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Police State
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textPolice Investigate Taser Death In San Jose by ktvu repost
A Fresno man died in police custody Friday night after he allegedly struck a woman, resisted arrest and was shot by a taser, San Jose police Sgt. Nick Muyo said....
Posted: Sun, Nov 20, 2005 10:06pm PST
textLatest Mainstream Media to Expose 9/11 WTC Demolition Theory - Pittsburgh Tribune Review by repost
Professor Jones really did his science homework. He supplies links to slow-motion video of collapsing buildings, discuses their well-engineered innards at length and doggedly critiques the official explanation. Jones isn't the first to make this shocking/unbelievable claim (see But it's hard to imagine anyone making it clearer....
Posted: Sun, Nov 20, 2005 7:13pm PST
imagePhotos from Rally to Save Stanley "Tookie" Williams
by Felix
Pics from rally at San Questin on November 19 to prevent the execution of Stan "Tookie" Williams...
Posted: Sat, Nov 19, 2005 8:17pm PST
texthypocrisy by Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
Posted: Sat, Nov 19, 2005 8:15pm PST
imageSave Stan "Tookie" Williams Rally at San Quentin
by Jeff Paterson, Not in Our Name
Nearly a thousand people gathered at the gates of San Quentin prison this morning in order to stop the scheduled December 13 execution of Stan “Tookie” Williams. Speakers included rapper Snoop Dog, Fred Hampton Jr., and representatives of the Nation of Islam....
Posted: Sat, Nov 19, 2005 7:03pm PST
imagePhotos from 11/19 Save Tookie Rally-- Snoop+Fred Hampton
by Mahtin
Hundreds of people came out to a rally outside of San Quentin today to demand clemency for Stanley "Tookie" Williams....
Posted: Sat, Nov 19, 2005 2:34pm PST
textSocialist Finland attacts against CIA and USA Policy on terrorism by Ake Tyvi
United States of America’s Central Intelligence Angency has got in Europe, Middle-East and Asia secret (operation) centres, which assignment is to follow and abduct suspected terrorists....
Posted: Sat, Nov 19, 2005 5:29am PST
imageVigil Photos: 'Towards a New Juvenile Justice System for California'
by josh sonnenfeld
On Wednesday evening, five candlelight vigils were held all over the state of California "for all the youth inside [the California Youth Authority] and all the youth we've lost" in the system. One of the largest was rumored to be the vigil in Oakland, a few photos from which are below. From a Books Not Bars announcement: "We're going to light the way to a new system, to show California's leaders transformation is both necessary and possible. Thousands of people across the st...
Posted: Fri, Nov 18, 2005 5:28pm PST
text25 days...The clock is ticking...Save Tookie! by CEDP
this was sent yesterday, so i changed the title to 25 days...
Posted: Fri, Nov 18, 2005 11:32am PST
San Mateo County using police authority to convict inhabitants of san mateo into proposition 36. Judges disregards your constitutional right, the people has to know the truth. WAKE-UP AMERICA!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 17, 2005 5:40pm PST
textSenate "Compromise" on Habeas Corpus Could Strip Guantanamo Detainees of any Trial by Democracy Now (reposted)
The Senate this week approved what lawmakers hailed as a bipartisan "compromise" on legal rights for Guantanamo Bay detainees that can still strip them of a federal trial. We speak with attorneys Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights and David Rivkin who served in the administrations of President Reagan and George HW Bush....
Posted: Thu, Nov 17, 2005 8:06am PST
textMinorities Beat by Police at Powell Protest by Aman Mehrzai
Posted: Thu, Nov 17, 2005 7:24am PST
textTookie Williams Execution by Tom Kerr
Two versions of an appeal for clemency for Stan Tookie Williams, an open letter to Gov. and a letter to Williams' supporters. Plays off terminator character, YES, but also Kindergarten Cop, and makes a cogent moral appeal. Execution is set for Dec. 13th....
Posted: Thu, Nov 17, 2005 1:45am PST
imageFresno Mayor Autry Supports Unpopular Police Auditor Plan
by Mike Rhodes
The politics of holding the police accountable in Fresno...
Posted: Wed, Nov 16, 2005 10:29pm PST
textFrance: state of emergency extended for three months by wsws (reposted)
The decision of the French government to extend a state of emergency, imposed November 9 for a 12-day period, for an additional three months is a grave threat to democratic and civil rights. There is no modern precedent in France for such an arrogation of emergency powers....
Posted: Wed, Nov 16, 2005 10:28pm PST
imageMSNBC Tucker Carlson: "Those saying gov't was behind 9-11 don't *really* think that . . ."
by repost
If you really thought this - or even considered it a possibility - how could you continue to live here? You couldn't. You'd leave the United States on the next available flight and not come back. You'd have no choice. Continuing to pay taxes to a government capable of something so evil would make you complicit in the crime. So of course most of the people who wrote to say they think the government might have been behind 9-11 don't really think the government might have been behind 9-11. Fo...
Posted: Wed, Nov 16, 2005 1:42pm PST
textToday at 5:30: SF's Dirtiest Secret by via la Mesha
WHAT: SF Police Commission Hearing WHERE: SF City Hall Room #400 WHEN: Wednesday 11-16-05, 5:30 PM WHY: Breaking the Wall of Silence around the PD Murder of Gus Rugley...
Posted: Wed, Nov 16, 2005 12:20pm PST
textWalker Trial On Hold Until Tuesday by Silicon Valley De-Bug
the Walker trial will be on hold (until) Tuesday morning, November 22nd at 9:15 am...
Posted: Wed, Nov 16, 2005 11:11am PST
textTHIS WED: Statewide Candlelight Vigils!!! Join BNB on Wednesday by Books Not Bars
This Wednesday, we are holding vigil across the state for all the youth inside and all the youth we've lost....
Posted: Tue, Nov 15, 2005 10:20pm PST
textRapper Snoop Dogg to attend anti-execution rally by repost
More than a dozen other rallies around the state are scheduled in the next few weeks supporting Williams, whose prison teachings have earned him several Nobel Prize nominations. The rallies include a documentary film screening about Williams in San Francisco, hosted by actor Danny Glover; a discussion led by the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael; and a round-the-clock vigil outside the prison from Dec. 4 until the execution, when people from across the country are expected to demonstrate....
Posted: Tue, Nov 15, 2005 3:03pm PST
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