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Newsitem List

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audioRev. Lucius Walker (Attachment On: AUDIO: Pastors For Peace Promotes Free Med School In Cuba) (audio/mpeg 8.5MB) by Ed Rippy
Rev. Lucius Walker, ED of Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO) (14:54)...
Posted: Tue, Apr 3, 2007 11:05am PDT
audioCarol Cross (Attachment On: AUDIO: Pastors For Peace Promotes Free Med School In Cuba) (audio/mpeg 17.9MB) by Ed Rippy
Carol Cross, Bay Area Cuban Sister Cities (31:22)...
Posted: Tue, Apr 3, 2007 11:05am PDT
audioEllen Bernstein (Attachment On: AUDIO: Pastors For Peace Promotes Free Med School In Cuba) (audio/mpeg 27.9MB) by Ed Rippy
Ellen Bernstein, Associate Director, IFCO (leading Q&A) (48:43)...
Posted: Tue, Apr 3, 2007 11:06am PDT
audioSarpoma (Attachment On: AUDIO: Pastors For Peace Promotes Free Med School In Cuba) (audio/mpeg 4.5MB) by Ed Rippy
Sarpoma, a 5th-year student at the Latin American School of Medicine (Interview, 7:47)...
Posted: Tue, Apr 3, 2007 11:06am PDT
audioGrassroots Journalism discussed (audio/mpeg 16.2MB) by rebroadcast
Eesha Williams talks with Andrea on the Morning Show at KPFA about alternatives to the mainstream media, including indymedia. 24-minute MP3 file. 16MB....
Posted: Wed, Mar 21, 2007 11:13am PDT
audioPelosi gets DC home demo, Mikulski fires back at office protestors (audio/mpeg 2.0MB) by WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 FM in DC
On March 15, Code Pink staged home demo at Nancy Pelosi's apartment in DC at 3030 K st NW. Earlier that same day, MD Senator Mikulski asked protestors "what do you want us to vote against-the bullets?" Mikulski then stated she won't vote to cut off funding....
Posted: Fri, Mar 16, 2007 2:09pm PDT
audioSen Mikulski wont cut war funds (Attachment On: Pelosi gets DC home demo, Mikulski fires back at office protestors) (audio/mpeg 4.3MB) by WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 FM in DC
Posted: Fri, Mar 16, 2007 2:09pm PDT
audioEconomy of War (audio/mpeg 1.3MB) by Mango Bunny
Audio about the defense industry is mixed with vocals from Lisa Debenedictis ......
Posted: Fri, Mar 16, 2007 11:08am PDT
audioMp3 of the song called "Andachten" (Attachment On: San Francisco Congressional Watchdog Group Keeps Up Pressure on Pelosi) (audio/mpeg 2.3MB) by Robert B. Livingston
Andachten means "devotions." (Very suitable for the activists who are devoted to ending war.)...
Posted: Thu, Mar 15, 2007 7:54am PDT
audioAn invitation to come join Camp Pelosi (Attachment On: San Francisco Congressional Watchdog Group Keeps Up Pressure on Pelosi) (audio/mpeg 1.5MB) by Robert B. Livingston
What to bring-- how to survive!...
Posted: Thu, Mar 15, 2007 4:20pm PDT
audio9th Circuit Courts Rule: No Sewage on Sacred Land (audio/mpeg 3.4MB) by Christina Aanestad
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeal ruled this week to stop plans by the Arizona Snowbowl Ski Resort to use treated waste water to make snow on a mountain sacred to Native Americans. Native American rights groups say the courts ruling is a first for recognizing Native American Religious Freedoms over government action. Environmental groups also challenged the plan citing concerns about the environmental safety of skiers and children who play in the snow....
Posted: Wed, Mar 14, 2007 7:38pm PDT
audioHomelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One (audio/mpeg 13.8MB) by Tim Rumford
Audio of the Homelessness Marathon in Fresno. Each audio link is 30 minutes....
Posted: Fri, Mar 2, 2007 8:23am PST
audio2nd half hour of Marathon (Attachment On: Homelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One) (audio/mpeg 13.8MB) by Tim Rumford
Posted: Fri, Mar 2, 2007 8:23am PST
audio3rd half hour of Marathon (Attachment On: Homelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One) (audio/mpeg 13.8MB) by Tim Rumford
This is the third half hour of the Marathon. Ending 1.5 hours into it for those who are not awake yet - More to come...
Posted: Fri, Mar 2, 2007 8:37am PST
audioNext half hour (Attachment On: Homelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One) (audio/mpeg 13.8MB) by Tim Rumford
Here is the next half hour. If I have to make each post contain only 3 - 30 minute files. I will instead post a link here to a web page with the entire list yo...
Posted: Fri, Mar 2, 2007 8:53am PST
audioNext half hour (Attachment On: Homelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One) (audio/mpeg 13.8MB) by Tim Rumford
Here is the following half hour. This is the last file I will post and add a link to a web page with all the files for easier accessibility....
Posted: Fri, Mar 2, 2007 9:20am PST
audioFirst Hour (Attachment On: Homelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One) (audio/mpeg 13.7MB) by Mike Rhodes
This is the first hour (Part 1) of the homelessness marathon. Because of technical problems, this hour was not available to some radio stations. The panel con...
Posted: Sun, Mar 4, 2007 3:01pm PST
audioFirst hour (Attachment On: Homelessnes Marathon in Fresno Audio of event Chapter One) (audio/mpeg 13.7MB) by Mike Rhodes
This is the first hour (Part 2) of the homelessness marathon. Because of technical problems, this hour was not available to some radio stations. The panel con...
Posted: Sun, Mar 4, 2007 3:08pm PST
audioNew AT&T Empire winning giant lawsuits to enforce MP3 patents (audio/mpeg 1.8MB) by WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 FM in DC
A generation ago, we though we had defeated the AT&T Telephone Empire. Now AT&T is being rapidly reassembled from its component parts by new owner Cingular, who bought out the ruined husk of the old AT&T "Death Star." Audio 1min 54 seconds...
Posted: Sat, Feb 24, 2007 3:38pm PST
audioFree's sentence thrown out, but right-wing and landlord arsonists never sentenced at all (audio/mpeg 3.7MB) by WSQT Guerrilla Radio 87.9 FM in DC
Free's unjust 23 year sentence has finally been thrown out. Only thing is, he has already served more time than rapists would serve if convicted in the same court....
Posted: Mon, Feb 19, 2007 5:13pm PST
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