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Racial Justice
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textIt's the Policy [, Stupid] by charley reese
It's this kind of hypocrisy that galls people all over the Arab world. The Bush administration has sent a message about as clear as it can be that Israeli lives count, Arab lives do not....
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 10:15pm PDT
textThe Mysteries of 9/11 by SCOTT LOUGHREY
Why has none of the essential information about the hijacked flights been released: the list of passengers, black box recordings, flight data recorded by air traffic control facilities?...
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 8:54pm PDT
textA liberal student confronts the racist left at Brown. by Alex Schulman
Bantustan Brown By Alex Schulman October 2, 2002 On Wednesday, Sept. 25, I saw my name on Heraldsphere, the online message board arena of my school newspaper, the Brown Daily Herald, paired with another one of interest to both Brown students and SFIMC readers:...
Posted: Wed, Oct 2, 2002 6:31pm PDT
textIsraeli anti-Arab Racism extends to Jewish Arab citizens by Pat and Samir Twair
"It was taboo to speak Arabic in school and whenever teachers wanted to chastise us, they would refer to us as 'you Moroccan' or 'you Iraqi' or 'you Yemeni,'" Shohat recalled. "Jews from the Middle East were expected to abandon their Middle Eastern traits, so we grew up without studying our history or culture. It was all the more tragic for Palestinian Israelis, who couldn't even read about Arab history in textbooks."...
Posted: Tue, Oct 1, 2002 8:19pm PDT
textThe Jews of Iraq -- How the Mossad Caused the Flight of Many Jewish Iraqis by Naeim Giladi
I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called "cruel Zionism." I write about it ...
Posted: Tue, Oct 1, 2002 8:00pm PDT
textWas Mossad at least partly involved in causing Jews to flee Arab countries? by Edward C. Corrigan
One example of this campaign to "encourage" Zionist immigration were the bombs set off in Baghdad in 1950 to terrorize the Iraqi-Jewish community into fleeing their home of 2,500 years....
Posted: Tue, Oct 1, 2002 7:49pm PDT
textIndyMedia Manipulation and Islamists by Truth Seeker
Trouble in Indy media...
Posted: Tue, Oct 1, 2002 9:28am PDT
textArab-Americans In Israel: What ‘Special Relationship’? by JERRI BIRD
I first learned of the detention and torture of American citizens in 1998, when the case of Hashem Mufleh was brought to my attention. He was an 18-year-old, third-generation American born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sadly, he was severely tortured and was jailed for more than a year before he was expelled from the country. Other cases were soon referred to me and I have since been able to document a total of 13, two of whom remain in prison....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 11:13pm PDT
textHolocaust survivor sees survivors of Deir Yassin paraded but denies massacre by Robert Fisk
Israelis' denials about Deir Yassin is no more morally acceptable than neonazi denials of the Holocaust....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 3:22pm PDT
textDetails of Zionist massacre at Deir Yassin by ...
They gathered together the women and girls who were still alive, and after removing all their clothes, put them in open cars, driving them naked through the streets of the Jewish section of Jerusalem, where they were subjected to the mockery and insult of the onlookers. Many took photographs of those women....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 12:58am PDT
textVIDEO: Robert Fisk by Robert Fisk
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 7:19pm PDT
textVIDEO: Noam Chomsky on Israel and the Palestinians by ...
Very enlightening lecture....
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 11:54pm PDT
textIsrael wants Lebanon's water by Robert Fisk
under international law, the Lebanese may pump 35 million cubic meters of water a year, and that they intend to pump only 12 million. Other statistics suggest that the Lebanese already pump 7 million cubic meters further north and intend only to raise this figure to 9 million. But now Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister, has become involved in the whole affair, discussing with army officers the fate of the water project. One Israeli minister scoffed at the use of the army. "Are we g...
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 10:40pm PDT
textChosen for Conquest -- An Account of Deir Yassin and Israeli conquest by Joseph Sobran
A few of the Arabs of Deir Yassin were still alive. The Balls write, “The other surviving women and children were stripped, and with their hands above their heads, paraded in three open trucks up and down King George V Avenue in Jewish Jerusalem, where spectators spat on them and stoned them.”...
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 9:29pm PDT
textThe Mystique Of Iraq by Charley Reese
There is one flaw in this strategy, which most Americans have swallowed whole. The country that is the all-time world-class champion at failing to obey and at defying U.N. resolutions is Mr. Bush's favorite country, Israel. There is no way you can logically argue that failure to enforce about 70 resolutions against Israel does not jeopardize the United Nations, but failure to enforce 16 resolutions directed at Iraq would and is a just cause for war. The reason the United Nations has n...
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 9:19pm PDT
textA Call for World War IV by Joe Sobran
Alone among commentators, Podhoretz finds Bush a singularly eloquent man. Bush’s speeches inveighing against the “axis of evil” (Iraq, Iran, and North Korea) are, Podhoretz says, “enormously impressive”: one of them — the one announcing “war on terrorism” and the so-called Bush Doctrine — scaled “heights of sublimity” and “deserves to live forever.” Every president receives fulsome sycophancy, but this must set s...
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 9:16pm PDT
textWhy We Hate Them by Ann Coulter
I've been too busy fretting about "why they hate us" to follow the Democrats' latest objections to the war on terrorism. So it was nice to have Al Gore lay out their full traitorous case this week. To show we really mean business, Gore said we should not get sidetracked by a madman developing weapons of mass destruction who longs for our annihilation....
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 8:39pm PDT
textIsraeli Mythology -- Israel is the hapless victim always being attacked by its neighbors by ...
History has been shaped by pro-Israeli propagandists, who have been given a license to lie....
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 8:36pm PDT
textReaping the Whirlwind by SPLC Intelligence Report
"Now is not the time to promulgate propaganda intended to divide our people..." Gathered from Web pages, e-mail groups and other sources, are remarks from an array of right-wing groups and individuals from 2001. This second look highlights the tainted wellsprings of posionous rhetoric that continue to muddy the turbulent waters of today....
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 2:05pm PDT
textNoam Chomsky: Israel opposes a peaceful settlement by Noam Chomsky
...for 25 years the United States has barred the efforts of the international community to achieve a diplomatic settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict along the lines in the Saudi proposal adopted by the Arab League in March 2002.... The United States vetoed the resolution. Since then, Washington has regularly blocked similar initiatives. A majority of Americans support the political settlement reiterated in the Saudi plan....
Posted: Thu, Sep 26, 2002 12:13am PDT
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