Animal Liberation
Animal Liberation
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Newsitem List

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textEBAA May 2005 Datebook by Christine
Posted: Mon, May 2, 2005 11:20am PDT
textJ-Lo's movie opening target of anti-fur protests by karen dawn
DawnWatch: USA Today coverage of J-Lo film opening focuses on fur protests -- 5/2/05...
Posted: Mon, May 2, 2005 10:30am PDT
textLast Chicago elephant dies on way to another zoo by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Last Chicago elephant dies on way to another zoo -- Front page Chicago Tribune 5/2/05...
Posted: Mon, May 2, 2005 10:03am PDT
textEBAA on KPFA 94.1 FM 6pm 5/1/05 by dave id
Posted: Sun, May 1, 2005 3:05pm PDT
textAB734 passed committee -- Act Now to Stop AB734 and Trade in Kangaroo Parts by foa
Word is that AB734 has passed the committee and will be hitting the assembly floor as early as Tuesday of next week....
Posted: Fri, Apr 29, 2005 1:00pm PDT
textIDA's Bay Area Events by In Defense of Animals
Posted: Fri, Apr 29, 2005 11:03am PDT
textSave the Cute Animals! by Harmon Leon
This week's SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY (April 27-May 3) features an article by Harmon Leon entitled, "SAVE THE CUTE ANIMALS! The inside story on protests against dog-eating, foie gras-enjoying, and fur-wearing." IDA, Viva!USA, Farm Sanctuary, and Animal Place are all mentioned by name, along with descriptions of particular protests in San Francisco. The piece is written tongue-in-cheek and tends to trivialize the importance of the issues at hand, as well as the protestors themselves. ...
Posted: Thu, Apr 28, 2005 5:46pm PDT
textAnti-consumer Center for Consumer Freedom "not remotely charitable" by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Washington Post on "Consumer Freedom" anti AR lobby group 4/27/05...
Posted: Thu, Apr 28, 2005 1:52pm PDT
textHelp end the slaughter of animals in schools and ag opt-out. by Animal Place
Hey folks, we really need your help. The first hearing of our bill to outlaw the slaughter of animals on high school campuses is May 4. We need the last surge of emails to Education Committee members and we need a good showing the day of the hearing. If you can attend, get in touch with Animal Place and we will email you exact time (after 1 pm) and room location. Thanks...
Posted: Thu, Apr 28, 2005 10:23am PDT
textHelp Send Elephant to a Sanctuary, Not Another Zoo by In Defense of Animals
Following the premature deaths of two elephants at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago within a few short months, Chicago Alderman George Cardenas introduced a resolution recommending that Wankie, the sole surviving elephant, be sent to a permanent home at a sanctuary and that the Zoo's elephant exhibit be closed for good. The resolution has been referred to the Committee on Parks and Recreation and a public hearing is scheduled for May 12, yet the Lincoln Park Zoo is planning to move Wankie to a...
Posted: Thu, Apr 28, 2005 5:25am PDT
textIDA E-news - 4/27/05 by Mat Thomas
IDA E-news - 4/27/05...
Posted: Wed, Apr 27, 2005 5:47pm PDT
textHelp Send Elephant to a Sanctuary, Not Another Zoo by In Defense of Animals
Following the premature deaths of two elephants at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago within a few short months, Chicago Alderman George Cardenas introduced a resolution recommending that Wankie, the sole surviving elephant, be sent to a permanent home at a sanctuary and that the Zoo's elephant exhibit be closed for good. The resolution has been referred to the Committee on Parks and Recreation and a public hearing is scheduled for May 12, yet the Lincoln Park Zoo is planning to move Wankie to a...
Posted: Wed, Apr 27, 2005 5:18pm PDT
textnational press on foie gras fight by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Newsweek covers (too favorably) foie gras -- May 2 edition...
Posted: Wed, Apr 27, 2005 1:19pm PDT
textALF and SHAC in the news by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Newsday looks at ALF and SHAC action 4/26/05...
Posted: Wed, Apr 27, 2005 1:17pm PDT
textOregon Senate Passes Historic Animal Cruelty Bill to Ban Production, Sale of Foie Gras by Farm Sanctuary
Oregon Senate Passes Historic Animal Cruelty Bill to Ban Production, Sale of Foie Gras; Farm Sanctuary Lauds Sen. Verger, Lead Sponsor of Senate Bill, in Efforts to Ban Force Feeding of Birds for Foie Gras...
Posted: Tue, Apr 26, 2005 11:50pm PDT
textShooting of Deer Backed by Animal Lover
Shooting of Deer Backed - The Marin Audubon Society has considered the controversial non-native deer issue in the Point Reyes National Seashore, and it has a verdict: Shoot 'em all....
Posted: Tue, Apr 26, 2005 11:05pm PDT
textRestaurant/Food Processors/Alcohol Front Group Runs Flat Earth Ads on Health by foa
The (ironically named) Center for Consumer Freedom is simply an industry front group, much like the "scientists" bought and paid for by the oil industry to "debunk" global warming. These industries are making a mint and using significant resources not in honest advertising or even PR but to sponsor front groups that seek to confuse consumers into thinking their products do not carry serious long-term health risks and to prod legislators into passing laws that actually lim...
Posted: Tue, Apr 26, 2005 2:19pm PDT
textAct Now to Ban Pet Cloning in California by In Defense of Animals
Despite widespread concerns about the ethics of cloning and the risks it may pose to public health, unscrupulous companies have started selling cloned cats as a way to "replicate" deceased pets. However, cloned animals are subject to abnormally high rates of miscarriage, early death, deformity, disease and other serious medical conditions. While some wealthy consumers have paid $50,000 for cloned cats, millions of healthy animals will be euthanized in shelters this year for lack of ...
Posted: Tue, Apr 26, 2005 10:54am PDT
textWorld Week for Animals In Laboratories – San Francisco Event by Mat Thomas
IDA is looking for volunteers to take part in a World Week for Animals In Laboratories event on the UCSF campus...
Posted: Tue, Apr 26, 2005 10:51am PDT
textBear Bile Business Makes Its Way to SF and California by karen dawn
DawnWatch: Cruelty of bear bile industry on San Fran front page 4/25/05...
Posted: Mon, Apr 25, 2005 6:43pm PDT
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