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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Food Not Bombs Under Attack at Its 4 PM Saturday Feeding on the Main Post Office Steps

by Robert Norse
Arriving with warnings and cameras, two uniformed officers threatened Food Not Bombs workers with criminal actions today for staffing a table distributing meals to hungry and homeless people. The sergeant noted he'd be forwarding information to District Attorney Bob Lee's office for further action and interrogated several of the workers there while photographing those eating, those serving, and those watching. I sent the following letter to Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry:
From: rnorse3 [at]
To: foodnotbombs [at]
CC: ...
Subject: FNB in Santa Cruz Under Attack
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 22:38:32 -0800


A police officer and his sergeant superior appeared at the main post office steps today shortly after 4 PM where Food Not Bombs was doing its weekly feeding.

The officer advised the FNBers that they were "trespassing" (though the post office was open; people were coming in and out; the meal was set off too the side in an area not traveled by the usual customers; and FNB workers noted a previous encounter with Sgt. Azua had seemed to establish there were no violations of the law happening). He took a number of photos of the workers, who continued to feed people (30-40 people came through by my casual count in the hour or two that FNB was there). Santa Cruz FNB had been serving at the post office for the last month.

A sergeant arriving afterwards sought names and information from the workers and stated they were "gathering evidence of trespass" at the request of the postmaster.

Several of the workers were upset by this police intervention. A number of those served were scared or angry. The meal continued, but with significant consternation.

The police seemed to indicate they would be returning.

I would encourage you to alert other FNB activists that this is happening in Santa Cruz and they may need support against legal or extralegal police action that seems to now be on the horizon.

I'll be playing some audio of this on my radio show tomorrow between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM at 101.3 FM, streaming at , and archived at (about 2 1/2 hours into the audio file).

Please all in (831-427-3772) if you have any suggestions any time before 1 PM PST.

Thanks, Robert
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by Z
We used to serve FNB on the levee next to the drum circle on wednesdays. Lots of people showed up for food, we got all the trash together in no time, and the pigs never messed with us then...
Maybe the post office isn't the best venue for this? A place with benches or tables might work a lot better for feeding people. Try a park?

Such an interesting way to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr's weekend. Police are seeking to stop Food Not Bombs in Burlington Vermont and Santa Cruz California. If you live in either city please join them. Here is news from Santa Cruz.

Burlington Food Not Bombs meal
Sunday, January 20, 2013
12:00pm in EST
Burlington, Vermont 05401

Come to Church and Cherry St. for free food and to help us transform the space. There's usually produce to take away along with hot soup and coffee.

Arriving with warnings and cameras, two uniformed officers threatened Food Not Bombs workers with criminal actions today for staffing a table distributing meals to hungry and homeless people. The sergeant noted he'd be forwarding information to District Attorney Bob Lee's office for further action and interrogated several of the workers there while photographing those eating, those serving, and those watching. I sent the following letter to Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry:
From: rnorse3 [at]

CC: ...
Subject: FNB in Santa Cruz Under Attack
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 22:38:32 -0800


A police officer and his sergeant superior appeared at the main post office steps today shortly after 4 PM where Food Not Bombs was doing its weekly feeding.

The officer advised the FNBers that they were "trespassing" (though the post office was open; people were coming in and out; the meal was set off too the side in an area not traveled by the usual customers; and FNB workers noted a previous encounter with Sgt. Azua had seemed to establish there were no violations of the law happening). He took a number of photos of the workers, who continued to feed people (30-40 people came through by my casual count in the hour or two that FNB was there). Santa Cruz FNB had been serving at the post office for the last month.

A sergeant arriving afterwards sought names and information from the workers and stated they were "gathering evidence of trespass" at the request of the postmaster.

Several of the workers were upset by this police intervention. A number of those served were scared or angry. The meal continued, but with significant consternation.

The police seemed to indicate they would be returning.

I would encourage you to alert other FNB activists that this is happening in Santa Cruz and they may need support against legal or extralegal police action that seems to now be on the horizon.

I'll be playing some audio of this on my radio show tomorrow between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM at 101.3 FM, streaming at , and archived at (about 2 1/2 hours into the audio file).

