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textIraq 2002-The Final Storm? by ron jacobs
commentary on gw and iraq...
Posted: Fri, Feb 15, 2002 6:04am PST
textThe Shortwave Report 2/15/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! by Dan Roberts
A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.4MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, Cuba....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 9:37pm PST
textBOYCOTT ALL U.S. GOODS! by victim of amerikkka
In support of the Palestinian people and in opposition to the growing and vicious U.S. war on the people of the world and growing move towards fascism in the U.S., we appeal to the people of the world to support those of us who are suffering under this evil regime by boycotting the goods that the brutal U.S. rulers sell overseas to finance their brutality and war....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 9:32pm PST
textTruth emerging: Human toll in Afghanistan by Terrie Albano & Judith LeBlanc
“Why did they bomb us? Why did they do this?” asked Afghan civilians captured and beaten in two nights of raids in Oruzgan by U.S. military forces Jan 24. They were released this week and told their story to The New York Times....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 5:32pm PST
textCal Philippines forum builds OUT NOW! movement in the U.$. by Was there
UC BERKELEY—February 13, 2002—The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) hosted a forum on U.$.terrorism in the Philippines at U.C. Berkeley February13 with a standing room only crowd of over 60 people....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 4:51pm PST
textN.B. - Please find below the Final terms of reference for Balikatan 02-1 by UP RAGE
Some Points of Reflection:...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 4:43pm PST
textBroad alliance marks Feb. 14 with patriotic protests by OUT NOW
The broad US Forces Out Now! (OUT NOW!) alliance marked Valentines Day today with rallies from morning to afternoon in front of the US Embassy and Mendiola in Manila and a big mass demonstration in Davao City....
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 4:38pm PST
textIslamic Afghan Pilgrims kill Tranportaion Minister over delayed flights by Reuters
This is what a pilgrimage to Mecca is all about. Afghan pilgrims kill transport minister-TV over delayed flights to Saudi Arabia. Allah is Great!!...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 1:48pm PST
textThe Truth about 9-11 by Carol Brouillet
Follow-up on the marches to Senator's and Congressional Marches demanding Inquiry of 9-11. Bush tries to limit inquiry. February 21st Michael Ruppert event open to legislative staff and public to explore lies and truth of 9-11 events/the War on Terrorism......
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 10:51am PST
textThrowing Stones-The United States and Northern Korea by ron jacobs
analysis of US and northern Korea in the wake of GW's "axis of evil" comments...
Posted: Thu, Feb 14, 2002 7:15am PST
textHas Israeli Lobby Killed Free Speech in America by Karen
Pro-Israelis have unlimited access to the American media to spew their propaganda while opposition voices are censured. Is this free speech?...
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 5:42pm PST
textBush nominated for Nobel Peace Prize!! by Bridgetpeace
Bush nominated for the Nobel "Peace" Prize! Another outrage in a string of outrages. But do we laugh or do we cry?...
Posted: Wed, Feb 13, 2002 3:18pm PST
textAnti-War, Civil Liberties Demonstration by Doug Fairbanks
Mass Demonstration on Saturday, February 23rd at Dolores Park: 11am. Stop the War. Defend Civil Liberties. Stop Racist Scapegoating....
Posted: Tue, Feb 12, 2002 5:01pm PST
text Veterans: POW’s at Guantanamo & U.S. Tiger Cages in Vietnam by Bob Swartzel
Why is the world concerned about the classification of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, and, why are Americans so blissfully unconcerned? The world is concerned because, as possible victims, it can’t afford to forget. Americans are not because they have never come to terms with the evil our government committed against prisoners during the Vietnam War....
Posted: Tue, Feb 12, 2002 9:14am PST
textPeace Litmus Test for Candidates by Voter
Elections are another forum of political struggle and to participate, it is always wise to have a litmus test list for deciding on the candidates who should receive your vote. It is the program that must prevail in your decision. The primary issue is war and peace, or in other words, guns or butter, for we cannot have both....
Posted: Tue, Feb 12, 2002 8:04am PST
text(Not) Counting Afghanistan's Dead by UK Guardian reposter
Afghans are still dying as air strikes go on. But no one is counting....
Posted: Tue, Feb 12, 2002 12:42am PST
textIsrael/Palestine: Eleven degrees of separation by A.B. Yehoshua
A voice of sanity from a noted Israeli author, who presents 11 theses for a just separation between Israel and Palestine...
Posted: Mon, Feb 11, 2002 10:39pm PST
textOil Pipeline Pact for Afghanistan by Name of the Game is Money
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, along with spring, The Irish Times deserves a shower of green confetti and a large green shamrock with gold glitter on it in recognition of being the first to disclose the long-awaited plan by and for Unocal for its pipeline through Afghanistan....
Posted: Mon, Feb 11, 2002 7:51pm PST
textMuslims doing Well by fred freedom
Life may be bleak in the Middle East, but it’s never been better...
Posted: Mon, Feb 11, 2002 11:35am PST
textCan't print work order. Thinks server is down by Vietnam Veterans Against the War-AI (Germany)
The Germany Chapter of "VVAW-AI" & "Stop The War Brigade" are calling on everyone to support a delegation to Cuba to protest at the concentration camp at Guantananmo As part of a this delegation the STWB can give first-hand testimony to the history of America's treatment of prisoners of war and in particular the inhumane treatment of tens of thousands of GIs who were thrown into US military prisons around the world as a result of their opposition to both the Viet Nam War...
Posted: Mon, Feb 11, 2002 9:38am PST
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