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Newsitem List

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text10/19-20:Precinct Walk, Phone Bank, No on N&R, Yes on D,10/21-L/D Voter Reg by Tenant Voter
As we enter the final two weeks before election day, 11/5/02, the campaign to save rent control, save the homeless’ lives and win public power in San Francisco picks up the pace in the workingclass communities with major precinct-walking and phone-banking, for it is among the tenants that we must and shall defeat Props R and N and pass Prop. D. October 21 is the last day to register to vote for the November 5, 2002 election....
Posted: Thu, Oct 17, 2002 7:22pm PDT
textProp L - Double Property Transfer taxes on sales over $1MM by Bill da Thief
SF Ballot Proposition L - Doubles (to just 1.5%) Property Transfer taxes on sales over $1,000,000 - good or bad?...
Posted: Wed, Oct 16, 2002 11:34am PDT
textPrecinct Walking for No on N by Committee Against Increased Homelessness
Want to beat Newsom's plan to cut cash payments to homeless workers? Help get the word out by Precinct Walking for No on N!...
Posted: Tue, Oct 15, 2002 6:09pm PDT
textHomeless Disabled Vets May Have Been Exposed to U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare Tests by Lynda Carson
Investigation into the Defense Departments use of chemical and biological warfare tests upon U.S. civilian and military populations picks up speed as the Bush Administration pushes for war against the people of Iraq....
Posted: Sat, Oct 12, 2002 2:57am PDT
text10/12-13: Weekend Actions to Save Rent Control, Save Homeless, Support Public Power by Tenant Voter
We have just three weeks to save rent control, stop the scapegoating of the homeless and finally bring public power to San Francisco. We need your help now in defeating the anti-workingclass Propositions N and R and passing the public power initiative, Proposition D....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 2:22am PDT
text10/11-12: We Need You to Save Rent Control; Save Homeless; Support Public Power by Tenant Voter
We have just three weeks to save rent control, stop the scapegoating of the homeless and finally bring public power to San Francisco. We need your help now in defeating the anti-workingclass Propositions N and R and passing the public power initiative, Proposition D....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 2:19am PDT
textPosition Paper: Opposing Prop N (Care not Cash) by Religious Witness with Homeless People
Religious Witness urges SF voters to reject Prop N on moral and poltical grounds....
Posted: Wed, Oct 9, 2002 2:50pm PDT
October 25th 5:30 pm at Webster and Chestnut Streets, San Francisco Gay Shame plans to take on Gavin Newsom's Proposition N, misnamed "Care Not Cash", in his home turf with a pre-Halloween Festival of Resistence in the Marina District. Events include an Exploitation Runway, a Gavin Newsom Look-Alike Contest, and food and music will be provided. Dress to ragged, stultifying, terrifying excess and join us in the Marina to defeat Prop N!...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 2:51pm PDT
textCampaign for Renters Rights - Monthly Meeting - Oct 7-Temescal Library-6pm by Seeing Eye
The Campaign for Renters Rights wants you to join their ranks......
Posted: Sat, Oct 5, 2002 3:29am PDT
text10/5-7: Voter Reg, Precinct Walks & Phone Banks: No on N&R; Yes on D by Tenant Voter
Midnight Madness, a San Francisco election tradition, is Monday, October 7, 2002, when you can register to vote at City Hall, not only 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. but also from 6:30 p.m. to 12 midnight. You can register while sitting in your car on the Grove Street side of City Hall, between Van Ness & Dr. Goodlett St, when Grove will be open only to people wishing to register to vote....
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 5:50pm PDT
textThe largest gated community in the country by Carol Harvey, Street Spirit, October 2002
The HOPE proposal, Prop N, is part of a larger plan to make San Francisco a gated community for the rich by driving out low-income renters...
Posted: Fri, Oct 4, 2002 2:03am PDT
textConservativism Under Corporatism by Robert Locke
I apologize for any inconvenience, but must strongly urge the reader to read my article What is American Corporatism? before reading this one, which draws upon the concept of corporatism as basic....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 9:52pm PDT
textCome to a benefit for the No on Prop N grassroots media campaign! by Gretchen Hildebran
Media activists and folks on GA got together to make some TV commercials that expose the lies behind Gavin Newsom's Prop N campaign. This dinner/performance/dance party benefit will help put these truth-telling ads on the air in the weeks before the election....
Posted: Thu, Oct 3, 2002 9:11am PDT
text10/3: SF No on N Campaign Kickoff; Phone Bank for No on N; Ballot Arguments by Tenant Voter
The SF No on N campaign kickoff is October 3. Phone bankers and precinct walkers are also needed for this outrageous, anti-workingclass proposition. This article contains the press release on the kickoff and the ballot arguments against Prop. N....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 8:54pm PDT
textLatest Housing Stats - Bay Area Nightmare by Lynda Carson
The recipe for homelessness is unaffordable housing offered by unscrupulous characters. The latest Housing Stats reveal the nightmare Bay Area renters face from greedy landlords....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 1:47am PDT
textCome Here Uncle Al's Band Down By the Bay-side by jonah 'always' oppssum
Humor and an Al Gore Speech- Believe..... (housing issue) Rats infested hotels are just fine without bombs but does a good samaritan act extend to relief by war against governance by terror. In Wake of Attack #1002+ on Babylon in world history, Al by the Bay for your just-war consideration among the family of man....
Posted: Sat, Sep 28, 2002 10:18pm PDT
textURGENT -- Protect CA renters by Oakland ACORN
Call the Governor and ask him to sign AB2330!...
Posted: Mon, Sep 23, 2002 3:39pm PDT
textEvictions, A Cause for Intervention by Lynda Carson
Oakland Anti-Eviction Activists Hit The Streets In Creative Ways To Put Pressure On Landlords....
Posted: Sat, Sep 21, 2002 4:34pm PDT
textURGENT: 9/21 Precinct Walks to Save Rent Control by Tenant Voter
Sept. 21 precinct walks to defeat Prop R and Save Rent Control are in the Castro, gathering between 11 a.m. and Noon at the Metropolitan Community Church, 150 Eureka St., between 18th and 19th St. We MUST have 100 people at this site to cover the crucial tenant precincts. If you cannot be there on 9/21, call 415/282-5525 and arrange for a time to pick up your literature and precinct maps. If you run out of time, return to the precinct another day and finish it....
Posted: Thu, Sep 19, 2002 7:15pm PDT
textSF: Precinct Walking To Save Rent Control by Tenant Voter
Precinct walking has started to save rent control in San Francisco and we need EVERYONE at the barricades to save our homes. It is 7 weeks to election day and only 3 weeks until Vote by Mail starts, when at least one-third of the voters will vote. Whether or not you are a San Francisco voter, you can participate in the campaign. It is absolutely mandatory that every single tenant voter in San Francisco vote in this election if we are to defeat Prop R, the Repeal of Rent Control; defeat P...
Posted: Sun, Sep 15, 2002 9:26am PDT
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