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videoGene Wars (video/quicktime 9.1MB) by Agent Humble
6 minute quicktime video celebrating the diversity of tactics in the anti-biotech movement. Cameo by Jeremy Rifkin and music by Asian Dub Foundation....
Posted: Thu, Jun 19, 2003 7:42pm PDT
videoPart 2 (Attachment On: BBC TV-Dead in the water-The USS liberty story.) (video/x-pn-realvideo 20.3MB) by XX
Posted: Thu, Jun 19, 2003 2:54pm PDT
videoBBC TV-Dead in the water-The USS liberty story. (video/x-pn-realvideo 20.4MB) by XX
The U.S. and Israel conspire to sink the USS Liberty and blame it on Egypt. One problem the Liberty doesn't sink and she is able to get a radio message out. Then a coverup folows. This is the story....
Posted: Thu, Jun 19, 2003 2:54pm PDT
videoClancy Video Clip -- WTC 2 collapse (video/mpeg 17.0MB) by Anablep
The so-called "Clancy video" has been claimed to show a separate explosion at WTC 6 on 9/11/01. The actual video footage, aired later that day, shows that the "Clancy video" found on the web is merely an edited clip of the South Tower collapse. (21 seconds)...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 10:06am PDT
videoPatti Smith rocks Berkeley (Attachment On: More Patti Smith Pictures) (video/quicktime 10.3MB) by Steve Patt
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 9:36am PDT
videoWhat did the Bush Adminstration Know about planes as weapons? (video/x-pn-realvideo 4.5MB) by XX
President Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, and others have maintained, for example, that the intelligence reports collected before the attacks were vague and pointed to possible terrorist strikes abroad and not to the use of planes as weapons. "I don't think anybody could have predicted," Rice said in May, "that they would try to use an airplane as a missile." But here is a video and Transcript of the 911 Commission showing she lied....
Posted: Sat, Jun 14, 2003 10:32pm PDT
videoInterview with a Policeman (video/x-pn-realvideo 6.6MB) by Maotzu
A funny little ditty, I hope two minutes...
Posted: Wed, Jun 11, 2003 4:49pm PDT
videoFord Motor Co. Targeted (video/quicktime 21.0MB) by Bill Carpenter
Second front opened by environmentalists at Ford Motor Co. outlet in San Francisco on May 31st. 7 minute QT movie, 21 MB....
Posted: Tue, Jun 10, 2003 9:10am PDT
videoElite Republicans on the Muni? (video/quicktime 12.9MB) by Bill Carpenter
Sadaam Dog and his Elite Republican Guard make their way to the Castro. 3 min. QT movie. 13MB....
Posted: Tue, Jun 10, 2003 8:55am PDT
videodownload links (Attachment On: Indymedia Newsreal :: June 2003) (video/mpeg 11.5MB) by imc-satellite
Broadcast Quality versions (courtesy of http://movies01.arch...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 1:58pm PDT
videostream via Quicktime 6 (Attachment On: Indymedia Newsreal :: June 2003) (video/quicktime 0.2KB) by imc-satellite
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 1:58pm PDT
videoIndymedia Newsreal :: June 2003 (video/x-pn-realvideo-meta 0.1KB) by imc-satellite
Indymedia Newsreal -- a monthly news program -- for June, 2003. 27 minutes. "Antiwar Protest in Burlington, Vermont" / "No War for Tacos" / "American Dreams III" / "U.S. Courthouse Civil Disobedience" / "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Project" / "News Update: Costco in Cuernavaca"...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 1:58pm PDT
video Bechtel SF Action 6-5 (video/x-pn-realvideo 7.7MB) by Phil Ritter
2 min video 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM...
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 6:17pm PDT
videoOakland High School Students Speak Out (Attachment On: Video: Oakland High students speak out against repression) (video/x-msvideo 5.9MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
videoOakland High School Students Speak Out (Attachment On: Video: Oakland High students speak out against repression) (video/x-msvideo 8.8MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
videoOakland High School Students Speak Out (Attachment On: Video: Oakland High students speak out against repression) (video/x-msvideo 3.7MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
videoVideo: Oakland High students speak out against repression (video/x-msvideo 8.0MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Oakland High School students led a lunchtime speak out today to protest repression on campus. Student leaders took the microphone to blast Principle Monk’s responses to student organizing, including: suspending students who passed out fliers about student anti-war walkouts, installing barbed wire on fences to prevent students from climbing them during walkouts, silencing dissent in classroom discussions, and eagerly cooperating with the Secret Service to come into the school and interrogate t...
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
videoBechtel Blockaded! (video/quicktime 15.5MB) by Bill Carpenter
The Bay Area turned out June 5th to call attention to the nefarious business practices of Bechtel. Part One: Blockaded! 15MB QT movie. 3 min....
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 2:50pm PDT
videoPro war song culture jammed (video/quicktime 6.3MB) by fly
Here's the video that Clint Black doesn't want you to see. The Song is called "Iraq and I roll", a pro war, song popular on the country charts. Check it out. Nice culture jamming of fascist artist....
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 9:52am PDT
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