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Newsitem List

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imageFresno, CA: County stiffs workers
by Indybay
Fresno County supervisors gave 11,000 home care workers a small raise above minimum wage last week, but didn't sign a union contract. This, despite the fact that 90% voted to join the SEIU Local 250. Details | SEIU Local 250...
Posted: Thu, Jul 3, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageFresno, CA: County stiffs workers
by Indybay
Fresno County supervisors gave 11,000 home care workers a small raise above minimum wage last week, but didn't sign a union contract. This, despite the fact that 90% voted to join the SEIU Local 250. Details | SEIU Local 250...
Posted: Wed, Jul 2, 2003 12:00am PDT
imagegavin newsom engages in queer bashing
by Indybay
Radical queer activists brought their critique of the corporatization of the gay pride celebration into the parade Sunday afternoon. The activists peacefully joined the parade at 7th and Market Streets to carry a banner that read, “Queer mutiny - not consumer unity.” About twenty protestors marched on the parade route for less than 5 minutes. The protestors dispersed when the police asked them to return to the sidewalk. Unfortunately, six activists were arrested before they were a...
Posted: Sun, Jun 29, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageIt's Good To Be Gay,
by Indybay
On Thursday, June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas sodomy law that made it a crime for people of the same sex to engage in "deviate sexual intercourse." Lawrence v. Texas gives Gay rights advocates a major victory, and Gay people everywhere cause for celebration. But the struggle is not over. Radical Queers, in the spirit of the great Harry Hay, continue to push the bounderies of liberation beyond mere identity politics, and to raise class consciousness among people ev...
Posted: Sat, Jun 28, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageEU Resistance in Greece
EU Resistance in Greece
by Indybay
From June 19-21, the self-declared bosses of Europe will gather on the Sithonia peninsula in Greece to confirm their pre-taken decisions regarding the expansion of Fortress Europe, the continuation of repression and the post 9/11 witch hunt. They will not do so without a fight! Protestors have gathered in the city of Thessaloniki (125 km from the summit site), which together with Chalkidiki will be the epicenter for the mobilizations. The city is already buzzing with thousands of people from ...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageal-Fallujah Massacre Unprovoked
by Indybay
6/17: An 18-page report released by Human Rights Watch clearly states that "they did not find conclusive evidence of bullet damage" on the school where soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division were allegedly fire upon by Iraqi protestors. U.S. soldiers killed 20 protestors and wounded 90 during demonstrations in al-Fallujah on 4/28 and 4/30. On 6/18, U.S. troops shot and killed several rock-throwing Iraqi protestors in Baghdad....
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageFruitvale anti-war march
Hundreds marched in Fruitvale against war and racist scapegoating
by Indybay
Hundreds gathered in Oakland's Fruitvale District for a march and rally to protest the wars in Iraq and the Philippines, and racist, anti-immigrant policies of the Bush administration in the United States. Photos & Video | IMC Philippines | Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition Against the War...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imagePatti Smith anti-war benefit concert
Patti Smith performed on 6/15 for thousands in an anti-war benefit concert
by Indybay
Thousands gathered in Berkeley on 6/15 to listen to punk rock heroine Patti Smith and others during an anti-war benefit concert for ANSWER. Photos & Video: 1 - 2 - 3 | Why Patti Smith Mattered...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageal-Fallujah Massacre Unprovoked
by Indybay
6/17: An 18-page report released by Human Rights Watch clearly states that "they did not find conclusive evidence of bullet damage" on the school where soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division were allegedly fire upon by Iraqi protestors. U.S. soldiers killed 20 protestors and wounded 90 during demonstrations in al-Fallujah on 4/28 and 4/30. On 6/18, U.S. troops shot and killed several rock-throwing Iraqi protestors in Baghdad....
Posted: Wed, Jun 18, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageEU Resistance in Greece
EU Resistance in Greece
by Indybay
From June 19-21, the self-declared bosses of Europe will gather on the Sithonia peninsula in Greece to confirm their pre-taken decisions regarding the expansion of Fortress Europe, the continuation of repression and the post 9/11 witch hunt. They will not do so without a fight! Protestors have gathered in the city of Thessaloniki (125 km from the summit site), which together with Chalkidiki will be the epicenter for the mobilizations. The city is already buzzing with thousands of people from ...
