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text"A Silent People Will Never be Heard" - Tens of Thousands March for Immigrant Rights in Ne by Democracy Now (repost)
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in New York Saturday in support of immigrant rights in what has been described as the largest rally of its kind in the city. We speak with some of the marchers about why they took to the streets....
Posted: Mon, Apr 3, 2006 8:31pm PDT
textCWA organizing at Cingular! by Tia
The Communications Workers of America has undertaken one of the nation's largest and most successful organizing campaigns at Cingular Wireless. The CWA now represents more than 38,000 workers at Cingular...
Posted: Mon, Apr 3, 2006 2:41pm PDT
textSecret Laws in the US: The Growth of "Sensitive Security Information" Directives (SSIs) by slate (repost)
Congress has significantly broadened the scope of the SSI authority... "The number and scope of [security directives]" designated as SSI "has markedly increased" since Sept. 11, 2001.... The TSA, which is now part of the Department of Homeland Security, has deployed its new secrecy authority with gusto.... SSI authority has been used as a cudgel to impose security discipline and rein in dissent.... The challenges posed by SSI are likely to continue and to grow....
Posted: Mon, Apr 3, 2006 10:34am PDT
textWorld Bank / IMF Protests Scenario Outline by Farragut Squares Collective
We are not mobilizing for this year’s World Bank / IMF meetings? What?! You will not find a rally and a march from one part to another filled with speeches and empty platitudes. BUT, YOU WILL FIND LOTS OF ACTION! Don’t come to Washington, DC, April 21 – 23 if all you intend to do is march. However, if you want to take effective action, you can march and do a whole lot more!...
Posted: Mon, Apr 3, 2006 8:20am PDT
textWater as a Commodity by Gerhard Klas
The rage of the residents of Soweto is directed against the installed meters.. The first mammoth prepaid water project started in 1992 under Margaret Thatcher in British Birmingham.. The water suppliers cynically described this as "self-disconnect."...
Posted: Mon, Apr 3, 2006 5:22am PDT
textFresh violence erupts in Turkey by ALJ
Turkish police have fired into the air to disperse a protest march in mainly-Kurdish southeast Turkey, killing one person....
Posted: Sun, Apr 2, 2006 10:58pm PDT
textRainforest Action Network supports Chase-Manhattan , Citigroup and Bank of America by pissed
After " boycotting " these banks, RAN signs "environmental responsibility" agreements with them and thereby "certifies" them as guilt free for the consumer....
Posted: Sun, Apr 2, 2006 10:06pm PDT
textThe Only Hope For the World by populist
I see only one way out; a metamorphic leap of faith, an about face in the way we think, a decision to let go of everything that we, as a nation, once held dear, an understanding that the world will surely end unless we recognize the fact that we have no choice but to embrace our enemy as our brother, the one, without whom, we will never find peace, a brother-in-arms, enchained from head to toe, with whom we will either drown, or, together, might be allowed to live for yet another day.......
Posted: Sun, Apr 2, 2006 2:20pm PDT
textApril 10 National Day of Action & Rally for Immigrant Rights! by Lee Siu Hin - Immigrant Solidarity Network
Recognizing that the USA is a nation of immigrants, join the April 10 in a massive rally!...
Posted: Sun, Apr 2, 2006 3:18am PDT
text3/27-31: Nationwide Week of Massive Student Walkouts for Immigrant Rights! by Lee Siu Hin - Immigrant Solidarity Network
Reports of students walk outs from across the country...
Posted: Sun, Apr 2, 2006 1:47am PST
textMigrant workers aim to demonstrate their financial impact by repost
The strike is calling for immigrants not to go to work, buy gas or purchase goods in order to demonstrate the potential economic impacts of not having an immigrant work force in the state....
Posted: Sat, Apr 1, 2006 8:51pm PST
text19 states worry about queer kids in public schools by FreedomSeeker
Q kids coming out earlier in square home-town schools; 19 states react....
Posted: Sat, Apr 1, 2006 6:53pm PST
textUS auto supplier Delphi moves to cancel union contracts by wsws (reposted)
US auto parts supplier Delphi asked a federal bankruptcy court on Friday for authorization to void its existing labor contracts, a move that would allow the company to unilaterally implement massive cuts in jobs and wages of its workers. The court filing comes the same day as the company provided details of a reorganization plan that includes tens of thousands of job cuts, and a week after it submitted a proposal for sharp pay and benefit reductions....
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 9:49pm PST
textZaccarias Moussaoui case goes to the jury by wsws (reposted)
A death-penalty jury began deliberations Wednesday in the case of Zaccarias Moussaoui, only two days after Moussaoui took the witness stand, over the objections of his own lawyers, and boasted that he had been assigned by Osama bin Laden to pilot a fifth jet during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001....
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 9:45pm PST
textUS Supreme Court hearing on Guantánamo tribunals bares attacks on basic rights by wsws (reposted)
The Bush administration’s assumption of extra-legal authority to imprison and prosecute so-called enemy combatants without granting them recourse to either the US courts or the protections of the Geneva Convention was challenged before the Supreme Court March 28. The high court heard oral arguments in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the lead case challenging the legality of the Bush administration’s plan to use military commissions to convict prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, of purported war crimes....
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 9:44pm PST
textUS media reacts to French protests with hatred and fear by wsws (reposted)
The US media, not known for following the internal political developments of other countries too closely unless it has a direct impact upon the US, has provided an inordinate amount of ill-tempered commentary on the wave of protests and strikes in France against the introduction of a law that enables employers to fire young workers without cause....
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 9:43pm PST
textFormer Clinton Health Chief Forced to Support Immigrant Rights by Racewire/Colorlines (reposted)
At the University of Miami, students organized a successful sit-in and hunger strike this week that forced university president, and former HHS Secretary, Donna Shalala to lead a negotiation between striking campus janitors and UNICCO, a company providing janitorial services to campuses nationwide....
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 6:29pm PST
textIn Immigration Fight, Catholic Church Finds Its Moral Voice by New America Media
As protests against an iron-fisted immigration law spread across the country -- Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Tucson, Atlanta -- it seemed like America was waking up to the profound truth that the census had already noted: the new America was already here. Sandip Roy asks essayist and commentator Richard Rodriguez to step back from the number-crunching of polls and rhetorical jabs of politics to examine the larger philosophical questions behind the immigration debate. Roy is host of "...
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 6:18pm PST
imageNothing Good Ever Comes From Killing Innocent People
by Cindy Sheehan (Information Clearinghouse Repo
It is hard to believe that almost two years have passed since Casey Sheehan's full life was robbed like thousands upon thousands of others-- for reasons unknown-- save possibly to a few to whom it could have been a secret as well? Why else have they been unable to face his grieving mother and tell her the truth? Could it be that there is no truth-- save that they were ignorant of the infinite value of life over death?...
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 6:11pm PST
textSaturday is Fossil Fools Day! by
Posted: Fri, Mar 31, 2006 12:00pm PST
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