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Newsitem List

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textBest Picture is a 'Crash' Course in Racial Perceptions by Earl Ofari Hutchinson, New American Media
Want to know what's really behind Americans' racial biases? See the Oscars' Best Picture winner "Crash," writes regular NAM contributor Earl Ofari Hutchinson, a political analyst and social issues commentator, and the author of The Crisis in Black and Black....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:45am PST
textA Nation Polarized Between Rich and Poor: America's Bleak Jobs Future by CounterPunch (reposted)
On February 20 told its readers with a straight face that "the American job-generation machine rolls on. The economy will create 19 million new payroll jobs in the decade to 2014." Forbes took its information from the 10-year jobs projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor, released last December....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:34am PST
textFormer aide to Powell: authorization for torture came from “the very top” by wsws (reposted)
The CBS News program, “60 Minutes”, broadcast a segment Sunday night examining the brutal deaths of two Afghan prisoners at the hands of American military jailers in December 2002. The program included the accusation that authorization for the murderous abuse came from the “very top of the United States government.”...
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:33am PST
textThe Second Death of Rachel Corrie: Censorship of the Worst Kind by Vanessa Redgrave, via CounterPunch
I am urging the Royal Court Theatre to sue the New York Theatre Workshop for the cancellation of the production of "My Name Is Rachel Corrie". Not because I donated money for this production, which the Royal Court have been fundraising for--a target of 50,000 pounds, underwritten by Alan Rickman....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:27am PST
textAn Investigation Reopens: Why Did Pat Tillman Die? by CounterPunch (reposted)
Paging Mr. Orwell. In explaining why the Army was finally launching a criminal investigation of the April 2004 friendly fire death of NFL star-turned-Army-Ranger Pat Tillman, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Peter Pace sighed, "Although there is no evidence there was criminal activity the investigators did not specifically look at whether there was criminal activity. In other words, the previous four investigations were flawless except for the fact that they didn,t investigate a...
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:25am PST
textAT&T acquisition of BellSouth to eliminate 10,000 jobs by wsws (reposted)
AT&T said Monday that its deal to acquire BellSouth will mean the destruction of 10,000 jobs over three years. The acquisition, valued at $67 billion, will, if it is approved by government regulators and withstands anticipated legal challenges, mark a major further step in the monopolization of telecommunications services in the US. As is clear from Monday’s announcement, it will spark an even more aggressive attack on the jobs, wages and conditions of telecommunications workers....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 8:17am PST
textSheehan, Benajamin Violently Arrested at U.N. Without Cause by Freeda
On Monday, Cindy Sheehan, Medea Benjamin and three other CODEPINK members attempted to peacefully enter the United States mission to the U.N. -- and were violently arrested. There were no grounds for their arrest, they had alerted local law enforcement about their presence and they were completely nonviolent. According to reports, the women were slammed up against brick walls and, at one point, Cindy Sheehan was exposed while police were roughing her up....
Posted: Tue, Mar 7, 2006 12:25am PST
textSouth Dakota has banned abortion - is your state next? by NARAL Pro-Choice America
Please join us in sending a message to U.S. governors asking them to hold the line on a woman's right to choose. Help protect the right to choose in your state by volunteering with your state affiliate...
Posted: Mon, Mar 6, 2006 4:50pm PST
textSupreme Court Decision Allows Military To Circumvent Non-Discrimination Measures by HRC
today's unanimous Supreme Court upheld a federal law that requires universities to allow the military recruiters on campus, circumventing anti-discrimination measures...
Posted: Mon, Mar 6, 2006 4:39pm PST
textCoverup: Toxic Rocket Fuel Now in Most Americans, 20060303 by rocket fuel
not just Colorado...
Posted: Mon, Mar 6, 2006 1:03pm PST
textMichael Eric Dyson on Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster by Democracy Now (reposted)
As President Bush prepares to pay a visit to the Gulf Coast six months after Hurricane Katrina hit, we speak with University of Pennsylvania professor and preacher Michael Eric Dyson about his new book "Come Hell or High Water: Hurricane Katrina and the Color of Disaster."...
Posted: Mon, Mar 6, 2006 6:34am PST
textArmy to Launch Criminal Probe of Tillman's Death by reposts
The Army said Saturday that it would launch a criminal probe into the death of Pat Tillman, the onetime National Football League star who was inadvertently killed by gunfire from fellow soldiers in the mountains of Afghanistan in April 2004. The Army's decision came after the Pentagon's inspector general reviewed the case and recommended further investigation into whether soldiers in Tillman's unit should be charged with negligent homicide....
Posted: Sun, Mar 5, 2006 1:14pm PST
textWestinghouse Workers Have the Highest Levels of PCBs Ever Recorded by CounterPunch (reposted)
Dying for Their Work By STEVEN HIGGS...
Posted: Sun, Mar 5, 2006 1:12pm PST
textIditarod article in New York Times - LETTERS NEEDED by Sled Dog Action Coalition
From the Sled Dog Action Coalition: The New York Times had an Iditarod article on the main page of Saturday's national section. While the article talks about the lack of snow and announces the start of the race, nothing is said about the dogs' suffering. Please send them a letter. This is a good chance for us to educate the newspaper about the cruelties the dogs endure in the Iditarod. For information about the race visit:
Posted: Sun, Mar 5, 2006 6:18am PST
textDiebold Whistleblower Facing Charges by messenger
An open letter to Bruce McPherson and the citizens of the United States...
Posted: Sat, Mar 4, 2006 5:01pm PST
textSomeone Accessed 40 Palm Beach County Voting Machines Nov 2004 by messenger
The internal logs of at least 40 Sequoia touch-screen voting machines reveal that votes were time and date-stamped as cast two weeks before the election, sometimes in the middle of the night....
Posted: Sat, Mar 4, 2006 4:32pm PST
textBreast Cancer Delays Sentencing of Lynne Stewart by via list
Yesterday, Ms. Stewart, who remains free on bail, clarified the mystery when her lawyers filed a letter revealing that she is recovering from surgery on Jan. 9 for breast cancer and is about to start a program of radiation therapy. She requested a new delay of her sentencing until after July 31....
Posted: Sat, Mar 4, 2006 4:12pm PST
textBTL:South Dakota Anti-Abortion Forces Working to Overturn Roe vs. Wade by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Interview with Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus...
Posted: Sat, Mar 4, 2006 3:47am PST
textUnions for flight attendants, pilots agree to huge concessions at Northwest Airlines by wsws (reposted)
The union representing 5,000 pilots at Northwest Airlines, the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), reached a tentative agreement with the airline Friday morning, the day after a federal bankruptcy court postponed its ruling on the company’s request to throw out its labor agreement and impose lower wages and benefits on the pilots....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 10:41pm PST
textThe Clintons, the Doles and the Dubai port deal: political duplicity and class interest by wsws (reposted)
While Senator Hillary Clinton, Democrat of New York, was attacking the Bush administration over the Dubai ports deal, her husband Bill was advising United Arab Emirates officials on how best to smooth over the controversy and push the deal through....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 10:40pm PST
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