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Newsitem List

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textFrom D-Q Unity Coalition of D-Q University Occupiers! by Wingnut Willy
Hello everyone, Currently at D-Q University, we have no electricity other that gas powered generators. We have 3 generators that were donated. One worked and the other 2 needed a little fixing up. Now all 3 generators are no longer running. If anyone could offer any help, we would appreciate it. Also, We are very low on funding and out of fire wood…. And it is very cold out there… it snowed today, hurray for December LOL If we anyone could please come out to D-Q or send some donations, it...
Posted: Wed, Dec 17, 2008 6:10pm PST
textJail Them, Don't Bail Them by Phil Adams, POOR Mag
What the Corporate Bailout Means to all of us......
Posted: Tue, Dec 16, 2008 7:00pm PST
videoBattle of the Budget - San Francisco - Part 2 (video/quicktime 63.7MB) by Bill Carpenter
Mayor Gavin Newsom and the progressive majority on the Board of Supervisors are in the middle of a fight to determine who in San Francisco will bear the brunt of coming budget cuts. A broad coalition of community groups, labor, and concerned citizens held a mock funeral on December 11th for those who would suffer cuts under the Mayor's plan. They then visited City Hall to present the Mayor and the Supervisors with their own plan for $61 million of cuts. This is Part 2. Part 1 and Part 3 of t...
Posted: Mon, Dec 15, 2008 4:16pm PST
textMeasure K Committee Old-Timer To Air Concerns at Committee Meeting 5:30 PM Today (12/15) by Robert Norse
The voter-established Measure K Committee meets today at 5:30 PM at City Council chambers. This Committee, passed by 64% of the voters in 2006, but repeatedly obstructed by City Council, is charged with seeing that Marijuana use, cultivation, sales, possesion, etc. for adults on private property is the lowest enforcement priority The most senior member of the Committee, Med-Ex Distributor and long-time community activist is Anita Henry. She reports an unresponsive staff, a crippled ordinan...
Posted: Mon, Dec 15, 2008 11:49am PST
textCity of San Francisco is too top heavy-year after year Budget Cuts favor gimmicks. by Francisco Da Costa
Year after year the City and County of San Francisco chooses to take the same route. The City cuts funds to those that most need them. Then begins the dog and pony show - where folks come to City Hall and beg for crumbs. In the mean time - thousands that make over $100,000 mostly in Management Positions - rake in the money and spit on this City. Most of these folks live outside the City - and really do not live a damn about the constituents of San Francisco....
Posted: Mon, Dec 15, 2008 10:27am PST
textSupes Aim for Driver’s Seat in Mid-Year Cuts by Randy Shaw via Beyond Chron
Monday, December 15, 2008 : When Mayor Gavin Newsom addressed the Supervisors on December 9th about mid-year budget cuts, he offered few details and said there would be no supplemental de-appropriation – relegating the Board to being mere bystanders. The December 12th hearing at the Board’s Government Audit Committee tried to change that, as Supervisor Aaron Peskin proposed $8.5 million in cuts to the Opera, Police, Fire and Newsom’s press office....
Posted: Mon, Dec 15, 2008 7:52am PST
textChildren in San Francisco must NOT suffer by reorganizing the DCYF in San Francisco. by Francisco Da Costa
The Department of Children, Youth and Families headed right now by Margaret Brodkin has fined tuned many programs especially for very young children and youth and is in excellent shape. Kudos, to this Department and the many tireless workers who make good things happen. I fully comprehend about the present budget cuts - but lets us NOT fix something that is not broken. It would be a loss to threaten or pretend to fire or even fire Margaret Brodkin....
Posted: Sat, Dec 13, 2008 12:46pm PST
textMock Funeral to Protest Mid-Year Cuts; Board Takes Action Today by Randy Shaw via Beyond Chron
Friday, December 12, 2008 : A good turnout of advocates came to City Hall yesterday to hold a “mock funeral” for the many social programs facing the axe under Mayor Gavin Newsom’s mid-year budget cuts. Newsom will slash $10 million in health care services, which is less than what he first proposed –but it still means some programs like the Adult Day Health Center will be cut....
Posted: Fri, Dec 12, 2008 7:28am PST
textSEIU-UHW Battle Intensifies by Randy Shaw via Beyond Chron
Friday, December 12, 2008 : The nearly year long battle between SEIU and its California-based affiliate, the United HealthCare Workers (UHW), intensified yesterday as ballots were counted in an election that UHW chief Sal Roselli described in a December 11 conference call as a “sham.” Though only “advisory,” the election could result in UHW losing nearly half its membership....
Posted: Fri, Dec 12, 2008 7:26am PST
textHelp out the People's Bailout event in Modesto! by Modesto Anarcho Crew
Help us organize the people's bailout event in Modesto CA!...
