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textImperialist France Destroys an African Air Force by counterpunch (repost)
During those first demonstrations against the war on Iraq, when some marchers sported "Chirac for President!" and "Vive la France" placards, I thought all the Francophilia naïve. France is, after all, an imperialist country, and while a midget in comparison with the U.S. juggernaut, it has some 33,000 troops stationed at bases in the Caribbean, Polynesia, East and West Africa, the Indian Ocean and elsewhere. In recent history as a NATO member, it has routinely joined with ...
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 7:28am PST
textRules of War Broken in Falluja Assault -Amnesty International by sources
LONDON (Reuters) - The rules of war protecting civilians and wounded combatants have been broken by both sides in the week-long assault on the Iraqi city of Falluja, the human rights group Amnesty International said on Monday....
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 6:56am PST
textCrimes in Iraq: Pray for Fallujah by IOL (reposted)
“Listen, listen, the warplanes,” Abu Mohammed cried. I could hear the planes over the phone. “They are over us, over the house, almost 10 meters away.” Tonight is the last night of Ramadan, and tomorrow is the first day of the Islamic feast `Eid Al-Fitr. Abu Mohammed is currently in Al-Amiriyah neighborhood in Baghdad, with his family, and 4 other families who fled Fallujah a few months ago....
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 6:53am PST
textUS shells Falluja, turns back aid convoy by ALJ
Fresh fighting has broken out in the Iraqi city of Falluja after US forces attacked suspected resistance targets with air strikes, artillery and mortar rounds and an aid convoy was forced to turn back....
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 6:50am PST
textIraqi Doctor tells of hospital nightmare by repost
"We were kicked out by the (Iraqi National Guard); even the Americans weren't as harsh as them," said Farhan Khalaf, 58, who had been at Fallujah General Hospital when it was seized. "They were roughing up patients and tying up the doctors, hitting them in some instances,"he added. "They stole whatever valuables they could get their hands on, including money and cell phones. This is unacceptable. How could they do this against their own people?"...
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 6:48am PST
text Mosul revolt spreads to town near Syria by NYT
BAGHDAD Pitched battles have erupted between insurgents and U.S. and Iraqi forces in the northern city of Mosul, with the revolt spreading to Tal Afar, a town near the Syrian border, prompting residents to flee and U.S. armored vehicles to encircle it. ....
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 6:40am PST
textClashes in Baquba, Ramadi by ALJ
xplosions and gunfire have broken out in Baquba, with the US headquarters in the Iraqi city coming under attack by mortar fire....
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 6:33am PST
textHow can progressives stop nuclear proliferation/holocaust? by RA
Accepting that governments and other diabolical groups desire nukes, and the fact that the technology is evermore easily spread, how can nuclear proliferation/war be prevented except by conventional war or some cosmic new age enlightenment? How preventable is another major nuclear incident and should that not be a major focus of the progressive community?...
Posted: Mon, Nov 15, 2004 12:44am PST
Palestinian Freedom fighter Marwan Barghouti is Arafat’s probable popular successor. Fatah Secretary-General (since 1994) and a key figure in both the first Intifada and the present Intifadat al-Aqsa, Marwan sits in an Israeli jail, sentenced last June 6 and serving five life sentences plus 40 years. Israeli and international progressives should raise two demands now loud and clear: for Barghouti’s immediate release from prison and for the protection of his safety wherever he is. There is a ...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 11:32pm PST
textUS Occupation Depriving Resistance Cities of Water and Power by RWF
excerpts from an interesting COUNTERPUNCH article (and, again, where is in regard to this atrocity, cat got it's tongue?)...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 11:01pm PST
text Chechen Mujahiddeen continue their combat actions by Kavkaz (back for now)
hechen Mujahiddeen continue their combat actions against Russian occupational gangsters practically throughout the country. Thus a saboteur party of Mujahiddeen blew up UAZ jeep with five invaders on Friday along the road between Jokhar and Alkhan-Kala village from the side of Kirov settlement. An invader was killed on the spot and four others obtained injuries as a result of the explosion. Several shells from grenade-launchers were fired on a BTR accompanying the UAZ jeep. The armored vehicl...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 9:40pm PST
textFalluja: Mujahideen Reject Ceasefire by Kavkaz (back for now)
n a report in early this morning, Fallujah Mujahideen have rejected the US request for cease fire and have wiped the besieged American column on Al-Hadhrah street. After the American occupation forces made several military attempts to break the siege around their battalion that had been encircled by Mujahideen on Al-Hadhrah street for several days, they were unable to dislodge it. When those military attempts failed, they resorted to peaceful solution by requesting cease fire- using loud spea...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 9:37pm PST
textBehind the Camp David Myth by LATimes
Arafat didn't blindly spurn a generous offer....
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 9:32pm PST
textInside Fallujah: one family’s diary of terror by Dahr Jamail, Sunday Herald (reposted)
She weeps while telling the story. The abaya (tunic) she wears cannot hide the shaking of her body as waves of grief roll through her. “I cannot get the image out of my mind of her foetus being blown out of her body.” Muna Salim’s sister, Artica, was seven months’ pregnant when two rockets from US warplanes struck her home in Fallujah on November 1. “My sister Selma and I only survived because we were staying at our neighbours’ house that night,” Muna continued, unable to reconcile her sur...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 9:24pm PST
textPoisoning Rumors Fail to Die Down by Arab News (repost)
PARIS, 15 November 2004 — With the date of the Palestinian presidential election fixed for Jan.9 , one might expect it to be the hottest topic in the West Bank and Gaza. It is not. What most Palestinians are talking about with most interest is the mystery that still surrounds the cause of Yasser Arafat’s death....
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 9:21pm PST
textThat Arafat's death is seen as sign of optimism shows how deluded this conflict has become by Robert Fisk
The Palestinians...have to prove themselves; they - not the Israelis - have to show that they are a worthy "negotiating partner". The Israelis, with their continued occupation, their continued illegal construction of colonies for Jews and Jews only on Arab land, their air strikes and helicopter executions and live-fire shooting at stone-throwing children, are not part of this equation. They are just innocently waiting to find a new "negotiating partner"... It's impo...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 7:44pm PST
textA city lies in ruins, along with the lives of the wretched survivors by Michael Georgy
Another body lay stretched out on the next block, its head blown off, perhaps in one of the countless explosions which rent the city day and night for nearly a week. Some bodies were so mutilated it was impossible to tell if they were civilians or militants, male or female...Cars lay crushed in the middle of streets...The few civilians left in Fallujah talked of a city left in ruins not just by the six days of the ground assault, but the weeks of bombing that preceded the attack...The reactio...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 6:43pm PST
textIraq vote could be delayed by UK Guardian
Deputy PM voices doubts over January date as violence continues...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 6:43pm PST
textUS denies need for Falluja aid convoy by UK Guardian
US military chiefs said yesterday that they saw no need for the Iraqi Red Crescent to deliver aid inside Falluja because they did not think any Iraqi civilians were trapped there. "There is no need to bring [Red Crescent] supplies in because we have supplies of our own for the people," said Colonel Mike Shupp of the marines....
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 6:40pm PST
textAmnesty Lambastes Haitian 'Justice' by World Crisis Web
Amnesty International blasts U.S.-backed Latortue regime for repression of Haitian civilians...
Posted: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 6:39pm PST
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