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Events and Posts
matching the search query norse

(sorted by date posted in reverse chronological order)

textVice-Mayor Bans Activists from Bookshop Santa Cruz by R. Coonerty (posted by B. Johnson & R. Norse)
Becky Johnson sends Vice-Mayor Ryan Coonerty an e-mail accusing him of adopted bigoted policies such as those espoused by a Sentinel hateletter writer. Coonerty promptly responds to Johnson's inquiring letter by banning her and Bernard Klitzner, HUFF activists, from his sister's Bookshop Santa Cruz. Johnson analyzes Coonerty's response....
Posted: Sun, Aug 26, 2007 12:53pm PDT
textStriking Back Against Sentinel/SCPD Smears and "Progressive" Silence on the Sleeping Ban by Robert Norse
A Public Records Act request to the SCPD on its City Hall activities during the "Respect the Constitution" Sleep-Out at City Hall last week and a Visit to the Sunday American Civil Liberties Union fundraiser in search of local civil liberties are coming up....
Posted: Thu, Aug 23, 2007 9:22am PDT
textCity Council Passes Resolution Preventing Vigilante Justice Against Homeless by Scent-anal Staff Writer
Perhaps bringing perspective on it all and praising the new Humane Ordinance was Homeless Garden Project Board Member, Mark Primack, stating, “Moderation and the hard work of coalition building are true activism, things that Argue and Norse know nothing about.”...
Posted: Tue, Aug 21, 2007 3:22pm PDT
textLong-Time Santa Cruz Tenant and Homeless Activist Explains the City Hall Sleep-Out by Donna Deiss (posted by Robert Norse)
Donna Deiss lives in her RV with her partner Shane. She co-founded the Tenants Rights Union of Santa Cruz when she had housing and helped dozens of people fight unjust evictions. During the week-long Sleep-Out at City Hall she and Shane provided bathroom facilities when the City refused to open its bathrooms at night as well as coffee in the morning. She is currently organizing folks living in their vehicles. The Sentinel printd this letter on Tuesday, August 21st. Contact her at 831-325...
Posted: Tue, Aug 21, 2007 10:52am PDT
textSleep Ban Fighters Regroup after Saturday Morning Police Raid by Robert Norse
A 3 AM raid by 8-10 police officers, with a follow-up by half a dozen an hour and a half later dispersed many of the homeless people sleeping at City Hall. At least four received citations for "illegal sleeping" even though the officers had no legal place for their victims to go--in the teeth of the Los Angeles Jones decision banning nighttime ticketing of sleepers and campers there. Some of those ticketed and some of the activists announced a meeting today 2 PM at the Firefly Cafe at 131 F...
Posted: Sat, Aug 18, 2007 7:40am PDT
textTrash Orchestra & "Santa Cruz Sit Ban" Video Tonight at Homeless City Hall Sleep Zone by Robert Norse
The city-famous Trash Orchestra has promised to tune up and turn us on at City Hall (809 Center St.) 6-9 PM Thursday August 16. In response, HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) will follow the Orchestra's percussive performance with a showing of the 1994 video "Sitting in Santa Cruz"- by Paul Brindel --on the smallest battery-run TV ever--. Bring blankets and opera glasses....
Posted: Thu, Aug 16, 2007 9:46am PDT
textHomies for the Homeless Sleep-Out Goes into 4th Night in Santa Cruz by Robert Norse
A persistent sleep-at-night, protest-during the day, assembly in front of Santa Cruz City Hall goes into its fourth night tonight Wednesday August 15th. Support, publicity, and solidarity are earnestly requested....
Posted: Wed, Aug 15, 2007 9:05am PDT
imageSunday April 12th Know Yr Rights, Feed, Film, and Sleep-Out at City Hall
by Robert Norse
The culmination of six weeks of organizing for a federal lawsuit against the Sleeping Ban will feature a Know Your Rights forum on the Sidewalk in front of Coonerty's BS Santacruz, followed by songs, stories, and celebrity speakers at City Hall, food and films, and late-night videos. Followed by a sleep-in. Followed by a "Meet the Mayor" line Monday morning. Bring Sleeping Bags, Cameras, Party Favors, and Friends! Homeless People Need Housed Support. Come on down!...
Posted: Mon, Aug 6, 2007 10:49pm PDT
textStreet Shit Sheet #169 by Robert Norse
The Street Shit Sheet is an occasional screed masquerading as a homeless newsletter written largely by Robert Norse. Past issues are available in hard copie in the Main Santa Cruz Library and as scattered pages on
Posted: Mon, Aug 6, 2007 10:19pm PDT
textPicket the Prejudiced: Week 6 at Book Shop Santa Cruz Sunday 2 PM August 5th by Robert Norse
Still no response from Vice-Mayor Coonerty on City Council silence while the SCPD steps up harassment and ticketing of vulnerable homeless under the City's unconstitutional 11 PM - 8:30 AM outdoor sleeping ban. This week we will be picketing the store and urging folks to either boycott the business or demand attorney Coonerty clarify how he and Santa Cruz can call themselves "progressive" when their "midnight wake-up"s violate the 8th Amendment--a practive already banned in Los Angeles, San ...
