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Newsitem List

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textIraqi insurgency is secular nationalist not Islamist or Jihadist as has been claimed by JIM KRANE, AP
Most of the insurgents are fighting for a bigger role in a secular society, not a Taliban-like Islamic state, the military official said...Many in the U.S. intelligence community have been making similar points, but have encountered political opposition from the Bush administration, a State Department official in Washington said, also speaking on condition of anonymity. Civilian analysts generally agreed, saying U.S. and Iraqi officials have long overemphasized the roles of foreign fighters a...
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 9:05pm PDT
textProtesting Israel's Apartheid Wall: A Letter from the Hunger Strikers' Tent by TOUFIC HADDAD, least 17 people have joined in on the hunger strike protesting Israel's apartheid wall..."Israel's wall = Apartheid - Wrong in South Africa, wrong in Palestine" and "Israel's wall (does not equal) security; Israel's wall = land theft, racial discrimination and Palestinian dispossession"....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 5:34pm PDT
textThe SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/9/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! by Dan Roberts
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 5:00pm PDT
textIraqis Respond to Anti-War Group's Baghdad Ad, "No to Torture and Occupation" by Not in Our Name
US-based anti-war group publishes ad in Baghdad, “No to torture and occupation”; Iraqis respond...
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 2:26pm PDT
textExploitative Labor Makes Mockery of Upcoming Olympics by Katelyn Sabochik
The theme of the 2004 summer Olympic Games is "celebrate humanity," yet the workers who make the gear and clothing for the upcoming Olympics suffer terribly inhumane working conditions and have few rights....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 8:57am PDT
textFleeing US soldiers seek asylum in Canada by aljazeera (repost)
Two US soldiers pleading for asylum in Canada after walking out on their units over fierce objections to the Iraq war have appeared in a Toronto courtroom....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 7:59am PDT
textIraqis, US soldiers killed in Samarra attack by ALJ
At least six Iraqis and four US soldiers have been killed in fresh violence in Samarra, north of the capital, according to US military and hospital sources....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 7:58am PDT
textIraqi regime prepares for martial law by wsws (repost)
After just 10 days in office, the US-appointed Iraqi regime of interim prime minister Ayad Allawi has, on Washington’s instructions, decreed sweeping measures providing for martial law to be imposed over the entire country or any part of it. Under the provisions, signed into law by Allawi yesterday, he can impose curfews, cordon off towns and cities, conduct search operations and detain individuals with weapons on them, which in Iraq is nearly every male citizen....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 7:56am PDT
textKlamath River Tribes Head to Scotland 7/17 by Dan Bacher
Representatives of four Klamath River native tribes and their supporters will head to Scotland on July 17 to save the Klamath River from the continued destruction of salmon populations by Scottish Power-owned dams....
Posted: Thu, Jul 8, 2004 12:24am PDT
textBaghdad fighting as emergency powers signed by ALJ
Four Iraqi policemen have been killed and 13 wounded in fighting between armed assailants and security forces in central Baghdad even as the interim government signed into effect a new emergency law giving itself wider powers to control the fighters....
Posted: Wed, Jul 7, 2004 11:32am PDT
textA Line in the Sand: Azmi Bishara's Hunger Strike by VIRGINIA TILLEY
Dr. Bishara's effort might easily be misunderstood. An Israeli Arab born in Nazareth eight years after Israel was founded, he grew up in a country that consistently demoted his family and ethnic community as second-class citizens. For the first years of his life, Arabs in Israel could not leave their towns without security passes. Today, their communities remain crippled by land restrictions and underemployment, with a fraction of the public spending accorded to Jews, rendering Israel the mos...
Posted: Wed, Jul 7, 2004 11:13am PDT
textJAMES BROOKS: Israel continues its use of nerve gas against Palestinian civilians by JAMES BROOKS,
"On June 10th, 2004, the two clinics in Al-Zawiya treated 130 patients for gas inhalation. The patients were children, women, old people and young men. Dr. Abu Madi related that there was a high number of cases of [tetany], spasm in legs and hands, connected to the nervous system. Pupils were dilated...Other symptoms included shock, semi-consciousness, hyperventilation, irritation and sweating." We have photographs of the canisters. We have film of victims suffering in the hospital...
Posted: Wed, Jul 7, 2004 10:46am PDT
text8pm tonight-Radical Tea Party on Enemy Combatant Radio by hosts
Listen to the Radical Tea Party tonight at 8pm, live on
Posted: Wed, Jul 7, 2004 10:36am PDT
textDeath4Bush by CM
Candidate for state office David Blomstrom is advocating the death penalty for President George W. Bush....
Posted: Wed, Jul 7, 2004 2:18am PDT
textAmerican Peace Activist Ann Petter Detained 14 Days by Israel by ISM
American peace activist Ann Petter who has been detained for 14 days at Ben Gurion airport, appeared today before Judge Oded Mudrik at Tel Aviv District Court. Petter was charged with being a security threat to the State of Israel....
Posted: Tue, Jul 6, 2004 11:58pm PDT
textDocumentales: Afroméxico by AfroMéxico
Nos complace mucho el anunciarles la publicación de nuestra página Pretendemos convertirnos en un vehículo permanente de divulgación sobre diversos aspectos acerca de la herencia cultural africana en México. El núcleo principal de este proyecto consiste la producción de diversos documentales videográficos sobre este tema....
Posted: Tue, Jul 6, 2004 11:28pm PDT
textCarta/Anuncio sobre los detenidos by Voces de las Americas
Hoy, cinco semanas despues de las detenciones arbitrarias de Manifestantes durante la cumbre entre America Latina, el Caribe y la Unión Europea en Guadalajara, demandamos la liberación inmediata de todos los detenidos....
Posted: Tue, Jul 6, 2004 11:10pm PDT
textMore info about torture of Guadalajara Arrestees by World Organization Against Torture
The International Secretariat of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is extremely concerned by reports it has received of the mistreatment and torture inflicted on several of the individuals who were indiscriminately arrested in the course of street protests in Guadalajara, Jalisco, and concerned also that many of them remain under arrest....
Posted: Tue, Jul 6, 2004 9:53pm PDT
textCar bomb kills 14 in Baquba, wounds 70 by ALJ
At least 14 people were killed and 70 wounded in a car-bomb attack in Khalis, near the Iraqi town of Baquba, police and medical sources said....
Posted: Tue, Jul 6, 2004 11:22am PDT
textAllawi backs Falluja strike by ALJ
Baghdad has confirmed that a US bombing raid on Falluja took place after consultation with the appointed interim government....
Posted: Tue, Jul 6, 2004 11:21am PDT
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