Racial Justice
Racial Justice
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textThe Israeli Response to Palestinian Nonviolence by Jordan Flaherty
Israel has made any attempt at Palestinian non-violent protest virtually impossible by their use of violence to stop the protests and torture of those they take prisoner....
Posted: Sun, Aug 11, 2002 11:58am PDT
textDelta Airlines refuses passengers because of their nationality by AP News
While airlines have had their hands tied in trying to stop possible terrorists because of accusations of racism against Arabs and Muslims they are now discriminating against people whose nationality terrorists may go after-call in the civil libertarians!lefties protest!...
Posted: Sun, Aug 11, 2002 4:31am PDT
textThe truth about “KILL ALL JEWS!” by rene
Why would anyone stoop so low as to try to discredit me by making grossly racist comments under my name?...
Posted: Sat, Aug 10, 2002 6:42pm PDT
textDodging Bullets in Nablus by Jill Drier
Peace activists brave Israeli snipers in the Occupied West Bank....
Posted: Sat, Aug 10, 2002 2:37pm PDT
textThe Arabs I Know by Frank Fugate
There is a great deal of propaganda against Arabs in the western media....
Posted: Sat, Aug 10, 2002 2:18pm PDT
textArab American academic racist by Fatama
Arab American Professor Naseeer Alomari unable to distinguish between racism and "anti-zionism". This was published in the Jordan Times. The Jordanian born author teaches at Marist College in New York State....
Posted: Fri, Aug 9, 2002 5:05pm PDT
textDe-Nazify the West Bank by Caroline B. Glick
The television camera lens moves with seeming effortlessness from the pictures of suffering and death at the Hebrew University to the carnival in Gaza City, where thousands take to the streets in celebration of the pictures from Jerusalem. Gazing at the revelers on the screen, one strains one's eyes to find an expression of shame, guilt, or remorse on the faces in the crowd. One unconsciously prays to discern anything that would show that those in front of the camera are there by accident or ...
Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2002 9:54pm PDT
textHatred of Arabs Is So Commonplace, It Usually Goes Unnoticed by Steven Salaita
Yet the extremism about which I speak isn't actually extreme, at least not in the customary definition of the word. The man who wishes all Palestinians would die is better embraced by American analysts than those who argue in favor of international law (i.e., against Israel's occupation and in support of the right to return). With minor variations, decorated commentators George Will, Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, and scores of others say the same thing. They are, in short, odious...
Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2002 11:16pm PDT
textThe Islamic Nazi media- by Tehran Times
"Blame the Jews whenever possible"- the motto for the Islamic media. Evientally racial scapegoating is considered a cultural virtue there....
Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2002 10:29pm PDT
textThe Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Has Conducted Smear Campaigns by Jeffrey Blankfort
Extremist Jewish groups like the ADL and JDL (Jewish Defense League) have a history of defaming individuals and groups who dare speak out for Palestinian rights. "Having infiltrated the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the ADL's "fact finder" performed a COINTEL-type operation at the convention of the Holocaust-denying Journal of Historical Review when he put ADC's literature on convention tables as a way of smearing the ...
Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2002 6:36pm PDT
textSpeaking out for justice in the Middle East can bring a rain of calumny and hate on one by Jordy Cummings
Yet when I have ten e-mails and even snail-mail letters a day, theatening vengeance, telling me that God will punish me and other such bullshit, it becomes a little disconcerting. Not surprisingly, these libels ended up on the letters column of the Canadian Jewish News. All of them are still online, and many of them are quite unbelievable and Talibanic in their irrational zeal....
Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2002 2:29pm PDT
textPro-Israelis use Deception to smear their opponents by common Mossad tactic
There was a post in the past on Indymedia that pointed to a web site that appears to be Palestinian but isn't....
Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2002 1:04am PDT
textThe Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman
Twenty thousand Palestinians and Lebanese died, 25,000 were wounded and 400,000 were made homeless during the first months of the 1982 Israeli invasion. The tonnages dropped on Beirut alone surpassed those of the atomic bomb which devastated Hiroshima. Schools and hospitals were particularly targeted. The citrus and olive production of Lebanon south of Beirut was destroyed. The Lebanese economy, whose exports had competed with Israel’s, became moribund. The south of Lebanon became an Israe...
Posted: Sun, Aug 4, 2002 10:31pm PDT
textIsraeli Violence: Horrific Smoke Screen for a Political Agenda by Tariq Shadid
While we watch pictures of carnage with disgust, and hear the voices in our minds and hearts calling for an end to the violence, Sharon can only be smiling in satisfaction. There could be no better smoke-screen for his real political agenda, namely the annexation of as much Palestinian land as he can take hold of, and he will continue to rake up the violence until the Israeli colonization program has been fully completed to the liking of his cabinet of warmongers....
Posted: Sun, Aug 4, 2002 7:40pm PDT
textAUDIO: Noam Chomsky on Israeli Terrorism by Noam chomsky
Posted: Sun, Aug 4, 2002 2:31am PDT
textIsraelis Are a War-Loving People by Graham Usher
As evidence they point out that at the very moment the bomb was slamming into Gaza, leaders from the Tanzim -- the "field organisation" of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement and the most powerful Palestinian faction in the occupied territories -- were meeting in the West Bank to finalise a statement calling for a unilateral Palestinian ceasefire....
Posted: Sat, Aug 3, 2002 5:53pm PDT
textNews reports on Israel and the Palestinians by WRMEA
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was given a clear choice on March 27: to make peace with the Arab nations or continue to make war. With the backing of the Bush administration Sharon chose war—a decision that once again exposed the danger and futility of a U.S. Middle East policy that refuses to acknowledge Israel’s illegal occupation as the prime cause of the Middle East conflict....
Posted: Sat, Aug 3, 2002 5:39pm PDT
textAccusations of anti-Semitism in the Egyptian press is false by Ibrahim Nafie
The Israeli press is far more racist....
Posted: Sat, Aug 3, 2002 5:20pm PDT
textAll decent people should boycott Israel by M. Shahid Alam
Increasingly, the world outside United States understands that Israel is not a 'normal' country. The Zionist movement sought to establish an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine, a land inhabited almost entirely by Palestinian Arabs in 1900. Since no people yet has been known to commit collective suicide, this could only be accomplished by conquest and ethnic cleansing. This is how Israel emerged in 1948, through conquest and ethnic cleansing of 800,000 Palestinians....
Posted: Fri, Aug 2, 2002 10:30pm PDT
textIsraeli controlled media to blame for biased image of Palestinians and Arabs by Ray Hanania
Truth doesn't seem to be a priority in how Palestinian victims of Israeli terrorism are targeted for "extra-judicial" assassination, or how they are portrayed to the American public. I understand why some Americans disagree with my views. They don't know the truth and often only get half the picture....
Posted: Wed, Jul 31, 2002 10:33pm PDT
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