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Newsitem List

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textRadical Queers at J18 SF by annie d.
Radical queers and the fine people of Gay Shame will form a post-march parade at 2pm at Grove and Polk!!!!!!!...
Posted: Fri, Jan 17, 2003 12:38am PST
On Jan 18, brightpathvideo will be "live streaming" the massive SF Peace March from 2 wi-fi spots on Market St....
Posted: Fri, Jan 17, 2003 12:31am PST
textPink Bloc by Gay Shame
Gay Shame joining Black Bloc at Anti-War demo Jan Sat 18 2003...
Posted: Thu, Jan 16, 2003 11:54pm PST
textJan 18: Expanded Public Transit by Peacenik
Public transit is expanding to help make possible the largest peace march in San Francisco history on January 18, 2003, and the weather is cooperating beautifully as well with gorgeous sunshine and 60 degree temperatures. Since it is snowing in DC, we have to outdo ourselves in making sure one million people march for peace in San Francisco on January 18, 2003....
Posted: Thu, Jan 16, 2003 7:51pm PST
text::: J18 BoomBox Orchestra for Peace ::: by culture jammer local #643
BoomBox Orchestra Jammers Unite on Jan. 18 to drown out the noise of current U.S./ Corporate warmongering and to honor the monumental work of MLK !...
Posted: Thu, Jan 16, 2003 12:48pm PST
textOakland and San Francisco Teachers Organize Teach-Ins on the War. by Oak for Jonah
I think many of us remembered why we became teachers, to change the world, to build a better future, to awaken a sleeping country of materialists and individualists......
Posted: Thu, Jan 16, 2003 12:05pm PST
video2. Homeland Security Clones first stop is 16th & Mission (video/quicktime 14.5MB) by Bill Carpenter
After basic training (see #1), the HS Clones tried recruiting San Franciscans at 16th & Mission. 3 min. QT movie, 14 MB....
Posted: Thu, Jan 16, 2003 8:47am PST
textAnti-War Unity For Jan 18 Feb 15 and beyond.J18Volunteers by ANSWER
·Building Anti-War Unity For Jan. 18, Feb. 15 and beyond ·Jan. 18 Volunteer Orientations ·Letter from Elias Rashmawi ·The Cairo Declaration Against U.S. Hegemony and War on Iraq and In Solidarity with Palestine ·Demonstrations Around the World on Jan. 18...
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 9:57pm PST
text30 Yr Abortion Victory Celebrated at Jan 18 March by Peacenik
Thirty years ago, on January 22, 1973, American women won our right to a safe and legal abortion with the majority decision in Roe v. Wade. Our peace march will commemorate that major advance for women, which can certainly be attributed to the success of the momentum of the peace movement against the Vietnam War which gave re-birth to the women’s and gay liberation movements and broadened their strength and agenda to previously unimagined possibilities....
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 7:06pm PST
textSF Indymedia Support for Upcoming Protests by sf indymedia
This is information about SF-IMC's plans for open space hours and streaming radio during the upcoming protests on the 18th and after. This was sent out to our mailing list and is being reposted here so we can link to it....
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 6:25pm PST
textPalestine Solidarity Contingent by SUSTAIN
Join the Palestine Solidarity Contigent to testify that Palestine is ALREADY at war, and facing escalating attacks as the war against the Iraqis draws near. Justice for Iraqis is inextricably linked to justice for the Palestinians....
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 2:23pm PST
Volunteers from the new Department of Homeland Security will Monitor the Jan. 18th march, display the new Mobile Detention Facility (MDC) and help protect corporate offices....
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 2:03pm PST
textOakland Schools Teach-ins on Iraq a Huge Success!! by Jonah Zern
(media is below Articles on Launch, contact people and Text of School Board Resolution Included, Tribune article included front page spectacular picture, which included a poster with all the info about Saturday's Anti-War Rally at 11AM, Embarcadero) Yesterday's teach-ins on Iraq sponsored by Oakland School District and the Oakland Education Association were an enormous success, including a corporate media manufactured controversy! We had about 75 presenters and about 200 presentations all...
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 1:17pm PST
textRACE Events: Anti-Authoritarians and Algeria & Palestine by Carwil James
RACE presents a series of events on anarchists and movements for national liberation. How can anarchists support liberation in Palestine? Which strategies are effective in bringing long-term liberation? Three session study group on difficulty questions and real choices, plus film screening...
Posted: Wed, Jan 15, 2003 12:47pm PST
textUpdate: West Coast Anti-war Student Conference by Mike E.
Update on West Coast anti-war Student Conference at San Francisco State....
Posted: Tue, Jan 14, 2003 5:56pm PST
textNew Faces, Including Many Conservatives, Join Anti-War Movement by Jennifer Carnig
``What the Bush administration is doing in unprecedented. We've never in our history attacked a sovereign nation that didn't show us prior aggression. I think that's why our movement is gaining so much support. In Vietnam we could say we had the fig leaf of supporting the South Vietnamese. Here, we don't have anything.''...
Posted: Tue, Jan 14, 2003 1:43pm PST
imageMountain View Peace March
by Charles Slay
A march and rally against the impending war against Iraq was held in downtown Mountain View Saturday, January 11....
Posted: Sun, Jan 12, 2003 8:46pm PST
textThis Sunday Jan 12 at 2pm Power of Women! East Bay POW!EB by Michel
Please join us at 2PM --- >>> Sunday Jan 12th, 2003 at The Temescal Cafe 4920 Telegraph Ave for a meeting to discuss ideas/plans for Jan 18th and beyond. >POW!EB - Inspire each other to Create Peace in Our Community - stay connected and discuss plans etc online! Create Community/Peace and Have Fun Doing it! >>Info
Posted: Sat, Jan 11, 2003 11:09pm PST
imageAnother War is Possible, seen in Berkeley
by shutterbug
I recently saw this poster hanging up near Shattuck and Center in Berkeley, so I grabbed a picture of it....
Posted: Sat, Jan 11, 2003 1:08am PST
imageEnd INS Registrations & Detentions
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Hundreds gathered outside of the SF INS building on Friday, January 10 to demand an end to INS registrations, detentions, and roundups....
Posted: Fri, Jan 10, 2003 6:13pm PST
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