Posted: Wed, Jun 18, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageAnti-war Movement Retrospective
by Indybay
Since October 6th 2003, the San Francisco anti-war movement has played an integral role in demanding an end to US international aggression and domestic repression. In this half hour documentary produced by Pauline Bartolone and Sarah Olson, the most influential figures in the San Francisco peace movement tell us the story of their mobilization since Oct 2002. Their voices are weaved into sounds from the street, highlighting the emotions of the most intense anti war movement in the US. Full re...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageConscientious Objector Charged as Deserter
by Indybay
Marine Reservist and Conscientious Objector Stephen Funk, who declared his CO status publicly on 4/1, is being charges with desertion under Art. 85 of the UCMJ. Funk was Unauthorized Absence (UA) for 47 days and told his command in advance that he would not be appearing for duty, would prepare his CO application, and turn himself in when completed. Funk has said, "I refuse to kill," says the twenty-year-old reservist. "It is scary to confront the military, because the military teaches you to ...
Posted: Tue, Jun 3, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageCity Lights' 50th Anniversary
City Lights celebrated its 50th anniversary on 6/15 in San Francisco
by Indybay
Columbus avenue in front of City Lights and Vesuvio Cafe was closed on 6/8 for a street fair to celebrate the bookstore's anniversary. In 1957 City Lights publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti was the defendant in a landmark obscenity case over the publication of Alan Ginsberg's poem "Howl." Ferlinghetti's victory in this case allowed for greater freedom of speech in publishing. Photos | City Lights | Allen Ginsberg...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageFruitvale anti-war march
Hundreds marched in Fruitvale against war and racist scapegoating
by Indybay
Hundreds gathered in Oakland's Fruitvale District for a march and rally to protest the wars in Iraq and the Philippines, and racist, anti-immigrant policies of the Bush administration in the United States. Photos & Video | IMC Philippines | Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition Against the War...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imagePatti Smith anti-war benefit concert
Patti Smith performed on 6/15 for thousands in an anti-war benefit concert
by Indybay
Thousands gathered in Berkeley on 6/15 to listen to punk rock heroine Patti Smith and others during an anti-war benefit concert for ANSWER. Photos & Video: 1 - 2 - 3 | Why Patti Smith Mattered...
Posted: Mon, Jun 16, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageBechtel Murder for Profit to be Stopped
by Indybay
6/5/2003: Several hundred protesters gathered at Bechtel headquarters in San Francisco at 7 AM Thursday and blockaded the entrances. While over a hundred police managed to open the building after a few hours, many Bechtel employees were told by their employer to take the day off. Reports: 1 | Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 It would be easier to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq these days than any shred of democracy. The U.S. has imposed a repressive occupation on the people of ...
Posted: Thu, May 29, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageJerry Brown Attempts to Evict Oakland Arts Organization
by Indybay
The latest target of Mayor Jerry Brown's gentrification efforts is the the Alice Arts Center. Brown plans to displace the 50 residents and the 22 arts organizatioins that call the Alice Arts Center home to expand his charter school. The Alice Arts Center has been home to the multicultural arts community of Oakland for more than 20 years. On May 27th there was a demonstartion to save the Alice Arts Center. More Info...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageYouth Interrogated by Secret Service; Demand Right to Express Political Dissent
by Indybay
On 6/6, Oakland High School students led a lunchtime speak out to protest repression on campus. Students took the microphone to blast Principal Mok's responses to student organizing, including: suspending students who passed out fliers about anti-war walkouts, installing barbed wire on fences to prevent students from climbing them during walkouts, silencing dissent in classroom discussions, and eagerly cooperating with the Secret Service to come into the school and interrogate two students. V...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageOn March 20th, a war began... in San Francisco
shut it down
by Indybay
What happens when a trigger-happy cowboy with a pocket full of loot aims his guns on an oil-rich, people-poor nation? "We Interrupt This Empire..." is a collaborative work by Bay Area independent video activists which documents the direct actions that shut down the financial district of San Francisco in the weeks following the United States' invasion of Iraq. With the audio backdrop including live broadcasts of Enemy Combatant Radio from the SF-IMC, the documentary takes a look at the div...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 12:00am PDT
imageJerry Brown Attempts to Evict Oakland Arts Organization
by Indybay
The latest target of Mayor Jerry Brown's gentrification efforts is the the Alice Arts Center. Brown plans to displace the 50 residents and the 22 arts organizatioins that call the Alice Arts Center home to expand his charter school. The Alice Arts Center has been home to the multicultural arts community of Oakland for more than 20 years. On May 27th there was a demonstartion to save the Alice Arts Center. More Info...
Posted: Sun, Jun 8, 2003 12:00am PDT
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