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Newsitem List

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videoOakland High School Students Speak Out (Attachment On: Video: Oakland High students speak out against repression) (video/x-msvideo 8.8MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
videoOakland High School Students Speak Out (Attachment On: Video: Oakland High students speak out against repression) (video/x-msvideo 5.9MB) by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Posted: Fri, Jun 6, 2003 5:41pm PDT
videoSFState Sit In (video/quicktime 947.1KB) by Rocco
Students Sit In at the Administration Building at 2:30. They plan to stay a while....
Posted: Mon, Mar 24, 2003 10:11pm PST
videoGeneral Union of Palestine Students Statement Regarding May 7th (video/mpeg 776.0KB) by sfgups
The media has misrepresented what really happened on May 7th at the General Union of Palestine Students protest at SFSU. Here is a summary of what really happened....
Posted: Tue, May 21, 2002 12:40pm PDT
videoChants heard at protest: (Attachment On: General Union of Palestine Students Statement Regarding May 7th) (video/mpeg 160.0KB) by sfgups
Pro-Palestinian Supporters yelling: Free Palestine (non racial, NOT Anti semetic chant) End the occupation now (non racial, NOT Anti semetic chant) Zionist o...
Posted: Tue, May 21, 2002 12:40pm PDT
videoPalestine Demonstration @ UCB Wheeler pt.2 (video/x-pn-realvideo 2.1MB) by Whispered Media
Speakers and Direct Action at UC Berkeley on April 9, 2002 at a Bay Area demonstration as part of a national day of action in response to Israeli military aggression and commemorating the 1948 massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin....
Posted: Tue, Apr 9, 2002 6:56pm PDT
videoPalestine Demonstration @ UCB Wheeler (video/x-pn-realvideo 227.7KB) by Whispered Media
Speakers and Direct Action at UC Berkeley on April 9, 2002 at a Bay Area demonstration as part of a national day of action in response to Israeli military aggression and commemorating the 1948 massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin....
Posted: Tue, Apr 9, 2002 6:46pm PDT
videoUCB Wheeler Hall Occupied, Cops Move In! 4/9/02 (video/x-pn-realvideo 5.5MB) by Dan Mattson
After pro-Palestinian Rally at Spraul Plaza at UC Berkeley today, a march set off through the campus. This ended at Wheeler Hall, which was quickly occupied by about 200 students as a second rally commenced on the steps. The cops soon arrived and sealed the buliding. Here is a 4:17 min video from Wheeler Hall....
Posted: Tue, Apr 9, 2002 4:09pm PDT
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