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Newsitem List

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textWAR CRIMES: Prisoners Strapped to Tanks; Tanks Destroy Occupied Homes and Murder Prisoners by March for Palestinians
The Palestine Red Crescent Society confirmed today that Israeli occupation forces have killed at least thirty Palestinian civilians in Jenin's refugee camp today. Eyewitnesses inside the camp confirm that Israeli bulldozers have leveled the refugee camp's front row homes while the families were still inside....
Posted: Sat, Apr 6, 2002 1:16pm PST
textJoin Internationals in Palestine by Amir Terkel
More internationals are needed to witness and report from Palestine....
Posted: Sat, Apr 6, 2002 10:07am PST
text4/6 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. KPFA Flashpoints on Massacre in Palestine by March for Palestinians
Right now, April 6, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Flashpoints Special Edition, KPFA, 94.1 FM, we are hearing live reports of a massacre by Israel, with our tax dollars, of thousands of people in a refugee camp as tanks roll over their homes with people in them. These are civilians who did nothing to anyone. This is an offensive war to exterminate Palestinians and it was long-planned. Flashpoints is also at
Posted: Sat, Apr 6, 2002 8:41am PST
textThe road to war in the Mideast by Jeff
YOU CANNOT make sense of the Israeli-Palestinian war without first making sense of 1993....
Posted: Sat, Apr 6, 2002 12:31am PST
textOur Tax Dollars & Stinking Zionists by March for Palestinians
Our tax dollars at waste on the stinking Zionists who can be seen doing their evil deeds, with uniforms and weapons paid for by US taxpayers. See
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 10:53pm PST
textApril 9: National Campus Day of Action for Palestinian Rights by palestine
In response to increased Israeli military aggression and the total siege of Palestinian society, students across the country will hold a national day ofaction on April 9th. This national day of action, in solidarity with the people of Palestine, will demand university divestment from Israel and will commemorate the 1948 massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin....
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 10:35pm PST
textImpressions of 4/5 SF Demo at Israeli Consulate by Socialist
On April 5, 2002, hundreds of filthy rich parasites, mostly over age 60, turned out to support Israel at lunchtime in the Financial District of San Francisco, in front of the building that houses the Israeli consulate, among many other offices. These people are definitely not the downtrodden who live in workingclass neighborhoods; they are the the landlords and the business people in the Financial District....
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 7:39pm PST
textWomen in Black: Friday 4/5 Demonstration by SF Imcer
Stop Israeli Attacks on Palestine! Women in Black Demonstration today- Friday 4/5!...
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 2:32pm PST
textAbril 5: Nuevas Noticias de CMI-Palestine by GRUPO DE TRADUCCIÓN DE IMC
Abril 5: Nuevas Noticias de CMI-Palestine...
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 11:59am PST
textStones of Freedom Flying by Lawrence McGuire
This is a protest song for Palestine. Sing it. Record it. Pass it on....
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 8:17am PST
textDEMONSTRATION on Friday april 5: Defending the Palestinian People by marc
The emergency march and direct action from the Civic Center to the Israeli Consulate will start at around 1. There will be an Israeli Refusenick speaking at 12:30...
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 2:44am PST
textBTL: Continued Suicide Bombings and the Israeli Invasion of West Bank Cities... by Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Dr. Rania Masri, of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, who comments on the deepening crisis in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and reaction to the escalating violence in the Arab world....
Posted: Fri, Apr 5, 2002 2:25am PST
text The Bloody Battle of Bethlehem I by Robert Fisk
 The Bloody Battle of Bethlehem Israeli troops surround Church of the Nativity; Tanks enter city of Nablus...
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 11:32pm PST
text Letters: 'michtav shministim' by peacenik
The letter below was written by a group of Israeli youths (aged 15-18),declaring their intention to object to participating in the atrocities committed by the Israeli army....
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 11:26pm PST
textArafat's cover is now truly blown by David Warren
About 500 Palestinian men were arrested in and around Mr. Arafat's compound, dozens of whom were on Israel's lists of wanted terrorists....
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 7:34pm PST
textPalestinian Given Israeli Suicide Bomb Victim's Kidneys by reuters
A Palestinian woman received the kidneys of an Israeli victim of a suicide attack in a transplant operation Thursday. The victim, Zeev Vidor, died of his wounds a week after the attack by a Palestinian suicide bomber at a hotel in the seaside resort of Netanya as Israelis sat down for a traditional feast at the start of the Jewish Passover holiday....
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 1:06pm PST
textMatt Drudge Censors President Bush's Remarks by Josh
In a stunning and flagrant instance of media censorship, Matt Drudge today ran a headline entitled "Bush Text on the Middle East," and then entirely omitted President Bush's comments on Israel. Why is Matt Drudge censoring President Bush's text?...
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 12:50pm PST
textLong-Planned Invasion of Palestine by Socialist
The US and Israel planned this assault on Palestine long time ago. See the World Socialist Website editorial, "Chronology of a pogrom: How Sharon, US prepared assault on Palestinians", April 4, 2002, at:
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 6:39am PST
textUS Investments in Israel by Divest Time
This list of US investments in Israel, proudly listed on the website of the Israeli Embassy, as well as on the Boycott Israel site, clearly demonstrates that Israel is just a colony of the US, and when it comes to gifts of our tax dollars from the unanimous US Congress, it is the 49th state, having been admitted to the Union in 1948, when the UN/US created it as a bulwark against revolutionary struggle in the Middle East that could threaten US oil profits....
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 5:47am PST
textPalestine News by Marc
PA cabinet minister Erekat: 81 Palestinians killed since Friday and Details Emerge About American Woman Shot Dead By Israeli Soldiers...
Posted: Thu, Apr 4, 2002 2:14am PST
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