Please all in (831-427-3772) if you have any suggestions any time before 1 PM PST.

Thanks, Robert

I was so pleased to received a call from one of the staff people at the Burlington Downtown Partnership. He called wanting to "work with us" saying he would wave the $2 fee for doing the literature table on Church Street but that we could not share food as " it had caused problems in the past." He explained that businesses sold food on Church Street and that places like the Salvation Army would be better able to provide services for the homeless like job referral. He seemed like a nice person but did use the same exact language that has been used by officials in other cities. He didn't know how our sharing food was a problem but said an outreach worker would call to explain.

I seemed to have really frustrated him because I explained that if we didn't share food with our literature the impact of our message would be diminished
Every time he said he "just wanted to work with us" I asked if there was a good place on Church Street where our sharing food at our literature table would not be a problem. In the end it was clear that working with him was to not share food and send people to the Salvation Army, COTS or share food someplace out of sight.

This person will come to talk with you on Sunday to see if he can get you to stop sharing your food or move out of the area.

While he also tried to make it out that Burlington is special (just as the other city officials have claimed in every other city that wishes we would stop) and that by speaking with you you will see the logic to ending the meal or moving it to a less visible location for me I would see about doing what I could to stay where you are.

From my perspective it has never been more important to reach the most people possible with the most impact we can about the need to change society so no one is forced to eat at the Salvation Army. Maybe it would be possible to move across the street or to the side walk at the commons I would support doing all you can to express the importance of encouraging change and suggest that it is already hard to encourage the public to consider solutions to our current economic and political problems.

The fact that this pattern is so universal across the United States and so many Food Not Bombs groups have moved to ineffective locations shows this is more than just a problem for your chapter.

I would support your efforts in any way. You may want to claim this Sundays meal or the meal after that as a rally for the right to end hunger. The staff person says he will email me so I will get you that email when he sends it. Again he might not know he was saying exactly the same thing word for word that officials in other cities have said to explain why we should not share food in a place where lots of people pass by but it sure seems like he was influenced maybe unknowingly by those organizing this nationwide campaign. Please call me if you have any questions. - 1-800-884-1136 or email me at keith [at]

This is the number and organization that called.

Burlington Downtown Partnership.
2 Church Street, Suite 2A
Burlington, VT 05401
Email: churchstmarketplace [at]
Phone: 802-863-1648
Fax: 802-865-7252
TTY: 802-865-7142
The office is open for walk-ins Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 4 p.m. To purchase a Marketplace street entertainer or vendor license or non-profit tabling permit, contact the Marketplace office. The permits and licenses are available by appointment only. For information and to schedule an appointment send an email to permits and licensing or call 802.865.5384.

Thanks Keith McHenry
co-founder of the Food Not Bombs Movement

This a one of many public statements reflecting a nationwide campaign to drive the homeless out of site. This one is from Orlando Florida and signed by the charities such as Salvation Army that received city funding.

…though we understand the motivation of those who wish to alleviate the suffering of the homeless in our community, solving homelessness involves more than a warm meal and a place to sleep. Homelessness is symptomatic of much larger issues.

Such public feedings may well contribute to homelessness and actually keep the homeless from the essential services necessary to get back on the road to self-sufficiency. One of the vital keys to assisting these men, women and families is providing comprehensive case-management services. This includes access to the tools needed to attain independence, truly giving them a "hand up" to a better life.

Hey Keith,

We're all having a good laugh here. Something about imagining the very very serious mannered bureaucrats we dealt with last week calling up New Mexico is great. We had been dreading the upcoming showdown this Sunday. One comment was something like "they couldn't have called someone better equipped". I'd agree. It's a happy coincidence they called you as we were researching and looking for guidance on what to do.

Our plan now is to be prepared and establish who is arrestable before meals and do some non-violent civil disobedience if there's lots of people around. If it wouldn't make a strong enough statement we may retreat to the edge of the park (not the middle) and come back later to see what happens for a second time. Maybe even just wait an hour or until the next week.

