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imageFor more on Bensky (Comment On: FREEDOM TO SPEAK BENSKY'S LANGUAGE!) by JA -- Larry Bensky's CIA link?
West-Bloc Dissident Book & KPFA's Hidden History by bob feldman
Posted: Tue, Jun 28, 2005 8:58pm PDT
imageMy Favorite Game (Comment On: FREEDOM TO SPEAK BENSKY'S LANGUAGE!)
by JA
In 1996, Ebonics waz ofisaly rekonisd by the Oakland Skool Bored as naitive laingwhich of AfricanAmerican chuldren. Itz estamtid ova fifdy million peoples sp...
Posted: Thu, Jun 30, 2005 12:29pm PDT
imageCase made -- posted by a fan of Larry Bensky: (Comment On: FREEDOM TO SPEAK BENSKY'S LANGUAGE!) by white racist forger
My Favorite Game by JA Thursday Jun 30th, 2005 12:29 PM...
Posted: Mon, Jul 13, 2009 1:23pm PDT
imageMore on Larry Bensky of KPFA (Pacifica Radio), Berkeley, Ca.: (Comment On: FREEDOM TO SPEAK BENSKY'S LANGUAGE!) by KPFK Listener (repost) I really haven't followed Bensky and so cannot generalize about his career or programming, but I did ha...
Posted: Mon, Jul 13, 2009 3:04pm PDT
textNO PIECE OF CAKE by Bill Brent
Political poem/rant © 2004 by Bill Brent...
Posted: Fri, Nov 12, 2004 1:36pm PST
textSeeds of the Streets Tonight by Sunny
Come out tonight to support your local YMCA! Check out artwork, performances and projects by local youth....
Posted: Fri, Nov 12, 2004 10:45am PST
textBerkeley Critical Mass today 5:30pm by bicycle power
Gather at 5:30pm at Downtown Berkeley BART. Ride begins around 6:15pm...
Posted: Fri, Nov 12, 2004 3:53am PST
imageWe The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism
by Fault Lines
Join Fault Lines newspaper and Indybay for a day of powerful music, inspiration and activism at the second annual We the Planet festival at Oakland's Henry J. Kaiser Center on Saturday, November 13th!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 1:33pm PST
imageoverpriced crap (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by om
What a bunch of over-priced crap. At 30 dollars a head, I am sure the coup and roots will be minstreling for a sea of white heads. I didn't think they would...
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 2:57pm PST
imageBut... (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by mark
you can subscribe to Fault Lines and get a free tick... only problem is you have to hang out w/ all the people who did buy the overpriced ticks :(...
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 3:14pm PST
imagenot a bad deal at all (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by dave id
shoot, I've seen The Coup numerous times over the years, and I'm sure I've shelled out around 20 bucks to see just them before in SF (and the only beneficiary o...
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 3:45pm PST
imageRe: But... (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by subscription for ticket deal is over
You missed your chance...the Faultlines subscription deal is over cuz the event is starting.... but you can still show up and pay at the door, I guess. FL and ...
Posted: Sat, Nov 13, 2004 2:01pm PST
image(ot) MIAMI MODEL (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by doca
Sorry for the not particularly relevant post, however I am desperatly in search of a decent quality version of the Miami Model Documentary. Unfortunately the fo...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 2:49am PST
imagemiami model (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by Liam
You can order miami model from or if you stop by the Fault Lines meeting tonight at 7 pm at the IMC, someone can sell you the DVD...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 2:05pm PST
imageJulia Hill strip show was good (Comment On: We The Planet 2004: A Festival of Music Consciousness and Activism) by kevin
if you went to the cast party you got a real eye full julie and Aya are I guess ex-strippers and have still got it...
Posted: Mon, Nov 22, 2004 1:46am PST
textRepublicans Celebrate in SF Nov. 14th by repost
Join Richard Riordan, Caspar Weinberger and Friends as they celebrate 4 more years of international war and class war....
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 1:23pm PST
imageLet's all show up.... but just remember Kerry would have been a war monger too. (Comment On: Republicans Celebrate in SF Nov. 14th) by Adam Richmond
Says Mr. Kerry: I know this is a difficult time for my supporters, but I ask them, all of you, to join me in doing that. Now, more than ever, with our soldi...
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 4:17pm PST
imagewise up kids. (Comment On: Republicans Celebrate in SF Nov. 14th) by at the effin' wax museum?
on the Wharf? you've been pantsed. yeah I'm goin' down to the wax museum for the big protest. I bet they're REALLY going to Hooters. Much classier....
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 11:40pm PST
image11/11 Community Night Funky Puppet Supper
by Satan
Sick of Bush Art? Sick of expensive cabaret shows? Need a break from reality so you can contemplate themes of evil, greed, revenge? Want to watch rich braggards get their just desserts? Then you need to hit up The Devil Take Them!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 11, 2004 12:36pm PST
textCat Stevens wins peace prize by sources
ROME, Italy (AP) -- The singer once known as Cat Stevens -- branded by the United States as a potential terrorist risk -- has been awarded a peace prize in Rome for his humanitarian work. Mikhail Gorbachev presented Yusuf Islam with the "Man for Peace" award at the opening of a meeting of Nobel Peace Prize laureates....
Posted: Wed, Nov 10, 2004 6:17pm PST
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