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textIllegal? Fugitive? Need a SSN? Use 000-00-0000, 9 million other people have! by 000-00-0000
The federal Government Accountability Office found that between 1985 and 2000, 9 million people got hired using this Social Security number: 000-00-0000....
Posted: Mon, Jun 19, 2006 9:31am PDT
textWidespread unrest erupts among textile workers in Bangladesh by wsws (reposted)
Angry protests by thousands of textile workers broke out last month around the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka and reemerged again this month. The unrest threatened to create a political crisis for the government, as the economy is heavily dependent on textile and garment exports produced in the country’s sweatshops....
Posted: Mon, Jun 19, 2006 6:37am PDT
textCapitalism--not People's Park--killed Cody's Books (Part 2) by Steve Ongerth
Bottom Line, Cody's is a casualty in the struggles between businesses in their will to power under the logic of capitalist market discipline, not People's Park or the downtrodden masses. To argue otherwise is to ignore reality. Based on deductive reasoning, its the only conclusion that best fits the facts....
Posted: Sun, Jun 18, 2006 4:31pm PDT
textCapitalism--not People's Park--killed Cody's Books (Part 1) by Steve Ongerth
Since the announcement that the original Cody's Books in Berkeley is going out of business, local pundits, politicians, capitalists, and scissorbills have created a shit-storm. As happens so many times when influential businesses close, the capitalist class and its enablers have predictably placed the blame for this tragedy upon the shoulders of the usual suspects: the homeless, young punks, holdovers from the 1960s counterculture, and the city of Berkeley itself. As usual, the real truth goe...
Posted: Sun, Jun 18, 2006 12:43pm PDT
textBTL:Bush-GOP Tax Cuts Benefit Wealthy While Jeopardizing U.S. Economic Future by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Interview with Len Berman, director of the Tax Policy Center, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus...
Posted: Sun, Jun 18, 2006 5:29am PDT
textAutoworkers want traction on jobs, health care by PWW (reposted)
LAS VEGAS — The fight for jobs and national health care were uppermost on the minds of 2,000 autoworkers and retirees who gathered here for the United Auto Workers convention June 12....
Posted: Sat, Jun 17, 2006 10:33pm PDT
textSupport the Centro Aztlan Chicomoztoc, a community center in San Jose by Quetza
Centro Aztlan Chicomoztoc is a community organizing center that focuses on the democratic rights of la Raza. Support the July 2, 2006 fundraiser for the Centro....
Posted: Sat, Jun 17, 2006 9:52pm PDT
calendarOakland File Screening "Five Factories: Workers Control in Venezuela" by Steve Zeltzer
Humanist Hall 390 27th Street midtown Oakland, between Telegraph and Broadway, below Pill Hill
Event Date: Wed, Jul 12, 2006 7:09pm PDT
Posted: Sat, Jun 17, 2006 1:16am PDT
textUnion Wins Landslide Victory - Shattuck Cinema Workers Pull Through with Vote for The IWW by xseasickx
This afternoon workers at Landmark Shattuck Cinemas voted an outstanding 22 to 2 in favor of unionization. Despite new promises by Landmark and an attempt by CEO Bill Banowsky to thwart the union attempt, workers at the Shattuck say they've never really been worried about the vote....
Posted: Sat, Jun 17, 2006 12:17am PDT
textContra Costa unions plan June 27 strike by Rebecca Rosen Lum
Thousands of Contra Costa County workers plan to walk off the job June 27 to protest gridlocked talks between the county and its bargaining units....
Posted: Fri, Jun 16, 2006 11:10pm PDT
calendarGet This Work -- Free Concert and Jobs & Opportunities Fair by
Frank Ogawa Plaza 14th Street & Broadway (Downtown Oakland)...
Event Date: Sat, Jun 17, 2006 12:00pm PDT
Posted: Fri, Jun 16, 2006 10:32pm PDT
text6/20 Injured Workers To Confront Insurance Crooks At California Fraud Assessment Comm by California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
On June 20, 2006 in Sacramento, injured workers will be picketing and protesting the insurance industry cover-up of criminal activity by insurance adjusters, lawyers and company doctors who are falsifying injured workers reports....
Posted: Fri, Jun 16, 2006 5:51pm PDT
imageTeachers and Children Massacred By State Police In Oaxaca, Mexico
by Liberation News
I'm writing about the situation in Oaxaca. As I write, the capital city is under siege. At approximately 5AM this morning the state police attacked the teachers occupation of the city center. Though reports are sketchy, it seems that three teachers have been killed, as well as a young girl. [LATEST FIGURE IS 8 ADULTS AND THREE CHILDREN -- SJ.] The teachers have taken three or four police hostage. A raging battle is underway to control the zocalo, the center of life in Oaxaca, and the heart...
Posted: Fri, Jun 16, 2006 8:23am PDT
textAustralia: Workers’ conditions slashed under new industrial relations reforms by wsws (reposted)
A recent survey by the Howard government’s own Office of the Employment Advocate (OEA) confirms that Australian employers have lost no time in using the new draconian industrial relation laws (WorkChoices), which came into force on March 27, to eliminate longstanding working conditions....
Posted: Fri, Jun 16, 2006 6:31am PDT
textMexican gov't strikes Mexican teachers, leaving 5 dead by bianca
In its latest violent atrocity against labour and social movements, the Mexican government has attacked striking Mexican teachers, leaving five dead. For over two weeks the Mexican teachers' union section in Oaxaca state has been carrying out an incredible campaign of growing protests and direct actions in support of their demands for higher wages and increased school funding. At their most recent march a few days ago in the state capital, over a 120 000 people participated....
Posted: Thu, Jun 15, 2006 5:51pm PDT
textUS auto union signals its capitulation on wages, benefits and jobs by wsws (reposted)
United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger on Monday made clear that the union will accept sweeping and permanent reductions in health benefits, pensions and other conditions that for more than fifty years were considered inviolable provisions of UAW contracts with the US auto companies. The union’s abandonment of these core gains of past labor struggles comes in the midst of its collaboration with General Motors, Ford and the auto parts maker Delphi in the elimination of tens of thousand...
Posted: Thu, Jun 15, 2006 6:53am PDT
text Protest Thu. 6/15: support SEIU Head Start Workers by Monterey Bay Central Labor Council (repost)
Thursday Emergency Protest...
Posted: Wed, Jun 14, 2006 11:34pm PDT
calendarEmergency Rally to Support Head Start Workers by SEIU 415
Head Start HQ - 408 East Lake Avenue Watsonville, California...
Event Date: Thu, Jun 15, 2006 12:00pm PDT
Posted: Wed, Jun 14, 2006 8:33pm PDT
textThe social movements in France: Political lessons from the last 10 years by wsws (reposted)
For more than 200 years, France has been seen as the country in which class contradictions are most openly fought out and which provided the social impulse for events that have had European-wide repercussions. This applied to the revolutionary period from 1789 to 1815, and then again in 1831, 1848, 1871, and finally in 1968, when the May-June revolt, which began in Paris, spread like wildfire across Europe....
Posted: Tue, Jun 13, 2006 10:30pm PDT
calendarDavid Bacon: "Children of NAFTA" by Jean Piraino or Pam Sexton
Cabrillo College, Watsonville Annex, Forum Room...
Event Date: Fri, Jun 23, 2006 7:00pm PDT
Posted: Tue, Jun 13, 2006 7:23pm PDT
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