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textHaiti's Troika of Terror by THE BLACK COMMENTATOR (repost)
The United States has delivered George Bush's ghoulish brand of democracy to Haiti. The nightmarish components of Haiti's ruling troika gathered last Saturday, in Gonaives, the country's fourth-largest city--a macabre assemblage that seemed designed to assault the sensibilities of civilized humans....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 10:09am PST
textHaiti's army turns back the clock by (repost)
It didn't take long for the new order in Haiti to reveal itself. The day after President Aristide 'left' for exile, 34 union members at the Ouanaminthe garment assembly factory run by the Dominican Grupo M company, were fired. The next morning, when the 600-strong workforce decided to strike, a group of armed men launched a violent attack. Some unionists were handcuffed, many others were beaten up, and the workers were forced back inside the factory....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 10:06am PST
textConduct Unbecoming: The 10th Annual Report on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" by Service Members' Legal Defense Network
As the United States military continues to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan, discharges of lesbian and gay military personnel plummeted 17% in FY2003, according to a new report from Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 9:36am PST
text4/21: Day of Silence by GLSEN
The Day of Silence, a project of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA), is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bias unacceptable in schools take a day-long vow of silence to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT students and their allies....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 9:33am PST
textNew York Gay Weddings Spread To Albany by Beth Shapiro, 365Gay
There were more gay weddings in New Paltz, New York this weekend, and for the first time in Albany, the state capital....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 9:31am PST
textUN Drops Gay Civil Rights by
A move to add sexuality to the list of categories protected by the United Nations has been dropped in the midst of intense pressure from the Vatican and Muslim nations....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 9:29am PST
textCFL ALERT: Over 557 Palestinian Children Tortured, Killed and Maimed by Israeli Occupation by Citizens for Fair Legislation
A report issued yesterday by the Palestinian National Information Center (PNIC) reported that 557 Palestinian children have been killed by the Israeli Defense Forces in the past three and a half years....
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 8:21am PST
textFederal Court in New Orleans rules in Favor of Warantless Searches by JankyHellface (repost)
Knock, knock — but this one is no joke...
Posted: Mon, Mar 29, 2004 2:13am PST
textOur Debt Is Long Past Due by John Maxwell
great update on further abandonment of the rights of Haitians [at least those not killers directly or indirectly bankrolled by Washington]...
Posted: Sun, Mar 28, 2004 4:51pm PST
textAngry protests as coalition shuts down Iraqi newspaper by sources
Hundreds of followers of an Iraqi Shiite Muslim cleric have burned an American flag in an angry protest after the US-led coalition shut down the cleric's newspaper for 60 days for inciting violence....
Posted: Sun, Mar 28, 2004 4:02pm PST
textWe Are Resisting Conference tentative list of events by KAW
The We Are Resisting Conference aims to bring together people from across the spectrum of the movement(s) against Empire. WAR will take place June 30-July 3 in Lawrence, KS...
Posted: Sun, Mar 28, 2004 1:07pm PST
textProtesting the Crimes of "Passion" by RW/OR
When we arrived there were already half a dozen groups of Christians preaching and "sidewalk counseling." A few of us began agitating--calling out the plunder that has been carried out in the name of Jesus: all the peoples that have been colonized, exterminated, or enslaved by conquerors who carried a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other......
Posted: Sun, Mar 28, 2004 9:04am PST
textJohn Pilger: The Unmentionable Source of Terrorism by John Pilger,
The source of much of this danger is Israel...the Zionist state remains the cause of more regional grievance and sheer terror than all the Muslim states combined. Read the melancholy Palestinian Monitor on the Internet; it chronicles the equivalent of Madrid's horror week after week, month after month, in occupied Palestine. No front pages in the West acknowledge this enduring bloodbath, let alone mourn its victims. Moreover, the Israeli army, a terrorist organisation by any reasonable measur...
Posted: Sun, Mar 28, 2004 12:52am PST
textACLU Calls Senate Anti-Choice Vote Misguided by ACLU
ACLU Calls Senate Anti-Choice Vote Misguided; Reproductive Freedom Could Be Undermined By Bill’s Passage...
Posted: Sun, Mar 28, 2004 12:03am PST
image"The Face of Victory" - Gulf War Soldier song (David Rovics)
by johnx
"The Face of Victory" - David Rovics. Song about Gulf War Soldier. Live performance from February, 2004 in Vancouver, BC MP3 - 96Kbps - 4minutes 45 seconds. (4:45)...
Posted: Sat, Mar 27, 2004 7:08pm PST
textWho's Lying - Rice And Bush, Or Clarke? by From Robert Lederman
* RICE CLAIM: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, 5/16/02...
Posted: Sat, Mar 27, 2004 7:01pm PST
textThey want ther're country back now! by jamie
W. Va. Sen. on Iraq war: 'My Vote Was Wrong' Better late than never. U.S. Senator regrets vote for war. Let’s use the turning tides to defeat the neocons once and for all. In Iraq alone they are directly responsible for the deaths of at least 40,000 human beings ( the figure before includes between 25-30,000 Iraqi soldiers needlessly killed in addition to civilians who are still dying) since the beginning of this unprovoked, illegal war. Stopping them in Iraq may encourage a rethinkin...
Posted: Sat, Mar 27, 2004 2:16pm PST
textHalf-Million Taiwanese Protest Election by repost
The rally started peacefully — a contrast from the day before when about 2,000 people stormed the Central Election Commission headquarters in Taipei. The mob broke glass windows and scuffled with police in an unsuccessful attempt to delay the formal certification of the election's results....
Posted: Sat, Mar 27, 2004 8:58am PST
textUrgent Action: AI supports death squads via confused wording by citizen
On the page as of Sat 27 March 14:00 GMT, ambiguous wording wrongly suggests that (1) Amnesty International opposes President Aristide (2) death squad leaders are opposed to US-French occupation, (3) Amnesty favours reestablishing an army in Haiti. Please urgently write polite letters to Amnesty....
Posted: Sat, Mar 27, 2004 7:18am PST
textApril 7 National Day of Action Against War Profiteers: NYC Action by upton sinclair(repost from M27 Coalition)
Like last year¹s protest, Wednesday¹s march and rally against the Carlyle Group will be part of art of a national day of action against war profiteers. Also participating is San Francisco-based Direct Action to Stop the War, which called a demonstration in Oakland, California last April 7 against APL and SSA....
Posted: Fri, Mar 26, 2004 10:53pm PST
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