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Central Valley
Indybay Regions North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area California United States International Americas Haiti Iraq Palestine Afghanistan

Newsitem List

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textSAC BEE: "I killed innocent people for my government" by RWF (repost)
a remarkable piece, both because of its content (a soldier speaking with extreme candor about the violence perpetrated against Iraqis) and the fact that the Bee made the independent decision to originate this story itself (note that the article is described as "Special to the Bee")...
Posted: Mon, May 17, 2004 2:18pm PDT
textUS military in Iraq: rape/torture scandal by from Guardian UK
Use of private contractors in Iraqi jail interrogations highlighted by inquiry into abuse of prisoners Julian Borger in Washington Friday April 30, 2004 The Guardian...
Posted: Fri, Apr 30, 2004 10:02am PDT
textBreaking News from Fallujah, more by Google Net (dhe post)
This is a superb source of Breaking News on any story you are following, in this case Fallujah. Check it out!...
Posted: Thu, Apr 22, 2004 4:12pm PDT
textUS Civilian Peace Team attempts to block assault on Najaf by Dan Bacher (dhe post)
The Najaf emergency delegation can be contacted for interviews and more information by e-mail, as their peace witness and nonviolent challenge to the U.S. military assault plan unfolds in the days ahead...
Posted: Thu, Apr 22, 2004 3:46pm PDT
textCinco de Mayo Fiesta by Rene Aguilera
Date: May 2,2004 Event: The Hispanic Empowerment Association of Roseville (H.E.A.R) presents 4th Annual Cinco de Mayo Safety Day Fiesta - Health, Education, Job Fair, and Chicano Art Explosion Time: 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Location: Roseville's Placer County Fairgrounds 800 All America City Blvd, Roseville, CA For more information please contact 916.782.2040 or Free!...
Posted: Tue, Apr 6, 2004 8:17pm PDT
textStatement on the Southern California Grocery strike by Labors Militant Voice by John Reimann
The union leadership let so. cal workers down. Unions should return to the methods of the 1930s and lead a fight for health care for all....
Posted: Tue, Mar 23, 2004 11:30pm PST
textOutsourcing jobs abroad at the expense of American workers by Seth Sandronsky
Outsourcing stateside jobs to low-wage countries...
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 4:04am PST
textBlk Commentator on Godfather Colin Powell & 'killing fields" of Haiti by Glen Ford with Kevin Pina, repost by Dan E
Godfather Colin Powell: The Gangster of Haiti; Kevin Pina's notes on the 'killing fields'; "The deed is done. Haiti has been raped. The act was sanctioned by the United States, Canada and France." - Editorial, Jamaica Observer ''All the people that supported [Aristide] will be dead in three months.'' - attorney Ira Kurzban...
Posted: Thu, Mar 4, 2004 1:03pm PST
textPentagon Report Forecasts Global Evironmental Crisis by John Throne
An alliance of anti-capitalists is more crucial than ever with the a Pentagon report forecasting a major environmental crisis in the relatively near future....
Posted: Mon, Feb 23, 2004 9:14pm PST
textProtest Denial of Visa for Cuban Musicians by Dan Bacher
Send an email to Colin Powell protesting the denial of visas to members of the Bueva Vista Social Club for the Grammy Awards....
Posted: Fri, Feb 20, 2004 10:02pm PST
textU.S. Presidential Politics And Jobs by Seth Sandronsky
America's 2004 presidential campaign and the job market...
Posted: Thu, Feb 12, 2004 6:37am PST
textBush’s Budget Priorities by Seth Sandronsky
The president's 2005 budget: more debt to fund the U.S. military...
Posted: Tue, Feb 3, 2004 4:27am PST
textOn The Campaign Trail, Bush Talks About Job Training by Seth Sandronsky
President Bush Talks About Job Training...
Posted: Wed, Jan 28, 2004 5:46pm PST
textWe Have to Dismantle All This! by Egon
Here is something to chew on....
Posted: Wed, Jan 28, 2004 3:26pm PST
imageFrom passivity to proaction! (flyer and art)
by unbridled artist network
Your alleged "leaders" often believe you are "incapable" and feeling too powerless to be more proactive than simply attending rallies and marches in a passive way. The flyer text here is meant to do two things: inspire you, and many others, to become more proactive--in a basic resistance of consciousness! Here is a giant pile of deep info that should inspire!...
Posted: Tue, Jan 27, 2004 2:14pm PST
imageThe Courage of Mitchell Crooks (amatuer videographer)
by Revolutionary Worker
The Courage of Mitchell Crooks Jailed and Threatened for Videotaping Police Beating Revolutionary Worker #1226, January 25, 2004, posted at Also, Check Mitchell's site out
Posted: Tue, Jan 20, 2004 12:24pm PST
textWhen the wall comes tumbling down by Munzer Morrar
The title refers to the ridiculous apartheid wall currently being constructed in Palestine....
Posted: Wed, Jan 14, 2004 12:27am PST
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