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Newsitem List

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textIslamic Afghan Pilgrims kill Tranportaion Minister over delayed flights by Reuters
This is what a pilgrimage to Mecca is all about. Afghan pilgrims kill transport minister-TV over delayed flights to Saudi Arabia. Allah is Great!!...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 1:48pm PST
textArgentina's Bank Robbers by Fred Freeguy
Argentine government seizures of private wealth since the Jan. 6 law of public emergency :...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 1:34pm PST
textBarsamian in SF by Todd C
David Barsamian to speak on corporate media 2/23 in SF...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 1:01pm PST
textWorse than Enron: Dyncorp by No love for Dyncorp
DynCorp Disgrace By Kelly Patricia O’Meara...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 12:05pm PST
textDavid Brings Down Goliath in Sacramento Superior Court by Campaign for old-Growth Preservation
California Heritage Tree Initiative Proponents Prevail Over Timber Lobby...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 11:41am PST
textThe Truth about 9-11 by Carol Brouillet
Follow-up on the marches to Senator's and Congressional Marches demanding Inquiry of 9-11. Bush tries to limit inquiry. February 21st Michael Ruppert event open to legislative staff and public to explore lies and truth of 9-11 events/the War on Terrorism......
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 10:51am PST
textAkha Prepare For Battle Near Village Pah Noon - PBNB 2/14/02 by illegal alien
Publishing news/events promoting peace....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 10:47am PST
textEnron's man to 'investigate' Enron-engineered Cali energy 'crisis' by Reuters
Let's see now -- the Chairman of FERC was previously appointed by G.W. to the Texas state utility commission -- at the behest of Enron -- and now he's going to "investigate" Enron's activity in California. And how many Enron-Bushies are among the SEC, CFTC and Justice Dept. "investigators" who will join FERC in this little P.R. show?...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 10:01am PST
textThrowing Stones-The United States and Northern Korea by ron jacobs
analysis of US and northern Korea in the wake of GW's "axis of evil" comments...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 7:15am PST
textCampaign Finance Laws Support Incumbents by fred freedomguy
Congress is now considering new regulations on campaign finance. Although their goal of preventing corruption or its appearance is important, those restrictions may reduce the competitiveness of elections....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 6:21am PST
On July 20, 2001, IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti and U.S. Assistant Attorney General Dan Bryant formally agreed to have IRS and DOJ participate in a recorded, public hearing on Capital Hill to officially answer questions under oath in response to a Petition For Redress Of Grievances from the American People....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 6:06am PST
textHiroshima FlameWalk to Fremont by Andy Matinog
On the road to NYC...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 2:31am PST
textHiroshima Flame Walk: day 2 in SF by Andy Matinog
Through Oaktown to USS Hornet...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 2:28am PST
textProtest the DEA raids, fax your representative by freedom lover
Take action to protest this outrageous assault on freedom and democracy...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 1:49am PST
textsalad dressing recipe framework by anon
Salad dressings: theory, and a robust, versatile framework for making your own...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 1:25am PST
textSan Francisco Greens' Election Forum by Kim Knox
SF Greens will be having an Election Forum on Sunday, February 24 from 4-7 p.m. at the Zodiac Club, 714 14th Street (Church). Politics, music and laughter....
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 8:37pm PST
textHas Israeli Lobby Killed Free Speech in America by Karen
Pro-Israelis have unlimited access to the American media to spew their propaganda while opposition voices are censured. Is this free speech?...
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 5:42pm PST
textnotes on WEF in NY by Ringo Levio
There is some defeatism around about the way the WEF actions played out in NY. We suggest that this mistakes aesthetic problems for political problems and outline the shape of the political victory achieved in NY....
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 4:22pm PST
text2/14: PUEBLO's State of the City report for Oakland by friend of PUEBLO
Pueblo¹s State Of The City Report Thursday, February 14th @ noon Frank Ogawa Plaza, 14th & Broadway Downtown Oakland...
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 3:34pm PST
textBush nominated for Nobel Peace Prize!! by Bridgetpeace
Bush nominated for the Nobel "Peace" Prize! Another outrage in a string of outrages. But do we laugh or do we cry?...
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 3:18pm PST
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