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textFOOD NOT BOMBS ALERT -- URGENT ACTION NEEDED!!! by Coalition on Homelessness, San Francisco
Posted: Mon, May 7, 2001 8:30pm PDT
textimc radio report on May Day, full version(real audio) by imc audio, produced in San Francisco
The IMC Radio Report special half hour feature on Mayday protests around the world. The show starts out with some headlines then an interview with Professor Stan Phipps about the history of MayDay. Then there are reports on MayDay activities in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Australia. (29:26) Listen to the real audio by clicking the link....
Posted: Mon, May 7, 2001 7:51pm PDT
textimc radio report on May Day, full version by imc audio, produced in San Francisco
The IMC Radio Report special half hour feature on Mayday protests around the world. The show starts out with some headlines then an interview with Professor Stan Phipps about the history of MayDay. Then there are reports on MayDay activities in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Australia. (29:26) Download the MP3 by clicking the link....
Posted: Mon, May 7, 2001 7:47pm PDT
textIf You Care About Justice:6/9Nat March For Charleston Dockers by Labor Video Project
A national march has been called on Columbia SC to protest the racist union busting terror against Black Charleston Dockers....
Posted: Sat, May 5, 2001 2:48pm PDT
textStop Railroading Of Ray Quan by Labor Video Project
BART-SEIU Union Activist & Whistleblower Ray Quan has been fired for speaking out about corruption at BART. BART bosses are now trying to get a court order barring him from his workplace for "workplace violence" All Out For 5/14 9:00AM Hearing at the Alameda Superior Court...
Posted: Sat, May 5, 2001 2:43pm PDT
text5/22SF Screening Of Bread&Roses by LaborFest
5/22Benefit Screeing Of Ken Loach's Bread & Roses at the Herbst Theater In San Francisco...
Posted: Sat, May 5, 2001 2:38pm PDT
textLabor For and Websites on Mumia Abu-Jamal by Justice
As preparation for the big march and rally in San Francisco for Mumia Abu-Jamal on May 12, 2001, gathering at Dolores Park at 10:30 a.m. and marching to the Civic Center for a rally at 1 p.m., you can inform yourself of the many aspects of the campaign to free Mumia Abu-Jamal by perusing the following websites that cover the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal and labor's support of Mumia Abu-Jamal:...
Posted: Thu, May 3, 2001 7:00pm PDT
textMay 12 March for Mumia Abu-Jamal by Justice
On May 12, 2001, there will be a march to free Mumia Abu-Jamal in San Francisco. We assemble at Dolores Park at 18th and Dolores at 10:30 a.m. and march to the Civic Center at Polk and Grove for a rally at 1 p.m. Mumia Abu-Jamal is a world-renowned award-winning journalist framed on a charge of killing a cop in 1981 and currently sits on Pennsylvania's death row....
Posted: Wed, May 2, 2001 8:17pm PDT
textAction: Fax Campaign to Support JeffBoat Strikers! by Feight
Modify or copy the fax and send it off!...
Posted: Wed, May 2, 2001 12:14pm PDT
textMay Pole: Rhythmic Circularity for Anarchism by Alias Salem
an account of the May Day festivities in San Francisco...
Posted: Wed, May 2, 2001 10:23am PDT
textIrish Liberation and May Day by cairn
IRSP Statement on May Day...
Posted: Mon, Apr 30, 2001 10:45am PDT
textMay Day Event&Commune Film&Conf by LaborFest
LaborFest will have an international Solidarity Event on May Day At La Pena and a celebration of the Paris Commune on May 5 & 6 in San Francico with the film "The Commune"...
Posted: Sun, Apr 29, 2001 12:39am PDT
textDemo-Republicans' Tax Cut for the Rich by Justice
The Democrats and Republicans have united in their attacks on the workingclass on many issues, including Pres. Bush's tax cut plan and on the bankruptcy bill....
Posted: Sat, Apr 28, 2001 10:41pm PDT
textAnarchism and May Day Teach-In by Anarchist Research Group
Barry Pateman on Anarchism and the meaning of May Day. Sunday April 29th ay 6 PM at UC Berkeley...
Posted: Fri, Apr 27, 2001 6:35pm PDT
textHundreds Of Thousands of Greeks Take To Streets by elian
Massive strike in Greece against social welfare reforms paralyses the country...
Posted: Thu, Apr 26, 2001 4:58pm PDT
textQuestions for Labor by Justice
Labor is hereby notified that the carnival has ended and the class struggle has begun. 50 years of cooperation with the capitalist class is 50 years too long. The workingclass cannot endure this destruction of our future....
Posted: Sun, Apr 22, 2001 11:54am PDT
textJoin Us On the Picket Line! 2300 Health Care Workers to Strike by Rosa Luxembourg
Short call to action to support striking hospital workers...
Posted: Wed, Apr 11, 2001 3:36pm PDT
textSTRIKING ACTIVISM; Support ACORN Workers by Arthur J. Miller
All workers have a right to organize a union....
Posted: Sun, Apr 8, 2001 10:07am PDT
textClass War at Work - The trenches get dirtier by daniel
We are overworked, underpaid or cannot find work that pays enough. Layoffs, forced overtime & totalitarian atmosphere's are not the only aspects of Class War in the workplace. Here is a story on the subtle war being waged against me and my fellow employees at Bed, Bath & Beyond....
Posted: Thu, Apr 5, 2001 3:56pm PDT
textDay Labor Program Press Confrence by PODER
Press Confrence and Rally Thursday April 5, 2001 10:00 am at Cesar Chavez between Mission Street and Valencia...
Posted: Tue, Apr 3, 2001 12:10pm PDT
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