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Global Justice
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textGreenspan to Have Prostate Surgery Tues. by Brian S
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan will have surgery for an enlarged prostate on Tuesday but plans to be back at work later in the week, the Fed said on Monday. Greenspan has tested negative for prostate cancer, a Fed spokeswoman said. The Fed chairman will not be under general anesthesia for the procedure, she added....
Posted: Mon, Apr 21, 2003 9:08pm PDT
textThe Tower of Babel by Subcomandante Marcos
"This is the project of globalization: making a new tower of Babel out of the planet. Every relation should be uniform..The laws of the neoliberal tower forbid acknowledgment of differences. The subjugation of differences is the only allowed possibility."...
Posted: Mon, Apr 21, 2003 7:40am PDT
textCUBA: NEW VISTAS A short history of the future ( of humankind ) by Copy Trastor
By JEREMY SEABROOK SIXTY per cent of the vegetables consumed in Cuba today are organically grown in city gardens. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cuba was denied the access to pesticides, fertiliser and tractor fuel on which it had depended. This, together with the continuing trade embargo by the USA, ought to have ensured the collapse of the regime. This is why the survival of Cuba is an important lesson to the world. The transition to self-reliance has been peaceable, wit...
Posted: Sat, Apr 19, 2003 7:21pm PDT
textAnti-capitalist call to shut down the Sacramento Ministerial by sacramento
more militant call for the sacramento meeting...
Posted: Sat, Apr 19, 2003 1:43pm PDT
textATP is GOD by Freddie Hebert
I have discovered while trying to make a feed using p3 compounds that there is a physical GOD and that the chemical banished deep into the ground, Benzene is the Devil....
Posted: Thu, Apr 17, 2003 7:30pm PDT
textThe disciples of Proudhon by Francisco Trindade
The disciples of Proudhon...
Posted: Thu, Apr 17, 2003 4:16am PDT
textThe disciples of Proudhon by Francisco Trindade
The disciples of Proudhon...
Posted: Thu, Apr 17, 2003 4:14am PDT
textSmog Check programs must encourage honesty by Tom Elias
Peters contends that during the years 1985-1991, when a warning-and-fine system was in effect, cheating stations dropped to no more than 20 percent from about 80 percent found dishonest on previous random checks....
Posted: Mon, Apr 14, 2003 8:51pm PDT
textAprotech by Dreadlocks
Aprotech is an evil Eastern Eurpoe GMF company!...
Posted: Fri, Apr 11, 2003 6:47pm PDT
textTonight! reminder about Forum on working against corporate globalization by debocracylive
Tonight, Kevin Danaher, Co-founder of Global Exchange, expert on international financia institutions, and Medea Benjamin, among others, speak at UC Hastings about legal strategies to stop corpororate globalization. Fundraiser for National Lawyers Guild, the folks who have been out on the street protecting you when expressing your First Amendment rights, and providing legal services. Medea Benjamin ...
Posted: Thu, Apr 10, 2003 7:59am PDT
Leading up to the WTO ministerial in Cancun this September, a mini-ministerial is taking place this June in Sacramento. The US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), USAID, and the US State Department are hosting a summit to which the Ministers of Trade, Agriculture, and Environment from 180 nations have been invited. The Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology will take place in Sacramento from June 23-25, 2003 and will showcase industrial agriculture, chemicals, irradia...
Posted: Wed, Apr 9, 2003 12:55pm PDT
Strikes and death threats towards Assembly´s members suddenly appeared in Esquel, Argentina, when a Canadian Company´s plans for mining started to be screwed by local population´s oposition. Esquel people need our solidarity....
Posted: Wed, Apr 9, 2003 9:50am PDT
textPROUDHON, ALWAYS PROUDHON by Francisco Trindade
Posted: Sat, Apr 5, 2003 1:53pm PST
text04.05.03 ACCESS conf. by mic
conference on communications, media and technology for organizers...
Posted: Fri, Apr 4, 2003 12:15am PST
imageForum on Globalization: Legal Strategies for Fighting Global Corporate Domination
by Deborah Lagutaris
Panel including Kevin Danaher, Medea Benjamin, Jose Luis Fuentes, Dorothy Kidd, Doug Hammerstrom...
Posted: Wed, Apr 2, 2003 9:36pm PST
textSeeking Info on 9/11 Investigation by PowerPuff
What ever happened to the 9/11 investigation?...
Posted: Mon, Mar 31, 2003 7:25pm PST
textshutdown the WTO and tell them no GMOs by sacramento
there will be a huge biotech/WTO meeting in Sacramento in June. You are invited to help shut it down....
Posted: Mon, Mar 31, 2003 3:58pm PST
textRepublicans Behind Cutbacks in California Colleges by Galia Stein
Republican Party in California is behind cutbacks that by fall 2003 could cause over 200,000 students in California colleges to lose their classes and thousands to lose their jobs...
Posted: Mon, Mar 31, 2003 8:50am PST
textUS wants to privatise Iraq's oil by Jonathan Steele
"Leaks from the state department's 'future of Iraq' office show Washington plans to privatise the Iraqi economy and particularly the state-owned national oil company. Experts on its energy panel want to start with 'downstream' assets like retail petrol stations. This would be a quick way to gouge money from Iraqi consumers. Later they would privatise exploration and development."...
Posted: Mon, Mar 31, 2003 12:29am PST
textWhat A Gas! by Paul Heller
Think you're paying too much for gas? You may be right......
Posted: Thu, Mar 27, 2003 6:38am PST
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