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text Investigation Finds Red Cross Withheld Aid, Operates In Tandem With Homeland Security by Raw Story (reposted)
Jennifer Van Bergen (of The 16.SEP.05...
Posted: Sat, Sep 17, 2005 10:17am PDT
textEyewitness Report from New Orleans Resident who spent five days in the Superdome... by Party for Socalism and Liberation
Iraq, New Orleans and Sept.24: The Deepening Crisis of the Bush Government and the Role of the People's Movement. Featuring an eyewitness report by a New Orleans resident who spent five days in the Superdome. Sunday Sept.18 5pm 2489 Mission St. Rm. 28...
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 7:03pm PDT
text"Hey Buddy, can I borrow a medic?" Military requests assistance from Radical Medics by Chuck Munson
The situation in Algiers got a bit more surreal this week when the U.S. military asked the anarchists for help in providing basic services to local residents. A medical military clinic commander asked the folks running the Common Ground Clinic if they could lend a few medics and doctors to the military until the military sets up a “permanent” health clinic on Newton Avenue on Monday....
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 2:50pm PDT
textThe Militarization of New Orleans: Jeremy Scahill Reports from Louisiana by Democracy Now (reposted)
We go to Louisiana to speak with Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill who has been in New Orleans this past week. He has been looking into how the city has changed to a militarized zone and what that means for the residents who left....
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 6:41am PDT
textRecovering New Orleans’ dead subordinated to profit and politics by wsws (reposted)
One of the essential tasks in a disaster recovery operation—after evacuation and care for the living—is the removal of the dead. This is essential both to prevent the spread of disease and to identify the remains of those who were lost. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, however, federal and state authorities did not even begin the process for more than a week....
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 6:37am PDT
textBush’s vision for New Orleans: a profiteer’s paradise by wsws (reposted)
Striding across a deserted field to a podium in Jackson Square, a landmark in a desolate city, President George W. Bush addressed the nation Thursday night in a rare nationally televised prime-time speech....
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 6:36am PDT
textUN Human Development Report pleads for reform as poverty and misery deepen by wsws (reposted)
The latest Human Development Report issued by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) documents the growing inequality and absolute decline in living standards and social conditions in large areas of the world....
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 6:35am PDT
textTrapped in New Orleans: Emergency Medical Worker Describes How Police Prevented Evacuation by Democracy Now (reposted)
We speak with emergency medical worker Lorrie Beth Slonsky who was in New Orleans attending a conference when hurricane Katrina hit. She describes how she spent most of the next week in New Orleans trapped by the flooding - and the police....
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 6:31am PDT
textBTL:People of New Orleans Fight for Voice in City's Reconstruction by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Interview with Steve Bradbury, community organizer with New Orleans ACORN, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus...
Posted: Fri, Sep 16, 2005 5:37am PDT
text10/16: Poor People's March by San Francisco Living Wage
What are you doing on Sunday, October 16 – "National Boss Day"? We hope that you will be joining us for the *Poor People's March* and the *Low-wage Workers Community Congress*....
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 10:33pm PDT
textMemorial Service for Homeless People Begins Sunday by Casey Mills via Beyond Chron (reposted)
1,993 men, women and children died homeless over the past 18 years – 149 died last year alone. This Sunday, a three-day memorial held to honor their lives will begin. Organized by Religious Witness with Homeless People, the event will include a 94-foot memorial wall bearing the names of every person who died on the streets, as well as vigils, sacred song and dance, and a reading of the wall’s names led by religious leaders. The service presents a rare opportunity for San Franciscans to honor ...
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 3:30pm PDT
textProfit system, not nature, main obstacle to rebuilding New Orleans by wsws (reposted)
With each passing day, the immense scale of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina emerges more clearly, along with the enormity of the effort required to rebuild homes and social infrastructure for nearly two million people. Nearly 700 bodies have been recovered so far, and the death toll seems certain to mount into the thousands as houses cut off by high water become accessible to search crews....
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 2:57pm PDT
textReport #3 from BARHC Caravan in New Orleans by Liz Highleyman
I'm posting an update on the Algiers Clinic, and how things have been going in New Orleans. We're now calling the clinic Common Ground, and we're referring to the staffing as part of the Mutual Aid Collective of Algiers....
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 12:27pm PDT
textKilling Americans By Health Care Policy by populist
Lack of health insurance kills Americans....
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 11:45am PDT
textOn the ground truth telling in Algiers, New Orleans by deanosor
A report/blog from Algiers, a neighghborhood of New Orleans unhit by floods. This blog speaks of grassroots mutual aid happening there....
Posted: Thu, Sep 15, 2005 3:47am PDT
textChertoff delayed federal response, memo shows by Pro-Impeachment
Michael Brown takes the fall: Federal official with the power to mobilize a massive federal response to Hurricane Katrina was Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, not former FEMA chief Brown....
Posted: Wed, Sep 14, 2005 6:15pm PDT
textReport #2 from BARHC Caravan in New Orleans by Liz Highleyman
The Common Ground medical and relief effort in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans continues at full speed....
Posted: Wed, Sep 14, 2005 4:29pm PDT
textBARHC Medics in Lousiana Call For Licensed Volunteer MD's (and possibly NP's) by rposted by BARHC in SF
Hey Everyone, This is Michael K writing from Algiers in New Orleans. We have had a tremendous outpouring of support, in terms of materials and spirit, from from folks in the immediate community, the local region, and nation-wide. The main concern now is for medical personal who can prescribe meds. Under the Louisiana state of emergency, all MDs who have active medical licenses in their home state have instant prescribing privileges here in Louisiana--simply bring copies of your license a...
Posted: Wed, Sep 14, 2005 9:48am PDT
text“They ordered the evacuation, but there were no buses, nothing” by wsws (reposted)
About one million people have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina, according to various reports. Most of the survivors have left New Orleans and the surrounding areas, dispersed throughout the country in emergency shelters, military bases and donated living spaces. A majority moved in with friends and family, and so their new location is not known. Nearly 60,000 remain displaced within Louisiana’s overburdened shelter system....
Posted: Tue, Sep 13, 2005 10:24pm PDT
textNew Orleans and poverty: a damning admission from the New York Times by wsws (reposted)
The newspaper that proclaims as its motto “All the news that’s fit to print” was forced to make a damning admission on Sunday. In answer to a reader’s query, the public editor of the New York Times was compelled to acknowledge that over the past decade the newspaper had done little to inform its readers about the desperate poverty and social inequality prevailing in New Orleans. Both were exposed conspicuously and tragically in the wake of Hurricane Katrina....
Posted: Tue, Sep 13, 2005 10:22pm PDT
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