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text9/15BAWDN Forum On ILWU,Bush & Gov Intervention by Bay Area Workers Democracy Network
On Sunday Sep 15 at 3:00PM there will be a forum on the ILWU Contract Strunggle, Bush & The Fight Against Government Intervention...
Posted: Sat, Sep 7, 2002 6:23pm PDT
textReducing Unemployment Requires Shift in Policy by Andreas Hallbauer
"Insults of those no longer `needed' in the production process are not new. Abuses always arose when no reasons to be especially concerned about the excluded and discriminated occurred to governments." Reducing working hours is vital....
Posted: Sat, Sep 7, 2002 10:26am PDT
textLooking at Labor Day by Daniel A. Pino
Tribute to Consolidated Freightways, an economic horror story....
Posted: Sat, Sep 7, 2002 2:39am PDT
textRelying on failed strategies Union leaders place ILWU victory in jeopardy by Labor's Militant Voice
Relying on big business politicians and refusing to mobilize their members to confront the employers' attacks is a strategy that has led to defeat after defeat for organized labor despite great sacrifice and heroism from the rank and file union member. There is little indication in the ILWU/PMA struggle that change is on the way....
Posted: Fri, Sep 6, 2002 8:29pm PDT
text9/9 West Coast Day Laborer March & Rally by SF Day Labor Program
On Mon 9/9 in SF, the public is invited to participate as West Coast day laborers march in soldarity with local day laborers, calling upon Mayor Brown to end his campaign of intimidation....
Posted: Thu, Sep 5, 2002 1:04pm PDT
textS. Africa Land Reform Completes Redistribution of Farmland to Indiginous Peoples by Jan Raath in Tsatsi, Zimbabwe
THE deadline for the conclusion of Zimbabwe’s land programme passed ominously yesterday: seized farms which should be busy with summer replanting were silent. In years past the fields would have been noisy with tractors and scores of workers cultivating in ploughed ridges. Instead, there is the occasional solitary figure, hunting among the burnt weeds for mice to eat....
Posted: Mon, Sep 2, 2002 7:56am PDT
textHatred of corporate politicians and economic uncertainty creates a huge political vacuum i by Richard Mellor
A new poll by the Public Policy Institute of California confirms what most rank and file union activists already know---confidence in the system and corporate politicians continues to decline and the heads of organized labor continue to do nothing about it....
Posted: Thu, Aug 29, 2002 10:24pm PDT
text9/4SF Portworkers Solidarity Committee Meeting by Steve Zeltzer
The Port Workers Solidarity Committee will be meeting on Wed Sep 4 at 7:00 PM At ILWU Local 10 Henry Schmidt Room 400 N. Point/Mason St. SF...
Posted: Thu, Aug 29, 2002 8:57pm PDT
textUnion Members Should Organize by John Reimann
Many union members agree with the criticisms of what the union leadership is and isn't doing, including in relatin to the ILWU struggle. Now it's necessary to organize to force a change in the unions....
Posted: Wed, Aug 28, 2002 8:25pm PDT
textindymedias down? by k
indymedia tech problems?...
Posted: Wed, Aug 28, 2002 12:16pm PDT
Open Letter to SEIU Members from NUSP August 27, 2002...
Posted: Tue, Aug 27, 2002 7:57pm PDT
textFight Corporatization of Co-ops! by Seattle IWW (IU 660)
Is the Co-op where you work being "Co-opted" by management into a corporate run model? We can fight it!...
Posted: Sat, Aug 24, 2002 10:15pm PDT
textCalifornia Offers ILWU and AFL-CIO Leaders Opportunity to Halt Employer's Offensive by Richard Mellor
The California budget crisis and the offensive against the ILWU offers the union leadership a golden opportunity to mobilize workers and go on the offensive. Activists/Socialists must demand that they abandoned their failed policies of the past and change course if further defeats are to be avoided....
Posted: Fri, Aug 23, 2002 6:17am PDT
textThe Attacks on the ILWU by Labor's Militant Voice
The policies of the labor leadership have resulted in defeat after defeat for working people's struggles. Any serious activists wanting to reverse the trend of the last 30 years must confront these policies openly. The old methods will not stop the attacks on the ILWU...
Posted: Wed, Aug 21, 2002 6:14am PDT
textHeavy Equipment Operator by Richard Mellor
One of capitalism's "Passionate Believers" returns to Marx in a Pinch: A response to Professor Ferguson...
Posted: Sun, Aug 18, 2002 11:25am PDT
textLabor Strikes in Israel by Socialist
The Israel garbage is soon gone from the stage of history, thanks to the actions of the workingclass. There are now general strikes in Israel as the Israeli economy sinks to the bottom of the sea, and the sooner it sinks, the better not only for the US taxpayer who pays for it all, but for all humanity....
Posted: Sun, Aug 18, 2002 9:45am PDT
textThe Trade Union Movement and U.S. Middle East Policy by Richard Mellor
I introduced this resoluton at my General Membership meeting on 8-15-02. Motions to exclude it from the floor were defeated twice. The opposition argued that it has no place in the Union movement and/or it was anti-semitic....
Posted: Sun, Aug 18, 2002 8:01am PDT
textPort Of Vancouver Very Active by Brian Seidman
8/17/02 On afternoon walk at beach just west to from downtown Vancouver my wife and I noticed the for a Saturday the Vancouver Shipping lanes seemed very busy....
Posted: Sat, Aug 17, 2002 9:06pm PDT
textHacker Class War: BLACKHATBLOC by blackhatbloc
hacker class war: corporate sell-outs vs liberty takers...
Posted: Fri, Aug 16, 2002 8:32pm PDT
textLongshore rallies to Bush: Butt out by Evelina Alacron and Juan Lopez
“Contract, Yes! Government intervention, No!” was the message of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), the AFL-CIO, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) and many mayors at rallies up and down the West Coast, Aug. 12. Thousands took to the streets in protest of a threat by the Bush administration to take over ports militarily in the event that the union decides to strike....
Posted: Fri, Aug 16, 2002 8:39am PDT
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