Posted: Sun, Aug 5, 2007 1:05am PDT
textCamp-Out Against the Coonerty Crackdown: 5th Sunday on the Sidewalk by Robert Norse
With new stats revealing SCPD tickets for "illegal sleeping" have doubled from a year ago, homeless activists and their housed supporters will be back in front of Vice-Mayor Ryan Coonerty's Bookshop Santa Cruz Sunday at 2 PM to build support for a Tent City at City Hall on August 12th. Come on down to 1520 Pacific to sign up and sing out!...
Posted: Fri, Jul 27, 2007 4:52pm PDT
textBuilding Towards Tent City: Week Four In Front of Coonerty's Bookshop by Robert Norse
HUFF voted to support a Sleep-Out Sunday August 12 at City Hall as we continue to table and demonstrate in front of Vice-Mayor Ryan Coonerty's workplace--Bookshop Santa Cruz. Since City Council refuses to hold its police department to the same human rights standard as Los Angeles and San Diego (i.e. not arresting homeless people at night), events will begin at City Hall Sunday nite....
Posted: Thu, Jul 19, 2007 10:55pm PDT
textBlack Street Hawker Busted for Badmouthing Business Downtown by Robert Norse
Jason Paschal, an African-American street tarot-card reader, called police after he was called a "nigger" and spat on by a man seen conferring with O'Neill's workers. Instead of the spitter behing apprehended, 5-6 SCPD officers handcuffed and jailed Paschal for "disturbing the peace" because of his outspoken criticism of O'Neill's....
Posted: Wed, Jul 18, 2007 12:11am PDT
textCoonerty's Camping Ban Versus the People & the Courts, Round Three by Robert Norse
Back to the Bookshop Santa Cruz (1520 Pacfic) for Civil Rights activists this Sunday at 2 PM July 15th. We'll be tabling, singing, soapboxing, and snacking in the Free Speech Zone next to the Statue of IWW Musical Saw Impressario and Activist Tom Scribner. Wanted: more homeless plaintiffs who want to sue the City for disturbing their peace and under the City's unconstitutional Sleeping Ban....
Posted: Sat, Jul 14, 2007 7:49am PDT
calendarPoet Harold Norse reads in celebration of 91st Birthday by Tate Swindell
The Beat Museum, 540 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 94133...
Event Date: Sun, Jul 15, 2007 2:00pm PDT
Posted: Mon, Jul 9, 2007 2:08pm PDT
textPoet Harold Norse's to read in celebration of 91st Birthday by Tate Swindell
Poet Harold Norse's to read in celebration of 91st Birthday Historic artwork and photographs of Beat Generation writers exhibited at Beat Museum...
Posted: Mon, Jul 9, 2007 2:04pm PDT
textRaising Issues at CoonertyLand: Sleeping Ban Protest/Tabling Sunday July 8 2 PM by Robert Norse
The Human Rights Organization, Housing Now! in Santa Cruz, Humanity for Homeless, and HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) will be tabling, trolling, and taking names in preparation for an Injunction allowing homeless people to sleep legally somewhere in Santa Cruz--as is currently the case by court order in Los Angeles, by settlement in San Diego, and by legislation in Richmond....
Posted: Thu, Jul 5, 2007 4:27pm PDT
textSanta Cruz Assemblyman Laird Backing Bush Build-Up to War on Iran? by Robert Norse
John Laird voted for AB 221 last month in the state Assembly, a bill disinvesting massive amounts of money in state pension funds from Iran unless and until the State Department certifies Iran "non-terrorist" and after it stops nuclear weapons development. Democrats like Laird are beating the war drums or going along. Sound familiar?...
Posted: Thu, Jul 5, 2007 4:08pm PDT
textRape Cover-Up in Santa Cruz? Greensite v. Rotkin on FRSC Sunday July 8 10AM by Robert Norse
Following up on three prior interviews with Commission for the Prevention of Violence Co-Founder & UCSC Rape Prevention Educatior Gillian Greensite, Greensite will debate former Santa Cruz Mayor and Public Safety Committee member Mike Rotkin on whether City Council and the City Manager are covering up bad SCPD work on rape....
Posted: Tue, Jul 3, 2007 8:02pm PDT
imagePublic Records, even just one? Only if you agree to pay!
by Thomas Leavitt
The Saga Continues... we are told that public records will be held hostage unless we pay up....
Posted: Sat, Jun 30, 2007 2:19pm PDT