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textAmerica's Opportunity to Educate by Chaelan MacTavish
"Imagine a school where every teacher is amazing, charismatic, knowledgable and can address every student's needs.. All we have to do to attain the New American Dream is convince a majority to vote in its best interest.."...
Posted: Sun, Oct 31, 2004 7:40am PST
textVoters claim abuse of electoral rolls by UK Guardian
An Observer investigation in the United States has uncovered widespread allegations of electoral abuse, many of them going uninvestigated despite complaints of what would appear to be criminal attempts to manipulate voter lists. The allegations, which come just two days before Americans go to the polls in one of the most tightly contested elections in a generation, threaten to plunge Tuesday's count into a legal minefield and overshadow even the elections of 2000....
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 10:21pm PDT
textBush Now 6 pts ahead thanks to a little help from Bin Laden by Bin Laden To Choose US President
George W Bush moved yesterday to seize the political advantage after Osama bin Laden's extraordinary intervention in the US presidential election on Friday night....A Newsweek tracker poll published yesterday suggested the momentum may be moving in the incumbent's way. The poll predicted Bush to win by 50 per cent to Kerry's 44, compared with a 48-46 gap last week. As the candidates spent their last Saturday before Tuesday's election attacking one another over terrorism, political analysts...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 10:11pm PDT
textWhat Makes Nader Tick? by Greg Bates
A Question of Character What Makes Ralph Nader Tick? By GREG BATES...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 5:13pm PDT
textEminem: Incitement to Vote?! by Mahtin
The new video for Eminem's song "Mosh" was released online and on MTV this week. The video was produced by the Guerrilla News Network. The lyrics of the song "Mosh" advocate for political pressure as a means to enact change, but change in name only......
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 3:36pm PDT
textSchools In Two States Targeted For Ill Treatment Of Gays by 365
The ACLU is battling school districts in two states alleging they are systematically targeting LGBT students for abuse. In Missouri, the ACLU has come to the defense of a high school junior who was sent home twice from school for wearing t-shirts bearing gay pride messages. The principal cited concerns that other students may be offended by the shirts worn by Brad Mathewson....
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 1:13pm PDT
textBush Attempts To Overturn Decades of Legal Precedence & Block Voting Rights Lawsuits by Democracy Now
Bush administration lawyers are now attempting to overturn decades of legal precedence by claiming that under the Help America Vote Act only Attorney General John Ashcroft -- and not individual voters - have a right to ask federal courts to enforce voting rights....
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 12:45pm PDT
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 11:35am PDT
textTheOne-Dimensional Ariel Sharon by Uri Avnery
"The human longing for freedom is invincible as well as the struggle for independence of oppressed nations. Ignoring this is blindness, not realism. Even George W Bush, a person not less primitive and brutal than Sharon, learns that narrow limits are set to world management.."...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 10:34am PDT
textThe Osama bin laden Audition Tape by Dante
How far will the Bush team go to win the election? What if they 'staged' the capture of osama bin Laden to sway American voters? who would play bin laden-de niro, robin williams or how about pacino? check out this film short:...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 8:58am PDT
textan anarchist analyssi of RNC 2004 by deanosor
I don't agree with everything in this piece (i don't agree that united for peace and Justice [the organziers of 500,000 person mass march on Sunday] should be dismissed as just a group of liberals), however this piece has some real insight as to where our movement stands as we enter a new period.... RNC REDUX: Anarchist Analysis of the 2004 RNC Protests by Alexander Trocchi, CrimethInc. International News Agent Provocateur...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 2:16am PDT
textMarijuana Arrests For Year 2003 Hit Record High, FBI Report Reveals by NORML
Special News Release: Marijuana Arrests For Year 2003 Hit Record High, FBI Report Reveals Pot Smokers Arrested In America At A Rate Of One Every 42 Seconds...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 12:36am PDT
textFree Anti-war/Anti-bush Music Video by The Believers
New (R)evolution is a music video featuring live footage from protest marches in L.A and San Francisco. Running time: 3:45...
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 12:31am PDT
Clinical research touted by the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research that shows marijuana's components can inhibit the growth of cancerous brain tumors is the latest in a long line of studies demonstrating the drug's potential as an anti-cancer agent....
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 12:30am PDT
textDesperate Bush Seeks to Suppress Hispanic Turnout with Harsh Negative Attack on Choice by NARAL Pro-Choice America
Desperate to suppress turnout among minority voters, President Bush has recycled with a Spanish translation an attack ad rated as the worst of the campaign by a USA Today focus group, NARAL Pro-Choice America said today....
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 12:27am PDT
textDNA/Death Penalty Reform Bill Poised To Become Law This Weekend by office of Sen. Patrick Leahy
Capping four years of effort by a bipartisan House and Senate coalition that includes both supporters and opponents of the death penalty, modest but rare reforms in the way the death penalty is used in the criminal justice system are expected to take effect this weekend, when the Justice For All Act becomes law....
Posted: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 12:23am PDT
text911 statement by Want to Know
Below is a powerful statement released yesterday which is already helping to bring the 9/11 issue more into public awareness. It is a petition signed by 100 prominent Americans demanding a full, independent investigation....
Posted: Fri, Oct 29, 2004 11:08pm PDT
text October 22 Rally in Detroit Honors Families of Police October 22 Rally in Detroit Honors Famil by Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality
On Friday evening, October 22, 2004, the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality (DCAPB) hosted its ninth annual commemoration of the National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality....
Posted: Fri, Oct 29, 2004 9:49pm PDT
textFound Video purportedly shows young George W. Bush snorting Cocaine by Disruptive Films LLC
Found Video purportedly shows young George W. Bush snorting Cocaine during his Failed Congressional Run of 1978....
Posted: Fri, Oct 29, 2004 9:46pm PDT
textHistory Channel and Comedy Central Refuse To Air Anti-War Ads By Soliders by
New York - In an email to supporters last evening, Operation Truth ( announced that attempts to purchase advertising time on five cable channels were rebuffed, not on legal grounds, but because of the group's advocacy for the troops. Operation Truth is a national, non-partisan organization bringing the American people the first-hand stories from those who served on the ground in Iraq, and holding public officials accountable for their decisions affecting our nation's troops. ...
Posted: Fri, Oct 29, 2004 7:17pm PDT
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