Animal Liberation
Animal Liberation
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Newsitem List

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Bay Area Vegetarians March Newsletter...
Posted: Sat, Mar 5, 2005 9:41pm PST
textActivists to ask Wolfgang Puck to Stop Torturing Ducks by Ariana
Join compassionate activists tomorrow outside of Wolfgang Puck's Postrio restaurant to ask Puck to stop selling two products of egregious animal cruelty: foie gras and white veal. Educate patrons of his restaurant and passers-by about the trauma veal calves and birds raised for foie gras endure for Puck's menu....
Posted: Fri, Mar 4, 2005 2:31pm PST
textLocal KFC Protest Demos Suspended for March! (feed-ins still on) by Tammy & Chris
Urgent update from PETA on KFC campaign...
Posted: Tue, Mar 1, 2005 7:23am PST
textUPDATE: State Fair Board hearing re animal welfare policies by Eric Mills
Thanks to the 10 stalwarts who attended yesterday's hearing at Cal Expo and spoke in support of the proposed changes in the State Fair's "Animal Welfare Handbook" (Virginia Handley, Curt Ransom, Nicole Paquette, Karen Raasch, Nancy Hartwig, Don Knutson, Carol Gage, Cris Kelly, Michael Christopher, Wendy Namisnik, and myself).  We did well in making our case, methinks.  Whether the Fair acts upon it favorably or not remains to be seen.  There was only one speaker in favor of the stat...
Posted: Tue, Mar 1, 2005 1:53am PST
textNeed Petition Signatures for AR Programming on KPFA by Kate Danaher
*Please sign & circulate*...
Posted: Sun, Feb 27, 2005 1:24pm PST
imageEast Bay Animal Advocates' Veggie Feed-In in Oakland 2/26: photos
by dave id
East Bay Animal Advocates sponsored a vegetarian feed-in at the KFC at 470 Lake Park Avenue, right by the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland. Outside the fast food restaurant, volunteers served vegetarian 'turkey' to passers-by and distributed pamphlets with information on the inhumane treatment of factory-farmed animals....
Posted: Sat, Feb 26, 2005 9:23pm PST
textoppose former lobbyist for cattle ranchers on the 9th Circuit federal court by Thea Langsam
Posted: Fri, Feb 25, 2005 4:26pm PST
textclosing of Sonoma Saveurs celebrated! by paris
Although drizzly at times....nothing could rain on this parade! The closing of the foie gras entrenched restaurant Sonoma Saveurs was cause for activists to come from far and wide to celebrate!...
Posted: Fri, Feb 25, 2005 3:10pm PST
text425-pound tiger hunted and killed in LA by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Tiger shot in California -- LA Times front page 2/24/05...
Posted: Thu, Feb 24, 2005 2:29pm PST
textThis Week's Bay Area Events by In Defense of Animals
The Bay Area certainly is a hotbed of animal rights activity. Just look at this week's list of exciting events! We hope you can make it to one or more....
Posted: Wed, Feb 23, 2005 8:28pm PST
imageAnti-Authoritarians Protest Wet Seal Slaughterers: Photos
by DAAA Collective
Activists with Peta, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and the DAAA Collective, (Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians), protested today the use of rabbit fur at ‘hip’ clothing store Wet Seal in Modesto, and the fur trade in general......
Posted: Tue, Feb 22, 2005 5:52pm PST
textRocket Dog Rescue's 4th Annual Cocktail Party by Valerie M.
Rocket Dog Rescue's 4th Annual Cocktail Party charity event. Come have a "dog-tini”, listen to great music, mingle with the very hippest dog rescue group in town, all to benefit our wonderful rescued dogs! . With all proceeds from this and other upcoming fundraising events, Rocket Dog Rescue will purchase and convert a warehouse in San Francisco into a fully functioning No Kill Urban Sanctuary for dogs....
Posted: Tue, Feb 22, 2005 10:08am PST
textAnti-Authoritarians Protest Wet Seal Slaughterers by DAAA Collective
Activists with Peta, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and the DAAA Collective, (Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians), protested today the use of rabbit fur at ‘hip’ clothing store Wet Seal, and the fur trade in general......
Posted: Sun, Feb 20, 2005 12:29am PST
textEat Veg? by Tammy
Free Vegetarian Restaurant and Services Guide for Bay Area...
Posted: Sat, Feb 19, 2005 9:29am PST
imageIngrid Newkirk of PETA speaks in SF: photos and full audio
by dave id
The founder and president of the largest animal rights group in the world spoke at A Clean, Well-Lighted Place for Books Thursday, February 17, 2005....
Posted: Fri, Feb 18, 2005 10:17pm PST
textSee a circus that doesn't use animals by Mat Thomas
If you haven't been to the circus lately because you don't want to support animal abuse, then check out Circo Zero - a nouveau circus that doesn't use animals. Most "new" circuses choose not to use animals in part as a protest against the exploitation of performing animals, making it a fantastic form of entertainment that all animal advocates can enjoy & support....
Posted: Fri, Feb 18, 2005 11:18am PST
textEcopalooza 2005 by Nathan Braun
Ecopalooza 2005 - Green Living, Alt. Architecture & Wicked Tunes Sat Sep 24 to Sun Sep 25, 2005, Ukiah, California...
Posted: Fri, Feb 18, 2005 11:13am PST
textIDA News: 2-16-05 by Mat Thomas - IDA
Every animal is a unique individual with a right to live free from pain. Tragically, many innocent animals are victimized by humans who don't understand or respect their value as living beings. IDA has therefore created places of refuge to protect animals from violence. Both IDA's Project Hope in Mississippi and IDA-Africa's Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon provide a safe environment that allows animals to experience the care and love they need to be healthy and happy. Yo...
Posted: Thu, Feb 17, 2005 5:41pm PST
textThis Week's Bay Area Events by IDA
There are plenty of exciting opportunities this week to help animals, whether you take to the streets or stay in to write letters. From lectures and protests to animal-free circuses and fundraising cocktail parties, there's something for everyone:...
Posted: Thu, Feb 17, 2005 5:32pm PST
textBAV Meat-Out Plans by Tammy
Just an update on what a few of us met and talked about a couple of weeks ago......
Posted: Thu, Feb 17, 2005 5:16pm PST
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