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Newsitem List

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videoGeneral Union of Palestine Students Statement Regarding May 7th (video/mpeg 776.0KB) by sfgups
The media has misrepresented what really happened on May 7th at the General Union of Palestine Students protest at SFSU. Here is a summary of what really happened....
Posted: Tue, May 21, 2002 12:40pm PDT
videoChants heard at protest: (Attachment On: General Union of Palestine Students Statement Regarding May 7th) (video/mpeg 160.0KB) by sfgups
Pro-Palestinian Supporters yelling: Free Palestine (non racial, NOT Anti semetic chant) End the occupation now (non racial, NOT Anti semetic chant) Zionist o...
Posted: Tue, May 21, 2002 12:40pm PDT
videoStudents For Justice in Palestine. Update from peoples park, 4/28. (video/x-pn-realvideo 1.6MB) by Dan Mattson
11 minute video from peoples park MayDay Celebration. First is speaker from Students for Justice in Palestine talking about the issues and the plann to be tabling on campus this week. Followed by hot rock n roll....
Posted: Mon, Apr 29, 2002 5:17pm PDT
videoAxis of evil = war, racism and poverty, sf 4/20.02 (video/x-pn-realvideo 844.2KB) by Dan Mattson
I don't know how many came out today in solidarity with Palestine. I know when the march turned on to Grove, I filmed for 12 minutes until my tape ran out and they were still coming over the hill.Three bloks were filled. More than an hour later it was announced at civic center that marchers were still arriving. This five minute video of a Filipino speaker lays out the issues....
Posted: Sat, Apr 20, 2002 11:19pm PDT
videoFree Palestine! Palestinans speak and sing in front of Wheeler, UCB, 4/9/02! (video/x-pn-realvideo 762.3KB) by Dan Mattson
As Students for Justice in Palestine and their supporters from campus and the community were confronting the police inside Wheeler Hall, two Palestine teenagers, born in refuge camps, spoke and and led a song....
Posted: Tue, Apr 9, 2002 9:42pm PDT
videoPalestine Demonstration @ UCB Wheeler pt.2 (video/x-pn-realvideo 2.1MB) by Whispered Media
Speakers and Direct Action at UC Berkeley on April 9, 2002 at a Bay Area demonstration as part of a national day of action in response to Israeli military aggression and commemorating the 1948 massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin....
Posted: Tue, Apr 9, 2002 6:56pm PDT
videoPalestine Demonstration @ UCB Wheeler (video/x-pn-realvideo 227.7KB) by Whispered Media
Speakers and Direct Action at UC Berkeley on April 9, 2002 at a Bay Area demonstration as part of a national day of action in response to Israeli military aggression and commemorating the 1948 massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin....
Posted: Tue, Apr 9, 2002 6:46pm PDT
videoSpeakers at Peace Rally in Berkeley 4/2/02 (video/x-pn-realvideo 1.3MB) by Dan Mattson
Here is a video (9 min) of two speakers at the downtown Berkeley rally before the march on Tuesday 4/2/02. The first is an Israeli peace activist, the second is a Palestinian student....
Posted: Wed, Apr 3, 2002 1:24pm PST
videoFree the Land! Free Palestine. SF 3/30/02 (video/x-pn-realvideo 1.5MB) by Dan Mattson
This 9:48 minute video links the struggle in Palestine to the struggle in Vieques to the struggle in the Philipines. This is from the rally at UN Plaza in San Francisco on March 30, 2002....
Posted: Mon, Apr 1, 2002 8:42pm PST
videoSan Francisco turns out in Solidarity with Palestine 3/30/02 (video/x-pn-realvideo 1.3MB) by Dan Mattson
A thousand or more turned in San Francisco today on behalf of ending the Israeli occupation of Plaestine, and ending US support for Israel. This 8:45 minute video highligts the march and Palestinian speakers at the rally at UN Plaza....
Posted: Sat, Mar 30, 2002 10:19pm PST
videoIsraeli & Palestinians rebuild homes together (video/x-pn-realvideo 15.5MB) by Amir Terkel
7 min video - High bandwidth. Israeli Peace Activists join Palestinians in a Jerusalem refugee camp to rebuild a home destroyed by the city....
Posted: Sat, Dec 8, 2001 9:43pm PST
videoTwo for Netanyahu (video) (video/x-pn-realvideo 4.2MB) by John Lionheart
16 minutes. First 7 minutes protest at Marin Auditorium 11-30 against Israeli Benjamin Netanyehu. second portion is of Berkeley protest 11-28 --complelling interviews with Marin children for peace, Berkeley ticketholders, Woman in Black, and Barbara Lubin....
Posted: Mon, Dec 11, 2000 11:17pm PST
video2000 protesters shut down Netanyahu lecture in Berkeley (video) (video/x-pn-realvideo 3.4MB) by Dan Mattson
The Benjamin Netanyahu lecture in Berkeley on 11/28/00 was cancelled when demonstrator protesting US aid to Israel and Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory broke through the yellow tape and blocked the entrance. Demonstrators were elated, ticket holders annoyed (and a few amused)....
Posted: Wed, Nov 29, 2000 11:04am PST
videon/a (video/x-pn-realvideo 992.5KB) by news
Arabs take to the streets to protest Israeli aggression in Palestine...
Posted: Fri, Oct 6, 2000 7:40pm PDT
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