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textAction of the Week to do today, 2/3/05 by Americans for Safe Access
Call Mike Leavitt, the new Secretary of Health and Human Services on Thursday, February 3rd and urge him not to delay a response to the Data Quality Act Petition submitted by Americans for Safe Access....
Posted: Thu, Feb 3, 2005 10:58am PST
Empire - the true aim of the U.S. government - is barely concealed under the lofty rhetoric of Bush's State of the Union address. In its pursuit, the U.S. government is committed to the destruction of every government and people that stands in its way, in the Middle East and throughout the world....
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 9:20pm PST
textReview of Temple Grandin's "Animals in Translation" by Karen Dawn
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 8:14pm PST
textBiscuit Rally: Old growth logging is now active by bushy forest service
Time to get busy defending Biscuit. The LSR is released and the court won't hear the case until March. Large trees are falling and the largest timber sale of modern times could be done before a court ruling....
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 6:00pm PST
textDecoding Da Dubya Code by duko
div class="intro"> Revolutionaries, reporters and film crews assembled on Friday morning for a "Press Conference and Anti-Inaugural Banquet." It was held near Howard University at Café Manowaj, a cool and funky hang-out run by a crew of radical South Africans. Steaming breakfast dishes (named for people’s heroes and historical highpoints) soon appeared. Indymedia and RW reporters tended to order Amandla eggs. The Fox-5 TV guy...
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 4:53pm PST
textUrgent Action Alert: Faux News Tonight Makes M. Shahid Alam Its Latest McCarthyite Victim by Gale Courey Toensing
M. Shahid Alam: It appears that Bill O’Reilly is doing a series on ‘unAmerican’ professors on US campuses. Last night, my wife tells me, he did a piece on Ward Churchill. Tonight will be my turn. I expect he will make all kinds of outlandish accusations that will resonate well with the left- and Muslim-hating members of his audience. This will generate calls and emails to Northeastern and to me – containing threats, calls for firing me, and threats to withhold donations. I am not sure how wel...
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 11:40am PST
textIn Defense of Animals News, Updates and Action Alerts by IDA Portland
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 10:48am PST
textWhat Goes Around Comes Around by Will Tuttle
One of the fundamental ideas found throughout the world's religions andemphasized by spiritual teachers of many times and cultures is that in the big picture we inevitably reap what we sow. We are all connected, after all, and to the degree we love, give to, and bless others, we will ourselves experience being loved, given to, and blessed. The same is true of harming and using others. This idea has gone by many names, including karma and the Golden Rule, and in our culture it's usually been a...
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 10:30am PST
textWard Churchill under attack by Bill O'Reilly by randall
Ward Churchill is under attack for excersising his rights as a citizen of the U.$. Please read the articles and take the time to vote in the poll....
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 10:19am PST
textHealth in Neoliberalism by Prokla editors
A cost explosion has not occurred in legal health insurance in Germany. If there is a financial problem, it is the problem of inadequate revenues.. Mass unemployment is the central cause for the rising health premiums....
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 7:00am PST
textA "moderate" Muslim "leader" by America
“I remember telling my wife; maybe I will be our Henry Kissinger, the first Muslim to become the Secretary of State. Then came Bin Laden and his bloody men and along with the World Trade Center, American Muslim dreams and aspirations came crashing down.”...
Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 2005 12:29am PST
textAfter the Iraqi Election: Bring the Troops Home Now by UFPJ
On January 30, millions of Iraqis voted their hopes for democracy and an end to violence and occupation. But the only way for their hopes to be realized is to end the U.S. occupation of their country and bring all U.S. troops home now....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 8:04pm PST
textBob's Dream Turns into a Cart of Lies by Janis Schmidt
Bob Ecoffey cracked the one case on the Pine Ridge Reservation that had been troubling him for years, when he had a dream interpreted by a medicine man which led him to the killers of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, and left the relatives of Arlo Looking Cloud in a state of astonishment....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 5:13pm PST
textWolf Advocates Take Alaska Boycott Drive to the Internet by Daniel Hammer
Darien, Conn. — Throughout the month of February, activists opposed to Alaska’s state-sponsored aerial wolf-killing seek 28,000 pledges supporting a boycott of Alaska tourism....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 2:31pm PST
textSan Francisco Gay Asian Pacific Alliance group launchesnationwide photo search by GAPA
Furthering its goals of visibility for gay Asian and Pacific Islander males (GAM), Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) announces a nationwide call for photography submissions around the theme "Coming of Age: GAM in America." Winning entries will be presented in a multimedia arts exhibition scheduled for Gay Pride Month, June 2005, and be featured in a calendar slated for national distribution....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 12:50pm PST
textWard Churchill Speaking Event Cancelled by Hamilton College
Credible threats of violence have been directed at the College and members of the panel. These threats have been turned over to the police....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 12:28pm PST
textCIA Now Formally Admits That Baghdad Ended its Chemical Weapons Program in '91 by repost
"It's stunning that they would actually put on paper a reversal" of previous intelligence estimates, said one intelligence official who had seen the document. Richard J. Kerr, a former senior CIA official who was hired by the agency last year to conduct an internal review of its prewar analysis, said he couldn't recall the agency ever issuing such a revisionist report on any subject. "But the situation is rather unique," Kerr said, noting that Iraq's postwar reality ...
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 11:15am PST
textMilitant activism in Washington Post and UK papers 1/31/05 by Karen Dawn
The fight against the vivisection industry made major news Monday, January 31. The Washington Post carried a story on the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences, while the UK papers carried news of a government crackdown -- legislation introduced that could give five year sentences to animal rights activists guilty of economic sabotage....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 11:00am PST
text"U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote" by Yoshie Furuhashi
Take a look at an object rescued from the memory hole. It's a New York Times article from the era of the Vietnam War: Peter Grose, "U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote" (September 4, 1967, p. 2). Its lead paragraph reads: "United States officials were surprised and heartened today at the size of turnout in South Vietnam's presidential election despite a Vietcong terrorist campaign to disrupt the voting."...
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 8:24am PST
textMonty Python Writer on Post-Modern Bush by john cleese
This Monty Python letter could cheer us in this murky world of denial and myopia. Pyromaniacs make poor firefighters. Wolves in sheeps' clothing make poor leaders. Enron lawyers (e.g. Alberto Gonzales) make poor Attorney Generals....
Posted: Tue, Feb 1, 2005 7:06am PST
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