Immigrant Rights
Immigrant Rights
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Newsitem List

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videoWhy We Need Police Accountability in San Jose (video/quicktime 12.4MB) by David Madrid
Here are three voices and footage from Cinco De Mayo 2006, that show a diverse call for police accountability in San Jose. This video was shown at the 2006 Law Enforcement Accountability Forum on May 24th, which had over 200 people in attendance, including candidates for the Mayor of San Jose and Santa Clara County District Attorney's office. It is a 4 minute video....
Posted: Thu, Jun 8, 2006 11:45am PDT
textImmigrant Worker awarded back pay by El Tecolote (reposted)
Sonia Cano and Carlos Barrancos are like any other immigrant couple: hardworking, sacrificing, and unfortunately, underpaid and exploited. In December, when El Tecolote first reported the story, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the new INS under homeland security, armed with guns and threats, burst into the home of Cano and Barrancos. Cano, at the time, was nine months pregnant with the couple’s first child. ICE agents ended up sending Barrancos to detention facilities in Arizona. ...
Posted: Thu, Jun 8, 2006 7:34am PDT
textDouglas Arizona City Council Passes Resolution Against Border Militarization & Walls by Ella
After the Senate bill passed two weeks ago that puts our homes and businesses on the border at risk of the bulldozer Border Action Network launched a drive to stop the triple walls and protect our communities: No to border militarization! Not at the cost of our communities! In the next two months we will bring together city officials, businesses, churches and community members in all four border st...
Posted: Wed, Jun 7, 2006 7:45pm PDT
text3 Arrested During Walk-May 1st Immigrants March in Eureka- Arraignment - June 7, 2006 by pr
Three Women Brutally Arrested During Peaceful Walk to May 1st Immigrants Rights March in Eureka: Arraignment Wednesday June 7, 2006 Who: Sierra Barnes, Holiday Dalgliesh, and Elsa Contreras are being arraigned Wednesday June, 7th and the supporters from May 1st encourage the public to attend. High profile attorney Omar Figueroa will be present to represent one of the women. What: The three women and their supporters are requesting that D.A. Paul Gallegos drop all ch...
Posted: Tue, Jun 6, 2006 10:23pm PDT
textImmigration News Briefs: Cessna Raid, Hunger Strike Ends, ICE Pervert Sentenced by Weekly News Update
On June 1, Flor Crisostomo and Elvira Arellano annnounced the end of a hunger strike they began May 10, seeking a moratorium on raids and deportations. "We are ending the strike for the sake of our health," said Arellano. "Also to have the strength to return to Washington to lobby and prepare ourselves to support the next workers who will appear in court."...
Posted: Tue, Jun 6, 2006 8:13pm PDT
textStudents and Workers Rally to Demand Affirmative Diversity by Diversity Coalition
Posted: Tue, Jun 6, 2006 6:17pm PDT
textCOUNTERPROTEST TONIGHT: East Bay Coalition for Border Security to rally in Fremont by repost
Tonight's counterprotest is happening between 4:30pm & 7:00pm at Mowry and Fremont Blvd., in Fremont....
Posted: Fri, Jun 2, 2006 12:55pm PDT
textCounter Anti-Immigrant Minutemen in Fremont, Fri 6/2; Youth Empowerment Day, Sat 6/3 by NION via me
It's important that we confront these vigiliantes from the start. Join us at the counter protest Friday, June 2, from 5-7 at the corner of Mowry and Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA...
Posted: Thu, Jun 1, 2006 10:46pm PDT
textImmigrant Solidarity 2006 by Belen Pulido
Immigrant Solidarity 2006 - An update of the Current Immigration Situation with Attorney Mark Silverman, free legal consultations, screening of Living to Die, Internatioanl Food and music by Francisco Herrera...
Posted: Thu, Jun 1, 2006 3:52pm PDT
textShrill Rhetoric on Illegal Immigration Won't Help Unemployed Blacks by Earl Ofari Hutchinson (reposted)
Studies show that industries with many black workers are often the same trades that hire many undocumented immigrants. But when some blacks conclude that those immigrants take away their jobs, they go too far, writes Earl Ofari Hutchinson, a political analyst and social issues commentator and the author of "The Crisis in Black and Black" (Middle Passage Press)....
