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text3/14-19: Walkin to New Orleans by via list
at the call of the Mobile Veterans For Peace Chapter #130, (people) will conduct a march between Mobile, AL, and New Orleans, LA, from March 14-19, 2006...
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 9:54pm PST
textUS: AK Steel lockout enters second week by wsws (reposted)
AK Steel’s lockout of 2,700 workers at its Middletown, Ohio, mill entered its second week Thursday as evidence mounts that the company’s provocative actions and its sweeping demands for job cuts and wage and benefit concessions are aimed at making it more attractive to a potential buyer....
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 9:48pm PST
textGoing Bigger by MoveOn
Bigger and Better Plan We're making our election plan bigger and better with a new Spring TV ad program that will help break the Republican stranglehold on Congress. The blitz this Spring will cost $2 million. To get started we need to raise $500,000 this week. Can you join us?...
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 9:47pm PST
textFCC says it will act "in the best interest of consumers" regarding AT&T/BellSouth union by Matthew Lasar
AT&T has yet to file an application with the FCC for its proposed acquisition of BellSouth, but FCC Chair Kevin Martin has already issued a public statement promising to examine "any allegations of specific harm in individual markets" caused by the union of the two telephone companies....
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 4:47pm PST
textNational Call-In Day to Save the Endangered Species Act! by Thu Mar 9
Senator Dianne Feinstein: (202) 224-3841 Senator Barbara Boxer: (202) 224-3553 U.S. Senate switchboard: (202) 224-3121...
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 2:28pm PST
textThe Green Scare by Karen Pickett Truthout repost
On January 20th, eleven people were indicted in Oregon by a grand jury investigating acts of sabotage linked to the underground Earth Liberation Front (ELF)....
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 1:41pm PST
textWomen Celebrate International Women's Day by Rallying for Peace by NOW
Statement of NOW President Kim Gandy...
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 9:10am PST
textTheater Still Hopeful on 'Rachel Corrie' by reposts
NEW YORK -- A prominent off-Broadway theater says it still hopes to present "My Name Is Rachel Corrie," a politically charged play about a young American student who was killed while trying to stop the Israeli destruction of a Palestinian home in Gaza....
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 7:06am PST
textWho is Afraid of Rachel Corrie? by WARREN GUYKEMA via Counterpunch
An Open Letter to Jim Nicola, Artistic Director, New York Theater Workshop...
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 6:25am PST
textIt's an Awful Lot of Money to Makes Us Less Safe and Less Free by CounterPunch (reposted)
Ever since President Eisenhower's farewell address, there have been sporadic warnings about the Military Industrial Complex. Over the last couple of decades, critics like Ernest Fitzgerald and Chuck Spinney have performed a valuable public service by uncovering the Pentagon's lunatic potlatch schemes and dragging them before the bar of public opinion. Lately, organizations such as the Project on Government Oversight, the Center for Defense Information, and the Committee against Government Was...
Posted: Wed, Mar 8, 2006 6:17am PST
textPesticides - A Greater Threat to Children by Pesticide Action Network
A new scientific study shows that children can be up to 164 times more sensitive than adults to pesticides that frequently contaminate agricultural communities. The findings strengthen an ongoing lawsuit alleging that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not adequately protecting children from pesticide exposures....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 10:47pm PST
textMarking the 3rd Anniversary of the War in Iraq by Military Families Speak Out
If you want to find out if there is an MFSO chapter near you that may have activities to link up with, go to the MFSO website chapter section at:
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 10:37pm PST
textAction Alert: The New York Times Distorts Cancellation of Rachel Corrie Play by ISM
New York Times cultural critic Edward Rothstein comments on the New York Theatre Workshop's "postponement" of the play "My Name is Rachel Corrie", about American activist Rachel Corrie who was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer while attempting to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes in Rafah in the Gaza Strip on March 16, 2003....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 10:36pm PST
textRight-wing campaign targets Colorado teacher for anti-Bush remarks by wsws (reposted)
A Colorado high school teacher is under attack for anti-Bush and anti-capitalist statements he made during a class last month. Jay Bennish, a 28-year-old teacher at Overland High School, near Denver, has been suspended by his school pending an investigation into the remarks....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 10:34pm PST
text UN: Women denied representation, making war on poverty hard to win by UK Independent (reposted)
Millions of women around the world, including those in the UK and other Western countries, are being denied effective representation because of the low numbers of female politicians, judges and employers, the United Nations has warned....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 10:23pm PST
textStop Bush's Bulldozers by Maria Cantwell
Maria Cantwell US Senate, D-WA...
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 2:06pm PST
text2 hours to Patriot Act Vote in congress by TOLL FREE
1-866-340-9281 1-866-340-9279 1-877-851-6437 1-888-355-3588 1-888-818-6641...
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 1:25pm PST
textThe Iraqi Women Have Arrived. Cindy Sheehan & Medea Benjamin Jailed Delivering Message by CODEPINK Women for Peace
Breaking News: Following a very successful event Sunday in NYC, the Iraqi women finished their press conference in the UN just in time to watch their friends, Cindy Sheehan and Medea Benjamin be dragged off by cops and jailed for trying to deliver the truth. The week of International Women?s Day has begun....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 12:32pm PST
textOscar Winning Hip Hop Song Promotes 'Culture of Death' by New America Media
The Oscar winning song "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" promotes the culture of death, so writes NAM contributor David Muhammad. Muhammad is the Executive Director of The Mentoring Center in Oakland....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:45am PST
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