Police State
Police State
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Newsitem List

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textVancouver Cannabis Clubs Under Fire, Mafia Wants Control, US and Mexican by N Wor B Nits U A Truk
Canada is under fire with clubs raided. The link is below....
Posted: Tue, Oct 19, 2004 12:35pm PDT
textAnti-Bush protestors shot with Pepper Balls in Florida by reposting
Police Shot Protesters With Pepperballs At Bush Rally in Jacksonville, Oregon...
Posted: Tue, Oct 19, 2004 11:00am PDT
documentNames of people killed by police in New York/New Jersey
by reposted by Mahtin
These are people who were killed in New York and New Jersey since September 11, 2001....
Posted: Sun, Oct 17, 2004 2:33pm PDT
textLeonard Peltier for President by Paul Burton
Leonard Peltier is the Presidential candidate of the Peace and Freedom Party in California. This article gives an overview and update of his case and his campaign for a presidential pardon....
Posted: Sun, Oct 17, 2004 11:20am PDT
textAI USA Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Hearing Oral Arguments in Roper v Simmons by AIUSA
Today Dr. William F. Schulz, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, released the following statement as the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Roper v. Simmons, a case that will decide if executing juvenile offenders is constitutional:...
Posted: Thu, Oct 14, 2004 12:27am PDT
text Detroit: North African Man Falsely Convicted for "Terrorism" Released by Pan African Newswire
Posted: Wed, Oct 13, 2004 1:34pm PDT
textA strange and bitter crop: the spectacle of torture by Open Democracy (reposted)
Do the terrible images from Abu Ghraib represent break or continuity in American tradition? Hazel Carby excavates the history of lynching in the United States and finds disturbing parallels between Mississippi's past and Iraq's present...
Posted: Tue, Oct 12, 2004 9:31pm PDT
text CIA has 11 Al-Qaida suspects in Jordan facility by Jordan==US Puppet
The Central Intelligence Agency runs a top secret interrogation facility in Jordan, where at least 11 detainees who are considered Al-Qaida's most senior cadre are being held, Haaretz has learned from international intelligence sources....
Posted: Tue, Oct 12, 2004 8:43pm PDT
textNo on Y Meeting Tonight by No on Measure Y
No on Y Meeting, 743 Warfield Avenue, 8:30-10pm, Tuesday, Oct. 12...
Posted: Tue, Oct 12, 2004 9:33am PDT
textNo on Y: Debate Today! by No on Measure Y
Former Councilmember Wilson Riles Jr., Debates Police Chief Richard Word on Measure Y, November ballot Initiative that puts funding police ahead of funding program for town hall meeting of Voter Education and Solidarity. WHEN: Tuesday, October 12th, 6PM- 8PM WHERE: Sweet Jimies Entertainment Center, 1730 San Pablo Ave....
Posted: Tue, Oct 12, 2004 8:39am PDT
textU.S. Treatment of Detainees Defies Intl. Law - Group by repost
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States is violating international law by holding prisoners in its war on terror incommunicado and in secret hiding places, Human Rights Watch said in a report to be published on Tuesday calling for an end to such practices. The New York-based rights organization profiles 11 al Qaeda suspects being detained without concern for their rights under international law in a 46-page report....
Posted: Mon, Oct 11, 2004 9:18pm PDT
textNational ID Update: The Second Bill Passes by ~ B ~
an urgent National ID Update...
Posted: Sat, Oct 9, 2004 2:09pm PDT
textFaulty 'No-Fly' System Detailed by WP
The federal government's 'no-fly' list had 16 names on it on Sept. 11, 2001. Today, it has more than 20,000. The list, which identifies suspected terrorists seeking to board commercial airplanes, expanded rapidly even though the government knew that travelers were being mistakenly flagged, according to federal records. The records detail how government officials expressed little interest in tracking or resolving cases in which passenger names were confused with the growing number of names ...
Posted: Fri, Oct 8, 2004 10:51pm PDT
textThe FBI Is Waging War On Americans by Guy With Computer And Internet Connection
The FBI has been waging war on Americans for decades. Occasionally their illegal and unconstitutional activities have been curtailed by congress and the courts. Now that there is no separation of powers, the FBI and it's anti-American Attorney General, John Ashcroft, have pulled out the stops and are escalating their offensive....
Posted: Fri, Oct 8, 2004 7:05am PDT
Act today -- House is voting on H.R. 10, trying to sneak in "PATRIOT Act II" powers under the guise of responding to the 9/11 Commission (which didn't endorse this legislation)....
Posted: Thu, Oct 7, 2004 2:38pm PDT
textLatest Revelations on next "9-11" by 911 - inside job
She has figured out the next major 9-11 style attack will be on Novemeber 1st or 5th with nukes in various locations (although there is also a possibility of a "rush" job on October 8...
Posted: Thu, Oct 7, 2004 1:46pm PDT
textSPECIAL TASER EDITION of Cmties United vs. Police Brutality Newsletter by CUAPB
This special edition of the CUAPB newsletter will explore areas of interest related to the use of the electric stun weapon known as the Taser. Touted by its manufacturer and revered by law enforcement agencies as a "less lethal" alternative, we are just starting to see the practical effects of widespread use of these devices...
Posted: Thu, Oct 7, 2004 1:16pm PDT
imageTerrorized On the Boston Common!
by James F. Harrington
This summer, I was able to gather enough money for a roundtrip ticket to Boston, where the democrats were holding their national convention. I had been misinformed that there would be many protesters on the Boston Common that particular day. In all of my worst nightmares, I never would have dreamed that I would have my 1st Admendment right of freedom of assembly, attacked in such an crude and unjustified manner, right on the Boston Commons, where American liberty was born!!!...
Posted: Mon, Oct 4, 2004 11:59am PDT
textYour civil liberties: in grave danger by repost from email
As you read this letter, a swiftly changing collage of Patriot II provisions, repressive immigration changes, and privacy invasions is rushing though Congress embedded in and under the disguise of legislation responding to The 9/11 Commission Report....
Posted: Mon, Oct 4, 2004 1:04am PDT
textWalk for Abolition in Montreal, Canada October 9! by RAIDH
Take part in the Walk for Abolition in Montreal, Canada October 9!...
Posted: Sun, Oct 3, 2004 10:24am PDT
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