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textGive War a Chance by Debbie
The conventional wisdom has it that the Middle East is a powder keg, poised to explode as Israelis and Palestinians throw around lighted matches with equal irresponsibility....
Posted: Sat, May 11, 2002 10:15pm PDT
textThat Earlier, Long-Lost Israel by Rachael
How times change....
Posted: Sat, May 11, 2002 9:50pm PDT
The Bush administration last week foiled yet another international attempt to turn justice on its head - and, in the process, weaken America....
Posted: Sat, May 11, 2002 8:36pm PDT
textReport on 5/11 SF March for Mumia Abu-Jamal by Socialist
On a very bright warm San Francisco summer (70 degrees) day, several hundred people of all ages and colors marched up San Francisco's main thoroughfare, Market Street, from the Embarcadero to the Civic Center for a rally in front of City Hall for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Representatives from all the political struggles, including labor, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Philippines, lesbian and gay, Latino and from all the socialist organizations were at this very important demonstration....
Posted: Sat, May 11, 2002 4:11pm PDT
textThe Intifada Curriculum at UC Berkeley by Kimberly
At UC Berkeley, conservatives need not apply. Are the regents of the University of California asleep? This past winter, the Daily Californian, a student newspaper at Berkeley, reported on a women's studies course that involved such educational activities as writing papers about sexual fantasies, visiting strip clubs, and watching an instructor have sex. All of which earned students units toward graduation at UC Berkeley....
Posted: Sat, May 11, 2002 3:17am PDT
textWhy Israel means so much to evangelical Christians. by EDITH BLUMHOFER
In Jerusalem's New Imperial Hotel in 1966, Bishop Homer A. Tomlinson of the Church of God (World Headquarters) crowned himself King of the World. A genial American evangelical and occasional presidential candidate on the Theocratic Party ticket, Tomlinson had already set foot in as many nations as possible, claiming them for God's kingdom. Evelyn Waugh happened on the scene in Dar-es-Salaam when the "purposeful and recollected" Tomlinson placed a "light and inexpensive crown&q...
Posted: Fri, May 10, 2002 8:16pm PDT
textHow Spider-Man, Starbucks and McDonald's beat the beatniks. by Margarita
Posted: Fri, May 10, 2002 8:09pm PDT
textUniv. of Wisconsin: Betraying Free Speech by Benjamin Thompson, Editorial Editor
By pursuing campus climate instead of free speech UW betrays both...
Posted: Fri, May 10, 2002 7:14pm PDT
textWhen Lovers Become Strangers. Why the Saudis Cheated on America. by Jamie Glazov Ph.D
SOMETIMES lovers become strangers....
Posted: Fri, May 10, 2002 6:49pm PDT
textPalestine and the Geocentric Left by Linda
LEFTIST THEORY has always reminded me of the old earth-centered universe. Back then, whenever anybody observed something going on in the skies that contradicted the model, he would tweak and adapt it to account for the new phenomenon. Eventually the whole contraption became so intricate and unwieldy that it collapsed. The problem wasn't that the model was not sufficiently elaborate, but rather that it was fundamentally flawed and had to be discarded....
Posted: Fri, May 10, 2002 6:20pm PDT
textWhy Capitol Hill Supports Israel by Hady Amr
A friend from the Arab world wrote to ask me: “How do these disastrous votes blindly supporting Israel come about? Is there anything one can do to enlighten these people?” This story should provide some answers....
Posted: Fri, May 10, 2002 9:34am PDT
THERE'S a Mideast saying that the only people who hate Yasser Arafat more than the Israelis are . . . the Arabs....
Posted: Thu, May 9, 2002 6:46pm PDT
text'What I Think of America by Alena
Czech Republic...
Posted: Wed, May 8, 2002 10:51pm PDT
textAnti-Israel Movement Grows on America's Campuses by Melissa
A Harvard group protesting Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is just the latest to demand that its university divest itself of investments that involve companies with significant operations in Israel....
Posted: Wed, May 8, 2002 10:26pm PDT
textBush Delegates Ally With Conservative Muslims by Ruth
Saviors of the Children...
Posted: Wed, May 8, 2002 10:17pm PDT
textVegan KILLS confused GAY man by Cary
VEGAN Charged in Dutch Politician's Assassination...
Posted: Wed, May 8, 2002 10:01pm PDT
textThose Gaudy Saudis by Inderpal Singh
NOT SINCE "Pork: The Other White Meat" has there been an American ad blitz as pathetically farfetched as the Saudi embassy’s current venture, "The People of Saudi Arabia: Allies Against Terrorism."...
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 11:02pm PDT
textOn Hating Israel by Emily
What we know but can’t say out loud....
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 9:22pm PDT
textCynthia McKinney: An American Hero by Sarah Anderson
Cynthia McKinney a few pickles short of an eighth grade sex-ed class, or crazy…like a fox?...
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 7:04pm PDT
textMay 11 SF March for Mumia by March for Mumia
May 11, 2002, San Francisco March for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Assemble: 10:30 a.m. at Embarcadero and Market Street (Embarcadero BART). March to Civic Center Plaza at 1 p.m. Sponsored by Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal at 415/695-7745...
Posted: Tue, May 7, 2002 1:33am PDT
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