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imageToday! 4:45  PM! Stop the PiG!
by bov
I've seen the PiG and he's hilarious! He was at the peace march and rally on Saturday . . . Do you think Willie will dance? I'd show up just to see the look on Willie's face....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 8:43am PDT
textEU Caves In To Washington Over International Criminal Court by bov
"separate immunity arrangements can be concluded for Americans" that's right, the bombers with the most money are immune from punishment. I guess the EU is just another 'democratic congress' - impotent....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 8:26am PDT
textWar on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know - Pitt by bov
Excerpt from an interview on his book with Scott Ritter. I was interested to hear this part: "They certainly do not have any connections to Al Qaeda - Saddam Hussein has been viciously and vigorously repressing Islamic fundamentalism in his own country. He puts people to death if they proselytize Islamic fundamentalism. That's why he attacks the Kurds. If Hussein were to give Al Qaeda weapons of mass destruction, they would use those weapons on him first. They hate him."...
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 7:37am PDT
textTwo Reporters Describe Their Time in Police Custody by bov
Despite having identified ourselves as news reporters several times, we were grabbed forcefully by police officers in riot gear, handcuffed and led to Metrobus No. 8771 with 34 protesters and an indignant United Press International reporter....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 7:29am PDT
textWashington State Dem Party Unanimously Opposes Iraq War! by bov
excellent . . . ....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 7:24am PDT
textsupport the dock workers by John
US shippers lock out dockworkers on West Coast...
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 6:44am PDT
text5 deaths of longshore workers prove hazardous conditions by Solidarity Forever
There have been 5 deaths of longshore workers this year on the docks, demonstrating the hazardous working conditions. The World Socialist Website provides one perspective on what is to be done....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 6:06am PDT
textGROSSMAN IN MOSCOW in IRAQ-TALKS : ' SAVING PILOT SPEICHER...' ? by Foreign Press Foundation
During the talks in Moscow between the US Undersecretary Grossman and Russian minister for Foreign Affairs Ivanov, also the fate of dead pilot Michael Speicher was mentioned. Which prompted minister Ivanov afterwards to confirm : " And yes, we will also help looking for survivors in Iraq...". But Speicher's death was proven a long time ago by a joint US, International Red Cross and Iraqi forensic team that visited the crash site. Speicher'' s case is a pretext....
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 2:09am PDT
audioVIDEO: Are Israelis Using Nerve Gas on Palestinian Civilians? (video/x-pn-realvideo-meta 0.1KB) by ...
Judge for yourself...
Posted: Mon, Sep 30, 2002 1:24am PDT
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 11:25pm PDT
imageDay of Protest
by Charles Slay
Anti-war protestors and supporters of Palestine marched from San Francisco's Dolores Park to the Civic Center Saturday September 28 to voice their opposition to the impending war against Iraq and commemorate the Al Aqsa Intifada and the twentieth annivesrary of the massacres of Sabra and Shatila....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 11:05pm PDT
textCall Senator Kennedy and ASK HIM TO FILIBUSTER! by bov
the last best hope?...
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 11:04pm PDT
textSight Seeing in the long shore drift by Sheepdog
Personal Review of Conservative Websight, on short notice....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 9:53pm PDT
image“One Crime Seen From Every Point Of View”
by builder123
Oil at any cost? The debate is only beginning. Photo: “National Day of Protest” San Francisco 9/28/02 Sponsored by International A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition...
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 9:27pm PDT
audioVIDEO: Rescuing Middle East Policy (video/x-pn-realvideo-meta 0.1KB) by FSTV
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 9:12pm PDT
text10/3: SF No on N Campaign Kickoff; Phone Bank for No on N; Ballot Arguments by Tenant Voter
The SF No on N campaign kickoff is October 3. Phone bankers and precinct walkers are also needed for this outrageous, anti-workingclass proposition. This article contains the press release on the kickoff and the ballot arguments against Prop. N....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 8:54pm PDT
videoILWU Back to Work on Sunday in Oakland (video/x-pn-realvideo 27.2MB) by Dan Mattson
Richard Mead, President of ILWU local 10 (Oakland) spent about an hour and a half this morning with several reporters. We were from KQED, AP and SF-IMC. This 9 min video is about the first day back after the lockout....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 8:40pm PDT
textLongshore lock out resumes by C. Wright
The lockout of the dockworkers resumes. My spouse and my son (members of Local 10, ILWU) report for picket duty tomorrow....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 8:24pm PDT
textCan anybody verify the following? by <M
Can the following information be substantiated?...
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 7:16pm PDT
textBritish people say NO to war on Iraq by rene
Results from two pools in Great Britain show contempt for the Bush war on Iraq....
Posted: Sun, Sep 29, 2002 5:46pm PDT
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