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textIsraeli general 'can be tried' by BBC NEWS
A Belgian court has ruled that a case brought against an Israeli general for crimes against humanity can go ahead....
Posted: Tue, Jun 10, 2003 4:38pm PDT
textIsrael kills innocents in attempt to assasinate by Jefferson, et al
Israel tried to kill the public face of Hamas on Tuesday, killing several innocent civilians and wounding Palestinian militant leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi in a helicopter strike that drew vows of revenge from Hamas and fears for a new U.S.-backed peace plan....
Posted: Tue, Jun 10, 2003 2:57pm PDT
textIt's Not Just the Oil by Stanley Heller
We owe it to Americans to tell them the whole truth about Israel, that part of the war drive is being fueled by, yes, Israel and racist American Zionists....
Posted: Tue, Jun 10, 2003 2:33pm PDT
imageQuotes By Prominent Zionists Over The Years
by American Vet
'The Palestinian intifada is a war of national liberation. We Israelis enthusiastically chose to become a colonialist society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the occupied territories, engaging in theft and finding justification for all these activities ... we established an apartheid regime.' Michael Ben-Yair, Israeli attorney general in the1990s, quoted in The Guardian (U.K.), April 11, 2002...
Posted: Mon, Jun 9, 2003 1:22am PDT
textAUDIO: ISM Report: Terrorizing Tulkarem: Israeli Incursion Day 5 by ISM
Subtitle: Each week the ISM files reports and gives voice to Palestinians, providing a necessary forum for understanding and ending the human rights disaster in Occupied Palestine. Summary: Please distribute widely. Includes 35s announcement & first report filed on May 30th, 2003. Lenght: 8:23. Featuring: Charlotte & Osama (Palestinian Coordinator for ISM in Tulkarem) Type: News Report Recorded: 05/30/2003 Recorded At: Occupied Palestine Producer: ISM Uploaded By: ckut community...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 9:47pm PDT
textIsrael Defense Forces Order: Seizure of Lands and Other Missing Pieces of News by mddalton
Here is translation of IDF orders. Mainstream Media is now full of Palestinian terrorists. All month long I read reports from Israel & Palestine- IDF atrocities AND killings of women & children . I saw none no reports in USA Mainstream Medias nor this:...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 9:37pm PDT
For most of last month, the Gaza Strip was closed to everyone: foreigners, journalists (including CNN), diplomats. During the complete closure, Palestinians trapped inside reported intense Israeli attacks by sea, air and land, killing with impunity. KCUT report from West Bank ISM: 10m29s...
Posted: Sat, Jun 7, 2003 11:51pm PDT
imageIs Ariel Sharon a peace dove?
by Latuff
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror....
Posted: Sat, Jun 7, 2003 11:04pm PDT
image36th Anniversary of Israel's Attack on the USS Liberty
by Al
On June 8, 1967 the State of Israel ruthlessly attacked the US ship USS Liberty for over 2 hours in a combined air/sea operation during the Israeli's pre-emptive 1967 rout of the Arabs (this was the year the West Bank was first occupied by Israel). The incident, which cost 34 American lives was hushed up and never investigated by a Israeli occupied US Congress. Bamford's recent book 'Body of Secrets' looks at the incident with new information from the files of National Security Council ...
Posted: Sat, Jun 7, 2003 2:40pm PDT
textAnti-Semitism on SF-IMC by one of the editors
Some of it is black propaganda, posted by Zionists to smear SF-IMC, and to change the subject when people criticize Israel, Israelis or Zionism. Some of it is real anti-Semitism, posted by real anti-Semites. All of it is disgusting....
Posted: Sat, Jun 7, 2003 1:08pm PDT
textINTERNATIONAL WEEKEND OF ACTION FOR JUSTICE IN PALESTINE—Started JUNE 5, 2003 by Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel
Take Action This Weekend on Anniversary of the Israeli Occupation...
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 7:46pm PDT
imagePeace Road (by Latuff)
by Latuff
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror....
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:39pm PDT
textPaul N. McCloskey: Will President Bush Have the Courage to Stand Up to Ariel Sharon? by Paul N. McCloskey Jr
The fact that President Bush has personally conferred with Sharon in recent months more often than any other foreign leader, including Britain’s Tony Blair, is not lost upon people in the Arab and Muslim worlds. We simply cannot deny that they have every reason to blame the United States for our repeated refusal to require Israel to abide by U.N. resolutions and international law....
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 1:12am PDT
textFLASHPOINTS: LA 8 and Rainbow groceries and the boycott of Israel by
xx:xx Dennis Bernstein: introduction: International Action Day for Palestine; An International movement to boycott Israeli products; An update on Israeli nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu; A mock wall to protest Israel's new Apartheid Wall around Palestine; Young people from the Dahatia Refugee Camp speak out against the occupation; and the Knight Report....
Posted: Thu, Jun 5, 2003 11:09pm PDT
imageThe Peace Dove, Israeli Style (by Latuff)
by Latuff
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror....
Posted: Thu, Jun 5, 2003 10:00pm PDT
textThe Crushing of Palestinian Daily Lives by Silvia Sweidan
As the twin summits in Sharm Al Sheikh and Aqaba begin, some of us believe that the likelihood of a major breakthrough in the efforts to break the cycle of Israeli-Palestinian violence is unrealistic. The likelihood for "peace" is unrealistic without addressing the reality on the ground and issues of justice and human rights violations in the Occupied Territories. In addition, there can be no real peace without the serious implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions such as 19...
Posted: Thu, Jun 5, 2003 8:45am PDT
textUpcoming Events at New College by Jon Garfield
Thursday June 5, 6:00 PM at New College - FILM SCREENING and DISCUSSION: "PALESTINE IS STILL THE ISSUE" - An evening of film, discussion and poetry to benefit the International Solidarity Movement. More upcoming events at New College....
Posted: Wed, Jun 4, 2003 11:22pm PDT
textKucinich on Palestine-Israel by Chris Morales
While Kucinich doesn't make strong enough statements against the Israeli ethnic cleansing and slow genocide of the Palestinian people, perhaps this is as good as it gets for now. After seeing and hearing him from the audience at a cable TV show in Palo Alto last week, he seems like a very decent man--- let's hope there's room for decent people in our US politics and they get elected....
Posted: Tue, Jun 3, 2003 9:26pm PDT
videoPope calls for a "new world order" Again! (video/x-pn-realvideo 858.4KB) by xx
Here is the address John Paul II delivered today when receiving the letters of credence of Oded Ben-Hur, the new Israeli ambassador...
Posted: Tue, Jun 3, 2003 7:59pm PDT
textMcCarthyism in Action at Yale by Eliana Johnson
Mazin Qumsiyeh is a professor of genetics at the Yale Medical School and a hater of Israel, which he refers to as an apartheid state. Professor Qumsiyeh has recently indulged his hatred of Israel and its Jewish supporters in a manner remarkable for a university professor....
Posted: Tue, Jun 3, 2003 5:13am PDT
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