Our friends on city council in the progressive party have offered to do what they can. Not sure if that will amount to anything but its nice to know they're watching and willing to make noise in council meets. We'll see how it unfolds.

I'm going to send your message out to the listserve if that's cool with you.

by John E. Colby
Because the Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) officers didn't arrest the Food Not Bombs volunteers, I do not believe the SCPD and the District Attorney's Office have a good case that they violated any law. It seems like they are harassing them and trying to do some research to see what law they will try to use to shut them down.

Consequently, I am submitted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request above — carbon copied to Congress and the mainstream media — asking for communications about Food Not Bombs feedings on the Main Post Office steps and the U.S. Postal Service's (USPS's) most current policies about private (nonprofit) organizations using the steps of the Santa Cruz Main Post Office.

Often shaking the tree will glean useful information and put government agencies on notice that they are being watched.
by Robert Norse (rnorse3 [at]
I received the following e-mail today from supporters up North:

Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 20:12:34 -0800
From: annet934 [at]
Subject: Re: [huffsantacruz] Ratcheting up the War on the Poor in Santa Cruz: Food Not Bombs Under Attack
To: right2survive [at]; rnorse3 [at]
CC: nanparanon [at]; worldpeaz [at]; rtjheath482 [at]; jonathon.reed.80 [at]; charlesorsbun [at]; jerbrojay73 [at]; tsluder [at]; carey.white64 [at]; certifiedoregonic [at]; olismarg [at]; mamachewy45 [at]; chris.lee.ellingson [at]

I just got your email. I work with Right 2 Survive in Portland Oregon, helping out with the press and publicity here.

Maybe you already know this stuff, so feel free to ignore my ideas if it is old news to you.

I believe your situation falls under the "Please arrest us, we need the publicity!" category. ;.) What a great way to get publicity for the good work FNB does and expose the ridiculous harassment by the cops. You can definitely turn this into something that helps your cause.

You may want to write a press release about the harassment and send it far and wide (Be sure to include Associated Press Northern California E-mail them at: NorCal [at] I like to send releases to local columnists who may be sympathetic. Definitely send it to the WA Post writer below since they have covered it before.

Similar stories:
Link to a FNB page put together after arrests in Daytona last year.
Llink to a WA Post article about those arrests.WA Post article about Daytona FNB arrests

In Solidarity,
Right 2 Survive
Portland OR

I support fully, but don't in anyway represent Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs. Those preparing and serving the food as well as those eating it will make their own decisions about the so-called "trespass" concerns.

It seems peculiar to suggest that particular group with a political message that is committing no crime other than using the public space is told it is "trespassing" while others come and go with the area clearly open to the public.

Occupy Santa Cruz voted yesterday to support Food Not Bombs. I encourage other groups to do the same and to show up at the next meal as well as offer whatever support they can from a distance if that is not possible.

Though not privy to the inner decision-making of FNB, I imagine they would appreciate as big a crowd of supporters at their next feeding which is currently scheduled for 4 PM Saturday January 26th. on the (public?) steps of the Main Post Office in downtown Santa Cruz.

I believe they'll be considering how to best respond to the recent police and post office threats at their weekly meeting, which can be found on their facebook page.

According to Steve Pleich, one Food Not Bombs member reports Sgt. Garcia said the postmaster was threatening federal Felony Trespass Arrests. Pleich reports that according to that member a warning was given. As I was there at the time recording the conversation between Garcia and the activists, I didn't hear any clear demand that everyone leave given by either SCPD officer.

I did arrive a few minutes after the first cop (Officer Bayani) arrived. And when I spoke to him and wanted to know if he was speaking as the owner's agent, he backed off and said I should speak with his sergeant. In a subsequent discussion with another FNB member, Garcia said he was "gathering evidence" but gave no clearly audible warning to the group of people gathered there that I heard.

Still given the bizarre overcharging done by the Santa Cruz District Attorney in the case of the Santa Cruz Eleven (again due in court 8:15 AM Tuesday January 22nd D-6), that's something to be seriously considered. See for more info on that ongoing persecution.

