one thing to propose : integration. Integration into what ? To this shitty society which is built, precisely, on keeping the poor out when they are no longer of any use on the labor market,.... Capitalism has always needed the poor and ghettos..... ...A lot of good souls think that our suburban “ rascals ” are ambiguous, that their values are dubious, their violence undirected, etc....they aren’t revolution...
Posted: Mon, Jan 9, 2006 11:03am PST
textMine safety cuts hindered West Virginia rescue by wsws (reposted)
Just as families in several West Virginia mining communities began burying the 12 miners killed in last Monday’s explosion at the Sago Mine, evidence is mounting that many of the men might have been saved if rescue efforts had not been delayed due to a shortage of manpower and the lack of the modern rescue equipment. Years of budget cuts at the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) have severely undermined the capacity of rescuers to promptly reach trapped miners, although a matter of ...
Posted: Mon, Jan 9, 2006 8:25am PST
textGOP New Medicare Program A Total Catastrophe by Medi Alert
The GOP Scheme To Kill Off The Sick & Elderly Is Making Headlines Across The Nation!...
Posted: Sun, Jan 8, 2006 6:39pm PST
textBTL:New Orleans Homeowners Coalition Stops House Demolitions in Court by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Interview with Bill Quigley, attorney representing New Orleans homeowners, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus...
Posted: Sun, Jan 8, 2006 8:56am PST
textNew Medicare Plan Keeps Seniors Guessing by Amsterdam News (reposted)
On January 1, 2006, the new Medicare prescription-drug program began. Many Black residents in New York City – especially the low-income, disabled and seniors – remain uncertain about how the law will affect them. Grappling with information, most of them are confused and swamped with questions about the registration process, which drug plan is best for them, and what's covered and what's not....
Posted: Fri, Jan 6, 2006 8:33am PST
textSolidarity with Lower 9th Ward by Bay to Gulf
City bulldozes homes in Lower 9th without contacting owners. No support for rebuilding offered (no trash pickup, no electrical power, no roof tarping, etc.) while Army Corps of Engineers pays the bill for bulldozing....
Posted: Thu, Jan 5, 2006 7:45pm PST
textReports document growing social inequality in Australia by wsws (reposted)
Last month, as corporate boardrooms toasted Australia’s “boom” economy, the Catholic charity organisation, the St Vincent de Paul Society, released a report documenting the growing gap between the country’s rich and poor....
Posted: Tue, Jan 3, 2006 10:23pm PST
textTsunami survivors left to suffer on Andaman and Nicobar islands by wsws (reposted)
Just over a year ago, the December 26 tsunami devastated the Andaman and Nicobar islands, a low-lying and mostly uninhabited chain of 572 islands in the Bay of Bengal. Officially, more than 3,000 people were confirmed dead and another 5,000 missing on the archipelago, which was the closest Indian territory to the earthquake’s epicentre. Aid agencies and local groups, however, believe that twice as many people died....
Posted: Tue, Jan 3, 2006 10:23pm PST
textVIDEO: Direct Action in New Orleans: Chief Al's Stuff by FluxRostrum (from new orleans imc)
10 min Quicktime video...
Posted: Mon, Jan 2, 2006 10:42pm PST
imageLower 9th Ward Citizens Fight Demolition in New Orleans
by Randeep Walia
The city of New Orleans is attempting to destroy the homes of residents in the Lower 9th Ward. This is in spite of a temporary moratorium won by social justice groups against the city which blocks attempts to bulldoze the homes of Lower 9th Ward residents. The moratorium, which ends on January 6th, 2006, is being circumvented by the city through the unconstitutional use of eminent domain. Local residents are working alongside Common Ground Collective, a grass-roots organization working for th...
Posted: Mon, Jan 2, 2006 8:34pm PST
imageDeath to the System! Populist History & Spoken Word w/ New Orleans Kalamu ya Salaam
by mary beth black
New Orleans neo-griot Kalamu ya Salaam announces Listen to the People radical history project & blows the roof off NYC Bowery Poetry Club Katrina benefit with a "poem" perhaps described as "Superdome Systems of Thought - Death to the System!" 25 minute, 37 MG video....
Posted: Sat, Dec 31, 2005 10:50pm PST
textIndia’s tsunami victims abandoned by wsws (reposted)
One year after the tsunami devastated southern Asia, millions of people in the southern and eastern coastal areas of India are yet to return to their normal lives. Contrary to the big promises made by the national and Tamil Nadu state governments, relief and rehabilitation measures largely remain in the distant future....
Posted: Fri, Dec 30, 2005 7:57pm PST
textStripping Grandma's Cupboard -- Congress Cuts Food Money to Grandparents Raising Kids by New America Media (reposted)
Among the budget cuts that squeaked through Congress just before Christmas was a provision that will take food -- $400 million worth -- out of the already-bare cupboards of grandparent-headed households....
Posted: Thu, Dec 29, 2005 5:26pm PST
textThe Tsunami, One Year Later: More Than A Million Still Homeless in Sri Lanka by Democracy Now (reposted)
On this first anniversary of the tsunami that devastated South Asia, we look at the fallout for the people of Sri Lanka. We speak with the Sri Lankan ambassador to the United Nations, an anti-poverty activist in Sri Lanka, and a physician treating Tamil refugees....
Posted: Wed, Dec 28, 2005 7:41am PST
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