Posted: Thu, Dec 11, 2008 5:03pm PST
imageBerkeley Council Approves Bike Station
by Jason Meggs
Monday night, Dec. 8, the Berkeley City Council voted to approve the contract for an expanded, street level Bike Station with many more services and features than the existing station to the cheers of a packed council chamber. This is the culmination of over ten years of work by local advocates....
Posted: Wed, Dec 10, 2008 11:11am PST
textWe All Failed Gary Webb by Consortium News (reposted)
Since Gary Webb’s suicide four years ago, I have written annual retrospectives about the late journalist’s important contribution to the historical record -- he forced devastating admissions from the CIA about drug trafficking by the Nicaraguan contra rebels under the protection of the Reagan administration in the 1980s....
Posted: Wed, Dec 10, 2008 7:56am PST
imageMarching and Speaking Out to Save the Beach Flats Community Center and Gardens
by ~Bradley
The Beach Flats Community Center (BFCC) is the neighborhood resource center in the heart of the Beach Flats community. For the last 15 years the BFCC has provided programming that is flexible and continually responsive to emerging community needs....
Posted: Tue, Dec 9, 2008 11:24pm PST
textMayor Gavin Newsom signs a supposedly $2 Billion dollar with Lennar and Development. by Francisco Da Costa
Lennar has no money and will not build a single home at Hunters Point and Candlestick Point. Much like Mare Island. Lennar - promised to build 10,000 homes on Mare Island and today Mare Island is on the auction block. Mayor Gavin Newsom is in bed with Lennar and it is just a matter of time - when his dubious ploys will be exposed. The Mayor can sign what he deems right - but the fact of the matter is Lennar is a Rogue Company and can never be trusted....
Posted: Tue, Dec 9, 2008 9:40am PST
textHuman Rights on the Street--Santa Cruz style by Robert Norse
Though they could offer no legal place for the homeless sleepers to stay, police showed up three times and ticketed four people with $97 citations early Sunday morning in front of Borders. Chalked messages by a local sympathizer memorialized the spot with such old favorites as "End the Sleeping Ban" "Sleep Deprivation is Torture" and "Human Rights Violations in Santa Cruz". The four homeless travelers said they were planning to leave town the next day, but were happy to support the right...
Posted: Mon, Dec 8, 2008 7:14pm PST
textMayor Gavin Newsom stop messing with Margaret Brodkin and keep Dwayne Jones - away. by Francisco Da Costa
Margaret Brodkin may be head strong - but all for one good cause - to do all it takes to save and help our children. It would be wise for Mayor Gavin Newsom - to stay away from a Department that is doing all it can to save our children. It may not be perfect - but it does attend to the majority of our children's concerns. If the Mayor has any faint hope that he can fire or remove Margaret Brodkin - he will be in for a very rude awakening....
Posted: Mon, Dec 8, 2008 9:35am PST
textChronicle gets $5.5 Million damage award story against Richard Thomas wrong by Lynda Carson
It May Take Up To Two Years For The Former Tenants Of Slumlord Richard Thomas To Receive A $5.5 Million Jury Award In Punitive Damages, And A November 7th Chronicle Article Has It Wrong By Stating That Attorney Laura Stevens Will Ask Alameda County Superior Court Judge Steven Brick To Award The $5.5 Million In Punitive Damages To Housing Agencies, Rather Than The Former Tenants! Oakland Attorney Laura Stevens Wants The Former Tenants Of Richard Thomas To Contact Her!...
Posted: Sun, Dec 7, 2008 1:15pm PST
imagePossible closing of Beach Flats Community Garden & Community Center
by Concerned
Police services are the largest single expenditure of the city alone and account for more than 25% of the budget. But come a budget crisis, the first thing that is on the block is the community center in the only primarily Spanish-speaking part of town....
Posted: Fri, Dec 5, 2008 9:46pm PST
textThreatened with a ticket, I continued playing at the drum circle. by brent lucifer
Sgt. Harms threatened to write a 15 minute parking lot ticket to me for playing a drum. I told him the law is unconstitutional and selectively enforced, ... but go ahead. He drove away leaving me to play for 30 minutes more. "RESIST!"...
Posted: Fri, Dec 5, 2008 2:10pm PST
textState Senator Mark Leno on California Health Reform in 2009 by Art Persyko
California State Senator Mark Leno will talk about the prospect for California health care reform in 2009 at the Annual Potluck Healthcare meeting of the SF grassroots single payer advocacy group, "Single Payer Now", on Sunday, 12/14/08, 3 pm, at St. Mary's Cathedral....
Posted: Fri, Dec 5, 2008 9:52am PST
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