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textradical reference at RNC by debbie
radical reference: answering questions from those who question authority...
Posted: Tue, Aug 24, 2004 9:26pm PDT
textOriginal Weathermen to wreak havoc at RNC by NYPost
August 23, 2004 -- EXCLUSIVE A number of extremists with ties to the 1970s radical Weather Underground have recently been released from prison and are in New York preparing to wreak havoc during the Republican National Convention, The Post has learned....
Posted: Tue, Aug 24, 2004 9:25pm PDT
textRestoring human health without animal cruelty by Marburg monkey
The future will remember the brave people at SHAC who first stood against the immense monolith of corporate animal testing cruelty for a more humane world.....
Posted: Tue, Aug 24, 2004 9:45am PDT
textWhat a Good Corporate Citizen! by r
Ordinary citizen comes to the aid of Starbucks...
Posted: Tue, Aug 24, 2004 3:51am PDT
textTaking One For The Team by Prisoner50X
Congress is facilitating the next "crisis" to drain the Treasury and your future: a pension bailout of epic proportions is very likely (PBGC deficit of $350 billion), but Congress wants to help corporations continue to underfund their pension obligations. You know the drill people. Quack like ducks and then take it....
Posted: Tue, Aug 24, 2004 12:38am PDT
imageArundhati Roy's missing piece
by d.o.
It's a shame that an eloquent speaker and inspiring activist like Arundhati Roy has apparently missed this critical piece of the election equation in the U.S....
Posted: Mon, Aug 23, 2004 6:32am PDT
textThe God of the EU Constitution by Ulrich Duchrow
Entrepreneurial freedom is introduced as a new basic right. Art 14 of the German constitution "Property obligates and should serve the well-being of the general public" is not followed. People are sacrificed to the idol of the open market economy in the proposed EU constitutional draft....
Posted: Mon, Aug 23, 2004 6:16am PDT
textThe Movie the NYPD Doesn't Want You to See by imcista
Posted: Sat, Aug 21, 2004 8:39pm PDT
textBREAKING the LEASH: A Surrealist Statement Against Torturocracy of George W. Bush by Surrealists International
Of the dungeons there had been strange things narrated—fables, I had always deemed them—but yet strange, and too ghastly to repeat, save in a whisper. —Edgar Allan Poe, “The Pit and the Pendulum”...
Posted: Sat, Aug 21, 2004 12:27am PDT
imagePIX: Arundhati Roy, Boots Riley
by matt fitt
Pictures of Arundhati Roy in conversation with David Barsamian, in Berkeley, CA, 18 Aug, 2004. Also with Boots Riley (of The Coup) and Amy Goodman (of Democracy Now!)...
Posted: Fri, Aug 20, 2004 5:43pm PDT
imageBoo!SSH scares me, astute essays hinting at OtherWorlds, OtherWays
by CultureJamCleveland
"True sanity entails in one way or another the dissolution of the normal ego, that false self competently adjusted to our alienated social reality...and through this death a rebirth, the ego now being the servant of the divine, no longer its betrayer." —R. D. Laing Ronnie Laing's profound dictum leaves us with many poignant questions regarding the true nature of the psychic lives of so-called ordinary Americans and our ability to function in this corrupt and crumbling empire. In sho...
Posted: Fri, Aug 20, 2004 2:43pm PDT
imageMaking the U.S. Safer for Opium Dealers, Terrorists and Neocons
by William Hughes
Since the Bush-Cheney Gang invaded Afghanistan in 2001, the opium industry has grown to $2.3 billion a year. When the Taliban was in charge, the trade was almost totally suppressed. During the 80s and early 90s, when Ronald Reagan and “Daddy” Bush were running the U.S., the Mujahedin, which morphed into al-Qaeda, received hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the CIA, including plastic explosives, enough to blow up “half of NYC...”...
Posted: Fri, Aug 20, 2004 6:28am PDT
imageWal-Mart to Run for President of U.S.
by Daisy Thrash
WalMart Announces Its Write-In Campaign For President of the United States Candidate to Also Bid for Nomination of Natural Persons Party the Evening of September 1 at Studio Z in San Francisco...
Posted: Thu, Aug 19, 2004 9:56pm PDT
textAnarchist-affiliated websites down this morning by Luci E
When I got up this morning, I saw that sf.indymedia was down and there was a post to the newswire of this site saying that it might be fed-related (that post is "hidden")....
Posted: Thu, Aug 19, 2004 9:17am PDT
textVenezuela: U.S. NED Funded Exit Poll Co. Lied About the Election Results! by Lee Siu Hin
August 19, 2004 Americas Watch Special Investigation Part of Peace No War Network URL:
Posted: Thu, Aug 19, 2004 1:00am PDT
textKeep Wal-Mart Out of Oakland by Stephen Knight
Tell Mayor Brown to Keep Wal-Mart out of Oakland!...
Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2004 7:54pm PDT
textNepal Maoist Execute Reporter by msdfiopsug
Thap was kidnapped in Dailekh (500 km west of Kathmandu) by Maoist troops who accused him of spying for the government. Among 10 charges against him was one of helping to organise a ceremony to honour King Gyanendra in April. The leaflet, signed by "Comrade Ranajeet," the local party secretary, said he was executed after being found guilty of spying....
Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2004 5:35pm PDT
textThe Right of Revolution!!! by Fauxlosopher
The Right of Revolution!...
Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2004 12:17pm PDT
textPhone numbers, addresses, and e-mails of over 1600 RNC delegates! by RNC Delegates Working Group
Today we are releasing a list of delegates to the 2004 Republican National Convention. This list includes the names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of RNC delegates in addition to what hotel each one is staying at during their invasion of New York City....
Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2004 2:45am PDT
textWorker-owner Opportunity at 6th Street Books SF by collin
Worker-owned business is an effective mode not only of personal economics but also an individual part in efforts to shift the global economy toward regional stability and economic sustainability. So why, then, is Tommy at Sixth Street Books having trouble finding people who want to enter into a worker-owned book shop/lunch stop/education & entertainment venue?...
Posted: Wed, Aug 18, 2004 12:28am PDT
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