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Newsitem List

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textHalf-Million Taiwanese Protest Election by repost
The rally started peacefully — a contrast from the day before when about 2,000 people stormed the Central Election Commission headquarters in Taipei. The mob broke glass windows and scuffled with police in an unsuccessful attempt to delay the formal certification of the election's results....
Posted: Sat, Mar 27, 2004 8:58am PST
textEl Salvador Elections a Campaign of Fear - local report by Rachel Montgomery
A report on the El Salvador elections from Bay Area local Rachel Montgomery....
Posted: Tue, Mar 23, 2004 2:43pm PST
textEl Salvador Election by CISPES
ARENA declares victory in presidential election over FMLN...
Posted: Mon, Mar 22, 2004 9:53am PST
textHanging Chads: California Style by Editor,
A TVNL ALERT: With the nation's eyes focused on Florida, will California be the scene of the next devastating election fraud? TVNL examines the strategy of Governor Arnie and the GOP in its attempt to steal California for George Bush in 2004!...
Posted: Sun, Mar 21, 2004 12:09pm PST
textDemocratic Schwarzenegger Ally Pushes Open Primary Ballot Measure, Third Parties at Risk by repost
The voter's choice open primary does exactly the opposite of what its supporters claim by reducing choice to only two candidates....
Posted: Wed, Mar 17, 2004 12:51pm PST
textEl Salvador Election Observers Detained! by CISPES
Find out how you can help! Free elections are being threatened in El Salvador, once again....
Posted: Wed, Mar 17, 2004 12:44pm PST
textAristide backers locked out of new government by Aristide was elected!
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haiti's U.S.-backed leader formed an interim government that excludes ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's Lavalas Party — one that still commands a formidable following....
Posted: Wed, Mar 17, 2004 7:20am PST
textSouth Koreans back impeached leader: Another Elected Leader Pushed Out Of Office By The US by repost
Tens of thousands of South Koreans have poured into the streets in support of beleaguered President Roh Moo-hyun, chanting "Save our Democracy" and decrying the National Assembly's vote on Friday to impeach him....
Posted: Mon, Mar 15, 2004 10:39pm PST
textSocialists Oust Pro-War Party In Spain In Surprise Vote by Democracy Now (repost)
One of the Bush administration's closest allies in Europe, Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, suffered a major defeat this weekend when his party was defeated at the polls by the Socialist Party. The vote came three days after 200 people died in bombing attacks in Madrid....
Posted: Mon, Mar 15, 2004 11:13am PST
textSocialists Score Spectacular Spanish Election Win by repost
MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish voters swept the center-right government from power on Sunday in a spectacular general election upset over last week's suspected al Qaeda attack in Madrid....
Posted: Sun, Mar 14, 2004 3:35pm PST
imageRiots In The Streets and Parliament In Korea As Leader Who Stood Up To The US Is Impeached
by sources
Mr Roh's election campaign was based on the promise of better relations with communist North Korea and a more equal footing with the country's biggest ally, the US....
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 1:26pm PST
textHoward Stern Becomes a Bush Critic by Eric Boehlert repost
Howard Stern's schwing voters The raunchy jockey is mobilizing his army of listeners against Bush -- and they could make a difference in November....
Posted: Fri, Mar 12, 2004 12:31pm PST
textThe Constitution Project by Constitution Project
The Constitution Project is a bipartisan nonprofit organization that seeks consensus on controversial legal and constitutional issues through a unique combination of scholarship and activism....
Posted: Thu, Mar 11, 2004 10:13pm PST
textDem Now! Covers E-Voting Issue Finally by repost
David Dill only got to speak for small portions, and way too much time was given to the slow talking woman from San Diego who brought a voting machine home to her house. But overall it was pretty good. Dill got his points out, and the dire nature of the situation - paraphrasing: "Would you allow private corporations to take your votes and count them behind closed doors? Because that's what it is." And that makes you realize how much the corporate control of our lives is happenin...
Posted: Wed, Mar 10, 2004 10:36am PST
textStop CAFTA, Stop the FTAA! by Global Exchange
In the face of growing opposition from developing countries in multinational forums such as CAFTA and the FTAA, the Bush administration is now turning to an emphasis on bilateral trade deals in an effort to bully our smaller Central American trade partners into accepting painful concessions on trade....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 12:17pm PST
textKerry Condemns Bush for Failing to Back Aristide by NYT
HOUSTON, March 6 — Had he been sitting in the Oval Office last weekend as rebel forces were threatening to enter Port-au-Prince, Senator John Kerry says, he would have sent an international force to protect Haiti's widely disliked elected leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide....
Posted: Sun, Mar 7, 2004 11:48am PST
by repost
There's a wave of anger about these ads all over the media right now. The media need the pressure to ask the real questions, the ones that go beyond the ad itself. Do ONE thing towards this efffort, and keep the wave going....
Posted: Fri, Mar 5, 2004 10:18am PST
textRelatives condemn Bush 9/11 ads by b
Relatives of victims killed in the 11 September 2001 attacks have criticised George W Bush for using images from the tragedy in his campaign advertisements....
Posted: Thu, Mar 4, 2004 6:57pm PST
textSay No To H.Con.Res.371! by Citizens for Fair Legislation
Posted: Thu, Mar 4, 2004 9:36am PST
videoMuslim leader speaks out at anti-BNP platform in Manchester, UK (video/x-pn-realvideo 3.7MB) by Chris Edwards
Watch the video...
Posted: Wed, Mar 3, 2004 7:12pm PST
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