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Newsitem List

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imageBerkeley Residents March Against Pacific Steel
by Dan McMullan
Berkeley residents and Bay Area enviromentalists hold a march and rally to call attention to the excessive amount of heavy metals discharged into the atmosphere by the Pacific Steel Foundry....
Posted: Mon, Nov 13, 2006 12:42am PST
textPercy Schmeiser and Ignacio Chapella Speaking Monday 7pm at Live Oak Grange (11/13) by Town Crier
Percy Schmeiser and Ignacio Chapella - speaking presentation and strategic dialogue on genetic engineering in agriculture....
Posted: Sat, Nov 11, 2006 5:18pm PST
textLearning from the Past: Can the Klamath be Restored? by FELICE PACE, Counterpunch (reposted)
This week state, federal, tribal and local biologists, restorationists, politicians and bureaucrats, as well as agricultural and fishing interests, will gather at the Holiday Inn in Redding, California for the three-day Klamath Basin Watershed Conference. The Conference title--Sustainable Watersheds Bring Sustainable Communities--will be pursued through three themes presented on successive days: 1.) We Are One Basin, 2.) Progress in the Basin, and 3.) Moving Toward Sustainability....
Posted: Fri, Nov 10, 2006 6:41am PST
textDebris Shelter Campout (11/11) by Jackal
An invitation to one and all to come to the Debris Shelter Campout!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 9, 2006 10:18am PST
audioFSRN: Global Threats to Ocean Diversity (audio/mpeg 4.0MB) by Vinny Lombardo
A new study by a team of marine scientists outlined in the November 3 edition of Science Magazine asserts a decline in marine biodiversity in the Earth's oceeans. Overfishing, pollution, and other environmental factors will wipe out the global seafood supply by 2048, if steep declines in marine diversity continue at current rates. But as FSRN's Vinny Lombardo reports, its not too late to change the outcome and protect ocean wildlife. TRT- 4:24 >` ·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·....
Posted: Wed, Nov 8, 2006 11:18am PST
textAction Alert: Pack City Council Chambers to Support Front Yard Gardens! by Dan Bacher
Your support for legislation allowing the growing of fruit and vegetable gardens in front yards is urgently needed on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 12:30 p.m at Sacramento City Hall....
Posted: Tue, Nov 7, 2006 2:15pm PST
textVote today; Job Opening; Protest Saturday by via Ecology Center
Vote today; Job Opening; Protest Saturday 11/11...
Posted: Tue, Nov 7, 2006 1:27pm PST
imageCommon Vision Tour Featuring Human, Arjun, Guardians, Rocker T and Jah Warrior Shelter
by Hiraeth
Common Vision, the good people who are planting fruit trees and teaching percussion to school children throughout the state, are partway through their recycled-veggie-oil-powered benefit tour. Please get out and support these incredible people... and have a great time rocking to some reggae sounds....
Posted: Mon, Nov 6, 2006 5:54pm PST
textAct Now to Remove Klamath River Dams! by Dan Bacher
The NEPA comment period for the Klamath Dams is open and comments and hearings are coming up fast. The chance for dam removal through the FERC process only happens every 50 years, and the Klamath Salmon (and thus West Coast salmon industry), and the people whom depend on them can not wait 50 more years....
Posted: Mon, Nov 6, 2006 4:53pm PST
textSchwarzenegger claims to be an environmentalist, but his choice of vehicles and his his endorsements out him as a hypocrite by sfbg (reposted)
f there is a single symbol of American wastefulness, military fetishism, and willful ignorance about what it means to be heating up the planet at the end of the age of oil, it is the Hummer. And if there is one American who is most closely associated with the Hummer, it is Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger....
Posted: Mon, Nov 6, 2006 6:41am PST
imageKlamath Riverkeeper Leads 35 Groups in Battle to Clean the Watershed
by Dan Bacher
The Klamath Riverkeeper organization made its debut at the recent State Water Resources Control Board meeting in Sacramento....
Posted: Sun, Nov 5, 2006 10:38pm PST
textCalifornia officials propose California Endangered Species Act Exemption for Klamath River by Felice Pace
California Fish & Game (CDFG) proposes giving agricultural operations in the Shasta and Scott Sub-basin of the Klamath River a virtual exemption from the California Endangered Species Act (C-ESA). The irrigators dewater the Scott and Shasta and, in drought years, Coho salmon, listed as “threatened” under the C-ESA, are among the fish killed. The proposed permit will not lead to Coho Recovery; it will allow dewatering to continue and put irrigators in charge of monitoring their own C-ESA comp...
Posted: Sun, Nov 5, 2006 1:56pm PST
documentPercy Schmeiser tour
by fertile seeds
Join Cal GE-Free coalition partner CCOF for GE-Free Education and Dialogue with Percy Schmeiser, the Canadian farmer whose canola fields were contaminated with GE seed, and in turn was sued by Monsanto. Speaking at five locations around the Bay Area in November!...
Posted: Sun, Nov 5, 2006 2:45am PST
textKlamath River News 11-1 by Dan Bacher
Here's a bunch of events that you can attend to support dam removal on the Klamath River!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 2, 2006 8:52pm PST
textYosemite Slough concentrated with PCBs and other toxins by Monster Park by Francisco Da Costa
It is shocking while thousands suffer from cancer and other diseases in the Bayview and Hunters Point area - Arc Ecology is getting over $386,000 from SF Redevelopment Agency for some fake outreach. Thousands of dollars from other State Agencies to create a fake Park and supposedly clean up PCBs and other toxins that is Yosmite Slough. There is no way one can compare Crissy Field at the Presidio of San Francisco with Yosemite Slough....
Posted: Thu, Nov 2, 2006 5:41pm PST
imageKlamath Riverkeeper Leads 35 Groups in Battle to Clean the Watershed
by Dan Bacher
The Klamath Riverkeeper organization made its debut at a meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento on October 25....
Posted: Tue, Oct 31, 2006 2:59pm PST
textFish Group Sues Department of Water Resources For Taking Endangered Salmon by Dan Bacher
The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance opened a new offensive in the battle to save the Delta when it sued the State of California for failure to protect endangered salmon and Delta smelt....
Posted: Tue, Oct 31, 2006 12:52pm PST
textJoin California Safe Schools & Tell EPA Pesticide Labels Should Identify ALL Ingredients! by California Sage Schools
Our national pesticide law only requires that certain ingredients in a pesticide (called the active ingredients) be identified on the label. All the others are misleadingly called inert ingredients, and are not identified. These same ingredients escape from most of the testing and evaluation required for active ingredients. They're...
Posted: Wed, Oct 25, 2006 5:51pm PDT
textIndy Tests of Dust Fallout Point to Toxic Fingerprint of Troubled Berkeley Steel Plant by ecology center repo
New independent tests of dust fallout from the West Berkeley neighborhood surrounding Pacific Steel Casting Company (PSC) point to the known toxic fingerprint of the troubled facility. Frustrated by the company's failure to release a legally mandated Health Risk Assessment, which required tests of pollution sources at PSC, community members decided to do their own tests....
Posted: Tue, Oct 24, 2006 8:13pm PDT
textJoin Pesticide Watch in protesting ChemLawn's pesticides 10/26 by Refuse to Use ChemLawn!!
Sacramento Valley residents are already exposed to enough pesticides. We certainly don't need individual homeowners adding known carcinigens to the neighborhood by using ChemLawn toxins. Protest ChemLawn in Sacramento 10/26 @ 11 am, ChemLawn headquarters; 1700 N. Market Blvd. # 103.....
Posted: Tue, Oct 24, 2006 6:02pm PDT
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