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textProgressive Radicals Against War by
tired of Vanguards/Sectarians shutting you out?...
Posted: Thu, Dec 13, 2001 12:41pm PST
textResponse to ISO ‘Democracy or consensus?’ article on anti-war conferences by I went to the conference
In an article on the controversial student anti-war conferences, ‘How will the antiwar movement debate the way forward? Democracy or consensus?’ (Page 8, November 30, 2001 Socialist Worker), the ISO lays out their ideas on what are the important issues that arose out of the conferences. Ann, a Southern California student who attended the West Coast regional conference at UC Berkeley, responds directly to the article. Saying the real issue is not “Democracy vs. Consensus,” as the ISO states, ...
Posted: Thu, Dec 6, 2001 6:04pm PST
textAny point in going to the next CSAW conference in Jan? by Amir
Im trying to decide if there is a point going...
Posted: Sat, Dec 1, 2001 9:58pm PST
textComments on the Berkeley Conference by Theresa
Thoughts on what went wrong at the Berkeley anti-war conference...
Posted: Tue, Nov 20, 2001 3:11am PST
textThe whole ISO fiasco in Berkeley by Jaime
what do we do about it?...
Posted: Mon, Nov 19, 2001 10:35pm PST
textTired of Vanguards? Radical/progressive Youth Anti-War Organizing Starting here! by Amina
here ya go, enjoy...
Posted: Sat, Nov 17, 2001 1:23am PST
textFeast your eyes. PROOF about ISO plans to silence people this weekend by
check this out...
Posted: Fri, Nov 16, 2001 3:17pm PST
textThis Campaign is not to Destroy or hate the ISO by Hammer
Please understand...
Posted: Fri, Nov 16, 2001 2:44am PST
textAnother prespective on the ISO CSAW conference by Jamila
it was just too much...
Posted: Thu, Nov 15, 2001 3:52pm PST
textAlternative to CSAW 4 Progressive/radical/anti-authoritarian Anti-War YOUTH by Amina
sick of the vanguards, sick of having the conferences you drive 8 hrs. to attend from being hijacked by the ISO and those who like to dominate from a white male prespective, well here is a place where you and your pals might want to plug in...
Posted: Thu, Nov 15, 2001 2:02pm PST
textISO Hijacks BOSTON and SAN FRANCISCO Campus Anti-War Conferences by Jeff Hall
Not only did the ISO hijack the west coast campus anti-war conference, they did it in Boston as well....
Posted: Wed, Nov 14, 2001 1:40am PST
textISO Should Be Marginalized by Socialist Style Purge
They have embarrased the left for too long....
Posted: Wed, Nov 14, 2001 1:01am PST
textIn Defense of the West Coast Conference by Snehal Shingavi
The West Coast Conference Against the War was an astonishing success....
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2001 8:07pm PST
textAbout last weekend's UC Berkeley student antiwar conference by Lee Siu Hin
I didn't go to UCB antiwar conference last weekend because for the past few weeks I knew the UCB antiwar coalition and the conference had been completely hijacked by ISO, the meeting will be sucks and I don't want to waste my time to come....
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2001 5:40am PST
textBERKLEY/ISO CSAW-why wont you put us on your list server? by Santiago
After 6 weeks of trying to be put on the Berkely/ISO Stop the War Coaltion we don't know what to do...
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2001 4:49am PST
textBerkely Anti-War Conference, I was there and yes the ISO did Hijacke it by JA
This is an email from a very well respected friend who is a highly intelligent, articulate person who was there all weekend at the ISO/Berkely Anti-War conference. She said it was evident that the ISO played a complete control role in all of this, and it made people go nuts when they figured out how they were being lied to....
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2001 1:54am PST
textthanks folks... by chuckE
Posted: Tue, Nov 13, 2001 1:00am PST
textWhy did ISO hijack Berkley CA Schools Conference? by Carmenita
Why did the ISO lie to us all and bring us up here this weekend, only to push and build and ISO coalition. if I wanted to be in the ISO i would have joined the organiziation....
Posted: Mon, Nov 12, 2001 3:18pm PST
textBerkeley Students Protest: Stand Up to Ethnic Cleansing by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
Students to Construct Palestinian Refugee Camp on UC Berkeley Campus Demand for UC Divestment Continues...
Posted: Mon, Mar 5, 2001 8:25pm PST
text Uniting the Fight Against Bush - Bay Area Socialist Conference by Scott Johnson
DON'T LET BUSH GET YOU DOWN! Come educate, agitate and organize yourself and your friends at the Bay Area Socialist Conference...
Posted: Thu, Feb 15, 2001 11:15am PST
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