Posted: Thu, Jun 1, 2006 9:30am PDT
text4/27: National Boycotts of AOL, Lou Dobbs and Kimberly Clark by via a list
"May 1 is the official start of the Ax KC and Ax AOL boycotts. Please stop buying Kimberly Clark products that benefit U.S. Congressman James Sensenbrenner. Please tell everyone to stop using AOL so Time Warner ends the CNN Lou Dobbs show."...
Posted: Thu, Jun 1, 2006 1:39am PDT
audioFRSC: Interview with John Quigley at the South Central Farm in LA (audio/mpeg 10.1MB) by from Free Radio Santa Cruz 101fm
John Quigley is one of several people working to protect the South Central Farm in Los Angeles by occupying a large old walnut tree in the farm. On Wednesday night, May 31st, John was the guest of Ms M. on her Free Radio Santa Cruz show, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Listen to the interview for background information on the South Central Farm and the latest news in the struggle to save the farm. (22:05 minutes / 10.2 MB)...
Posted: Thu, Jun 1, 2006 1:34am PDT
textMobilize Immigrant Voters! by via list
It is in this context that the Mobilize the Immigrant Vote (MIV) California Collaborative is launching its 3rd statewide voter mobilization effort for the upcoming 2006 elections....
Posted: Thu, Jun 1, 2006 1:28am PDT
imageLeidesdorff Ranch ~ Historic Negro Bar
by Khubaka Michael Harris
Imagine 1 million African illegal refugees in America today demanding U.S. Citizenship and yet in an 1844 California the number was far less than 1000. By 1850 the California Governor manifest his vision of exporting every person of African ancestry in his inaugural address as each and every California Governor has to this date of June 2006. Our (Schwartz) German Black Negger vetoed recognition of the original Black people of the State of California, in a September 2004 vision of his elder ...
Posted: Wed, May 31, 2006 9:28pm PDT
text Help Farm Workers Win Fair Immigration Reform by National Farm Worker Ministry
And today especially, we fight for humane immigration reform, for bills like the Agricultural Job Opportunities, Benefits and Security Act. We must insist that the people who feed us not be considered criminals. We must work even harder to ensure that the few protections farm workers have are not taken away....
Posted: Wed, May 31, 2006 10:50am PDT
text6/3 San Ysidro, CA: Western Regional Protest and March! by via list
Saturday, June 3, 2006 Rally Point: Larsen Park 455 Sycamore Rd San Ysidro, CA San Ysidro, CA 1:00 PM Rally...
Posted: Wed, May 31, 2006 10:20am PDT
textNext Great Immigration Hurdle -- The Right to a Medical Interpreter by New America Media (reposted)
Today, millions of U.S. citizens and non-citizens who speak limited English have the legal right to free medical interpreting. But tomorrow could tell a different story. The Senate immigration bill sent to the congressional conference committee last week included one amendment that would uphold the right and another that could kill the right by making English the official language of the land. The conference committee -- expected to act by the end of the summer -- can only choose one version ...
Posted: Tue, May 30, 2006 9:47pm PDT
textStop the Minutemen by Jessie Muldoon
Join community and immigrant right activists to protest Anti-Immigrant Vigilantes in Fremont, CA. Emboldened by the right wing legislation that the US Senate is pushing, right wing groups are trying to organize. Around the country, immigrant rights activists have stood up to these racists, and called for immigrant rights and legalization of undocumented immigrants....
Posted: Tue, May 30, 2006 9:42pm PDT
textDown with Senate Bill 2611! by Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee
In recent months millions of immigrants have been in the streets protesting the vicious attacks that Bush and Congress are preparing to legislate against them, while local governments also formulate attacks. Behind this reactionary onslaught is the fact that the capitalists want immigrant labor, but they want it without rights so that they can more profitably exploit it....
Posted: Tue, May 30, 2006 8:44pm PDT
imageUCSC Workers, Students Grill Chancellor, Give June 5 Deadline
by josh sonnenfeld
On Tuesday, May 23, UC Santa Cruz's custodians, part of the union AFSCME, continued their hard-fought wage parity campaign by staging a respectful protest inside Chancellor Denice Denton's Brown Bag event. The workers are frusterated over the Chancellor's lack of support for custodians and their families. While the Chancellor consistently refers to 'market rates' to justify top admin salaries (she earns upwards of $400,000/yr.), she has yet to support custodians whose poverty wages are up to ...
Posted: Tue, May 30, 2006 3:57am PDT
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