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text Chorus of Church Bells to Ring Across Nation in Remembrance of the Fallen in Iraq by Kevin Zeese
Bells Will Bear Witness to the Human Toll of War, Commemorate their Sacrifice, and Bring Forth a Moral Consensus on Next Steps in Iraq Commencement Ceremony Thursday, 10:00AM; All Souls Church, Washington, DC...
Posted: Wed, Aug 31, 2005 5:02am PDT
imageFinal Photos from Camp Casey - Vets Speak Out, AIM, Hitting the Road
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Crawford, Texas (August 30, 2005): Iraq Veterans Against the War speak out, American Indian Movement representatives visit Camp Casey, and camp deconstruction begins. Bus tour scheduled to embark tomorrow....
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 10:21pm PDT
textPeter Young Signs Plea Agreement by
On Friday September 2nd, Peter will plead guilty in Federal Court to two counts of animal enterprise terrorism charges. He is expected to receive the maximum sentence of 2 years....
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 9:45pm PDT
textAnti-War Movement Needs More Adults, Less Bongos by Robert B. Livingston
Todd Gitlin writing for notes how the Right is "Swift-Boating" Cindy Sheehan and recalls how Anti-War protesters became more and more unpopular as the anti-war movement went mainstream near the close of the Vietnam war. Is there a smarter way for the Anti-war Movement to build momentum for their cause without alienating it?...
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 12:20pm PDT
audioCoalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary Conference Call (audio/mpeg 4.9MB) by David Grace
Discussion of Civil Rights, Disability Rights and Women's Rights if John Roberts is Confirmed...
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 12:02pm PDT
textWeaver and Coronado: Day One of Posada Carriles Hearing by Narco News
Bill Weaver and Irasema Coronado report in from day one of Luis Posada Carriles' immigration hearing today. Posada Carriles, a longtime Cuban exile activist, CIA asset, and accused terrorist seeks political asylum in the United States...
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 11:01am PDT
textEnvironmental Racism: How Minority Communities Are Exposed to "Toxic Soup" by Democracy Now (reposted)
We speak with Damu Smith, founder of Black Voices for Peace and executive director of the National Black Environmental Justice Network about environmental racism. Smith says, "People, black and white and Latino, who live in these [heavy industrial] areas are exposed to toxic soup of chemicals regularly released into the air, into the soil, into the water."...
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 7:59am PDT
textKatrina Rescue Operations: Are National Guard and Equipment Stretched Thin by Iraq War? by Democracy Now (reposted)
With search and rescue operations underway in multiple states and many communities facing massive reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, state governments are relying significantly on aid from the National Guard. But with the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the number of Guard members available at home has been slashed....
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 7:55am PDT
textDemocratic governor in Tennessee oversees drastic Medicaid cuts by wsws (reposted)
On July 1, the beginning of the 2006 fiscal year, the Tennessee legislature approved Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen’s budget proposal, which included plans to cut by the end of the year 323,000 beneficiaries from TennCare, the state Medicaid program. Additional across-the-board benefit reductions, including extreme restrictions on prescription drugs, are also currently being implemented for the hundreds of thousands remaining in the program....
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 7:54am PDT
textMorning-After Pill: Politics and the F.D.A. by sources
WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 - For more than a year, federal drug officials have insisted that their repeated delays in deciding whether to approve over-the-counter sales of a morning-after contraceptive have nothing to do with abortion politics....
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 7:41am PDT
text8/30: NOW Protests FDA with National Day of Action on Emergency Contraception by National Organization for Women
The National Organization for Women (NOW) will hold a National Day of Action on Tuesday, August 30, to protest the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) repeated refusal to approve emergency contraception for over-the-counter use....
Posted: Tue, Aug 30, 2005 12:25am PDT
text1970: Chicano Moratorium — 2005: Latinos for Peace by PWW (reposted)
Thirty-five years ago, on Aug. 29, 1970, some 25,000-30,000 people, mostly Mexican Americans, marched through the heart of the East Los Angeles barrios protesting the war in Vietnam. It was the largest Mexican American political demonstration ever until Cesar Chavez’s funeral in 1993. It was a time when young working-class Chicanos and Latinos were beginning to refuse to go to Vietnam, and those on the front lines, along with African American and white soldiers, began to resist the Pentagon’s...
Posted: Mon, Aug 29, 2005 10:34pm PDT
videoVideo of right wing 'Protest Warriors' fleeing Crawford pro-war rally (video/x-ms-wmv 13.8MB) by Jeff Paterson
4:30 minute video. Microsoft Windows Media Player required. About two thousand people converged in Crawford for the “Cindy (Sheehan) Doesn’t Speak for Me” rally Saturday. However, in a odd turn of events, and despite repeated pleadings that “we are on your side, we are on the right,” the rally turned on conservative youth "Protest Warriors."...
Posted: Mon, Aug 29, 2005 4:32pm PDT
imagePhotos from Camp Casey; Rev. Al Sharpton, Wedding, Martin Sheen
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Crawford, Texas (August 29, 2005): Wrapping up a busy final weekend, the Rev. Al Sharpton closed a moving interfaith prayer service yesterday morning, Genevieve and Peter were married in the afternoon, and actor Martin Sheen joined us for early evening events....
Posted: Mon, Aug 29, 2005 9:36am PDT
textFinal Weekend of Camp Casey Draws Thousands to Protest Outside Presidential Estate by Democracy Now (reposted)
The last weekend of Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside President Bush's property in Crawford drew more than fifteen hundred people for an anti-Bush protest. Also in Crawford were two thousand Bush supporters. We hear from Cindy Sheehan, military families...
Posted: Mon, Aug 29, 2005 7:25am PDT
textCan the Empire Do Everything? by Mumia Abu-Jamal
"The problem is that the US supported the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. A paragraph of that treaty imposes the obligation of negotiations on ending the nuclear arms race.. An empire doesn't seem worried about justice and law.."...
Posted: Mon, Aug 29, 2005 6:19am PDT
Guardsmen made able-bodied people clasp their hands behind their backs while they patted them down, feeling the seams and hems of clothing, then ran metal detectors over them. The backpacks, suitcases and plastic grocery bags that held their belongings were searched. Alice George, 76, a homeless woman wearing shorts and a T-shirt with the word Love on the front, was searched for almost 10 minutes. "They took my cigarettes and lighter," she said. "I guess I'll do without."...
Posted: Sun, Aug 28, 2005 9:50pm PDT
imagePhotos from Crawford Pro-War Rally; 'Protest Warriors' Attacked by Rightwing Mob
by Jeff Paterson
About two thousand people converged in Crawford yesterday for the “Cindy Doesn’t Speak for Me” rally. “Gold Bless America, God Bless the Troops, and God Bless President Bush” was the theme of the day. However, in a odd turn of events, and despite repeated pleadings that “we are on your side, we are on the right,” the rally turned on conservative Protest Warriors....
Posted: Sun, Aug 28, 2005 12:14pm PDT
imagePhotos from Camp Casey; Anti-War Texas Hoe Down of Thousands
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Over two thousand people made their way to Camp Casey yesterday for a huge hoe down deep in the heart of Texas. Full buses of supporters from Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin unload and loaded throughout the day. After Cindy Sheehan welcomed many of the buses, the main tent stage featured a day of music by artists from across Texas....
Posted: Sun, Aug 28, 2005 11:51am PDT
textGreens Blast Troop Escalation, Call For Immediate Withdrawal by flindet
Greens announce an online petition against the war, criticize Democratic Party support for Bush's Iraq policy....
Posted: Sun, Aug 28, 2005 9:13am PDT
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