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Newsitem List

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text10/11: Over 5-hour siege of SF by Navy's Blue Death by Peacenik
San Francisco experienced a 5-plus hour siege by the Navy's Blue Angels aka Blue Death with their illegal low flights over heavily populated San Francisco, wasting tax dollars and oil and glorifying war, invited here by that good Democrat, election-frauding, fascist thug "mayor" Willie Brown....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 5:47pm PDT
textepisode X by schmee
trip out....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 5:22pm PDT
imageChannel 2 Camera Man Attacks Protestors At Federal Building
by hmm
Along with a few employees wo rushed protestors desperate to get to their jobs, a channel 2 camera man for no apparent reason rushed and hit several protestors in an attempt to get into the federal building....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 4:36pm PDT
textMost Israeli PMs Said To Have Been Diagnosed Mental Patients by
Most Israeli PMs Said To Have Been Diagnosed Mental Patients...
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 3:43pm PDT
textEnd Game by Clinton Fein /
Over the last two days, an overwhelming majority of elected representatives we pay and whom, at our behest, are duty bound to protect our interests authorized a supposedly former alcoholic and cocaine addict .to use force against Iraq....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 2:25pm PDT
videoOne Violent Arrest At Federal Building today. (video/x-pn-realvideo 8.6MB) by Dan Mattson
Federal Buliding, SF, 10/11/02. Overall cool heads prevailed at this CD/ rally. Less so at Larkin St entrance. 2:43 video of arrest....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 2:13pm PDT
textGlobal Exchanges Pre-War Sale? by James Rector
What are Global Exchange really? Soft capitalists peddling their petty bourgeois line of overpriced trinketsOR liberals in radical's clothing trying to ram their lame brand of reformism down the anti war movement's throat....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 2:09pm PDT
textActivist beware of ANSWER & Not in Our Name by sick
Authoritarians suck...
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 1:21pm PDT
by atomic frog
like many Americans, I was concerned by the way the Administration first proposed to deal with that threat. The seeming desire of this Administration to wage war alone -- without the support of our allies and without authorization from Congress -- was wrong....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 1:15pm PDT
imageAntiwar Protesters Shut Down SF Federal Building
by Liz Highleyman
Five hundred antiwar protesters blockaded the San Francisco federal building on the morning of October 10, successfully shutting it down for three hours....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 1:01pm PDT
imageFederal Employees attack protesters and climb fences all in the name of getting to work
by and they could have had a 4 day weekend too
Lines of federal workers formed as antiwar protesters blockaded teh SF federal building. Most waited peacefully but a few ran at protesters and hit them. Other managed to sneak over the fence while the protesters were not watching. Unlike most US workers, these federal employees get Monday off as a holliday. Its hard to believe how desperate many of them were to get to their jobs....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:50pm PDT
textBush rewards bosses, invokes Taft-Hartley by Evelina Alarcon
LOS ANGELES – The labor movement reacted with outrage to George W. Bush’s decision to invoke the unionbusting Taft-Hartley Act to end an employer lockout of the West Coast International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). It was the first use of the law against the union since Richard Nixon invoked it in 1971 to interrupt a strike....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:37pm PDT
Two members of Code Pink a PreEmptive Strike for Peace were arrested yesterday (Oct. 10th) for disrupting Congress right before the vote on authorization to use force against Iraq....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:37pm PDT
imageFederal Cops Defending Their Employer
by blech
One interesting part of protests at a federal building is that the cops are federal. Here are some pictured of the police at the protest this morning. The cop after the photo marked loose cannon ran up to and hit protesters with his batton without provocation. The cop marked as undercover with the white hat helped with an arrest while his partner has been at many past protests....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:33pm PDT
imageJoin the United States Army!
by Uncle Sam
Join the United States Army!...
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:23pm PDT
textBush wages war on unions by Milt Neidenberg
As the Bush Jr. administration and the Pacific Maritime Association work hand-in-hand to wage a brutal war against the dockworkers, international labor unity is needed for a defiant fightback....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:21pm PDT
imageProtesters Blockade Federal Building In Response To Congressional Votes
by Z
On Oct 11th, protesters who had slept all night in front of the Federal Building in San Francisco managed to blockade the large building and prevent most workers from getting in for several hours....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:19pm PDT
videoIRAQ SANCTIONS BACKGROUND - Laurel Severns (video/x-pn-realvideo 8.6MB) by snowshoefilms
ANA AMRIKIYAA WA ANA AASIFA: I'm an American, and I'm sorry: Laurel Severns (AFSC, Chicago) traveled in Iraq in late June 2001 with Voices in the Wilderness. The film’s title is taken from the response of American activists when observing the remains of a soccer field where days before an American or British “smart bomb” killed 22 children and wounded a dozen more: I’m an American and I’m sorry. Severns’ commentary offers a much-needed primer for opposition to further genocide in Iraq. www...
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:18pm PDT
textThe economy: Nothing to remain silent about by Fred Gaboury
Nearly two months have passed since President Bush hosted an “economic summit” – a flop the People’s Weekly World headlined as “all show and no go.” As events have since shown, we may have understated the case:...
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 12:17pm PDT
textBush rewards bosses, invokes Taft-Hartley by Evelina Alarcon
LOS ANGELES – The labor movement reacted with outrage to George W. Bush’s decision to invoke the unionbusting Taft-Hartley Act to end an employer lockout of the West Coast International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). It was the first use of the law against the union since Richard Nixon invoked it in 1971 to interrupt a strike....
Posted: Fri, Oct 11, 2002 11:57am PDT
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