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Newsitem List

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textCalifornia Women’s Prison Healthcare Called ‘Grossly Deficient’ by New American Media (reposted)
Some prisoners incarcerated at the California Institution for Women at Corona were routinely denied basic health and dental care and told researchers they often waited months to see a doctor, get their prescriptions filled and were forced to pay inflated prices for basic hygiene products, according to a study conducted by an advocacy group and the San Bernardino County Department of Health....
Posted: Thu, Oct 19, 2006 5:35pm PDT
document10/21: Our Voices Within: Out of the Shadows
by via Free Battered Women
Please join Free Battered Women on Saturday, October 21st, 2006, at the Humanist Hall in Oakland (390-27th Street, between Telegraph & Broadway) for an amazing community event!...
Posted: Thu, Oct 19, 2006 1:42pm PDT
calendarVigil for women killed in Domestic Violence by
This is meant to be a safe-space event. Please no pictures/video/etc Across the Street from City Hall (Polk Street Side)...
Event Date: Fri, Oct 20, 2006 5:30pm PDT
Posted: Thu, Oct 19, 2006 1:24pm PDT
textDomestic Abuse Survivor, Freed from Prison, Speaks Out by New American Media (reposted)
MODESTO - Cheryl Jones stood in the crowded bedroom of her parents' home, smiling as she looked through a suitcase of letters. Her room is decorated with dozens of framed family photographs – but inside the box were the reminders of a different type of family. Her prison family....
Posted: Thu, Oct 19, 2006 7:23am PDT
textThreemile puts pregnant woman at risk. Please help. by Solidarity Sister - UFW
Threemile puts pregnant woman at risk. Please help. This will make you angry. Threemile Canyon Farms in eastern Oregon is back to its shameful behavior of discrimination against women...
Posted: Tue, Oct 17, 2006 8:27pm PDT
calendarDream House by Elizabeth Fuller
Phoenix Theatre, 414 Mason St. in San Francisco...
Event Date: Fri, Nov 3, 2006 8:00pm PST
Posted: Tue, Oct 17, 2006 5:27pm PDT
textAbortion does not increase breast cancer risk _ new findings published by Clip this out and stick it to yer fridge
Abortion does not affect the risk of breast cancer, according to study findings published in the International Journal of Cancer...
Posted: Tue, Oct 17, 2006 9:37am PDT
textOaxaca Women Tap for Hope with Their Fingernails by Narco News (reposted)
As Stalemate Continues Between Federal Government and Popular Uprising, APPO Holds a “Dialog for Peace,” PRI Supporters Burn Indigenous Radio Stations, and Soldiers Shoot a Protester Dead...
Posted: Tue, Oct 17, 2006 7:24am PDT
textMothers of the Disappeared in Sinaloa by Narco News (reposted)
The Other Campaign Meets with Relatives of Victims from Mexico’s “Dirty War”...
Posted: Tue, Oct 17, 2006 7:20am PDT
textWomen and their toxic world - !!! by health
Posted: Mon, Oct 16, 2006 6:03pm PDT
audioRally Against Proposition 85 in Dolores Park (audio/mpeg 7.8MB) by Rubble
A rally was held in Dolores Park on Saturday, October 7th to kick off the local organizing against Proposition 85, the parental notification bill, a return almost word-for-word of the failed Proposition 73 on last November's ballot. State Representative Mark Leno, California Teachers' Association President Barbara Kerr, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate Chief Medical Officer Ann Foster Rosales, Latino Issues Forum Policy Analyst Lacy Ceros (spelling?) and a moderator tell many reasons why this ...
Posted: Sun, Oct 15, 2006 5:55pm PDT
textModern Day Slavery under the Guise of Foreign 'Bride' by New American Media (reposted)
Dieu-Hien arrived in Taiwan as a bride, but was made to work as a servant from the very first day. That’s when she found out that her “husband’s” former wife had left him due to his drinking and abuse, and now she has to take care of his four children as well as his parents. Hien’s day starts at 5am, cooking and taking care of the household, then making tofu to sell at the store. During the day, she’s expected to make and carry 150-200 sets of tofu, each weighing 25 pounds. Throughout the day...
Posted: Sun, Oct 15, 2006 10:43am PDT
textAbortion may be legal in California -- but that doesn't mean you can actually get one. by sfbg (reposted)
....The number of abortion providers has been declining nationwide. The Alan Guttmacher Institute, the foremost clearinghouse for abortion information in the country, found that more than half of the US hospitals that provided abortions in 1982 had stopped by 2000. The institute also documented an 11 percent decrease in the number of abortion providers in the United States between 1996 and 2000. In California the decline was even greater: a 19 percent drop during the same period. Today, 41 pe...
Posted: Sat, Oct 14, 2006 10:48am PDT
textNo On 85: Beyond the Issue of Choice by Beyond Chron (reposted)
Here in San Francisco, fear about the local success of a ballot measure which attacks a woman’s right to choose is low: San Francisco has long been a haven for pro-choice supporters. However, Proposition 85 has a fundamental flaw which overrides an individual’s position on abortion, and everyone should be talking about it. Proposition 85 only affects those citizens who coincidentally are the only citizens with cannot directly impact the vote’s outcome: those under 18 years of age. The voice o...
Posted: Sat, Oct 14, 2006 10:46am PDT
imageLive No on Prop 85 in Dolores Park!
by JD
Pictures from the ProChoice No on 85 event on Saturday 10/7....
Posted: Wed, Oct 11, 2006 11:50pm PDT
textImitating Others As Control: Is Drag Sexist/Racist? by kirsten anderberg
Next time you see someone performing either gender or race drag, THINK ABOUT IT! Don’t support racist or sexist stereotyping via imitation (or gender/race drag), as entertainment. It is not benign humor; no more so than "black face" was. It is very rare that I see any gender or race drag acts that are not sexist and/or racist. Only when the dominant paradigm is the butt of the joke, not the oppressed group, does drag work for me as entertainment....
Posted: Wed, Oct 11, 2006 2:50am PDT
textViolence Against Women Officially Declared a Human Rights Violation by feminist wire
The United Nations released a report late last week officially classifying violence against women as a human rights violation, increasing pressure on states in the UN to intensify and improve systems in place for handling violence against women....
Posted: Mon, Oct 9, 2006 5:17pm PDT
textWomen's Magazine on KPFA today by via list
Today, October 9 th at 1pm , The Women’s Magazone on KPFA radio 94.1 FM will be discussing the recently published book “ The Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology”...
Posted: Mon, Oct 9, 2006 10:56am PDT
textCA National Organization for Women Releases E-book on Crisis in Family Law Courts by Rachel Allen
Announcement of electronic book about mothers and their allies fighting back against injustice for mothers in the family law courts. A collection of essays by the country's leading experts and advocates fighting to address bias against women in contested custody and divorce cases, and the epidemic of mothers losing custody of their children to perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual abuse....
Posted: Mon, Oct 9, 2006 7:24am PDT
textWho Is Teen Esteem? by mom
East Bay Anti-choice group "TEEN ESTEEM" promoting negative messages about contraceptives in our public schools...
Posted: Sun, Oct 8, 2006 2:20pm PDT
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