This case obviously impacts many other groups and people and represents yet another ratcheting up of the governmental shutdown of public spaces for politically dissenters.
by John E. Colby
I called the Santa Cruz Main Post Office today to confirm that the Postmaster had received the fax of my FOIA request which I carbon copied him/her. The postal worker/supervisor I spoke to came back after lengthy silence and told me that I wasn't "entitled". I ask entitled to what? She replied that only the police officers are "entitled". I responded that my FOIA request wasn't to the Santa Cruz Post Office and that the Washington DC USPS FOIA liaison hadn't made a determination so she had no place telling me what I was or was not entitled to.

This conversation suggests to me that the Santa Cruz Postmaster contacted the FOIA liaison and illegally requested information about my FOIA request. This does not bode well for the USPS FOIA liaison.

I plan on making many more FOIA requests about the Santa Cruz Postmaster to the USPS. I think the Santa Cruz Postmaster has a lot to hide.
by Robert Norse
by Zanga Zeit
I am so disturbed at hearing this news about FNB! I do not live anywhere near the areas you mention in your articles, (I live in Phoenix, AZ) however, I am very active online and am in daily communication with many people at a global level as I am multi-lingual. I often serve as a translator for actions taking place in Spain, Mexico, and any other hispanic countries that are involved. I am writing to let you know that I would be very very happy to assist in any way that I possibly can. When "incidents" involving suspicious or dubious arrests, police brutality, etc, occur during the course of any action being Ustreamed or Livestreamed, I am the one who most frequently calls PDs across the nation to respectfully request that detainees be granted their (used-to-be) First Amendment right to gather in peaceful protest. Since I am bilingual English/Spanish, I am volunteering to help with any communications that are encumbered by "language barriers"! I can usually be found in the chat at Global Revolution livestream. Many people in OR know me very well, including RisePDX as well as all of the MODS and most of the chatters at GR. Please feel free to email me any time, or to come to GR and ask me to talk with you. Also my twitter is @ZangaZeit, feel free to contact me there! It is abhorrent to me that giving food to those in need is now under attack! How DARE "they" is my response! And as far as what the Salvation Army had to say regarding the "comprehensive" needs of the hungry, I will say this: I hold an MA in psychology and worked for 25 years in LA as a social worker. The Salvation Army is a religion-based organization, not a non-profit social work agency, thus I submit that their "assessment" of the "comprehensive needs" of the hungry is wholly and completely without merit. The idea that giving food to a hungry person "might actually encourage them to remain in the position of 'victim' " is utterly and completely unfounded, biased, socio-economically prejudiced, and without any factual evidence to support that "claim". FNB is not only providing food, but also information, social contact, and a platform where people come together and discuss the inequities that we all face today, as well as share ideas and make plans for further ways to combat the forces that would quash all of us. That, in my professional opinion, offers much more to a person than the "religion" based dogma that the Salvation Army would force upon them! I would also very much appreciate being informed as to whether there is a Phoenix, AZ Chapter of FNB, as I would like to become involved. Thank you so much for reading this email and for the wonderful work all of you are doing! Please know that I stand firmly in Solidarity with all of you and I wish you Peace and Love in this (ungodly) struggle! We are all brothers and sisters born to this Earth - it is long past the time we need to act as such - that applies to our current tormentors us as well, whether they choose to acknowledge this fact or not! Tierra y Libertad!! ~Zanga Zeit
by Robert Norse
Briefly, two SCPD officers and two postal officials approached the group and demanded they move off the post office property, while proclaiming "concern and appreciation" for the feeding of homeless people. After initially trying to continue feeding at the original location under the eaves of the post office, the FNB workers picked up their tables and moved to the sidewalk.

I recorded some of the interaction between officials and FNB workers. I'll be playing that tape tomorrow on Free Radio Santa Cruz at 10 AM ( or 101.3 FM). The show will archive at 2 1/2 hours into the audio. Call-in at 427-3772.

At the request of FNB workers, Steve Pleich took a leading role in facilitating the withdrawal of FNB from the post office steps to the sidewalk where it continued to feed without further molestation. Officials rejected my request to know the full name of the individual demanding we move and of his superior's name. Police sergeant D. Forbas kept trying to shield his conversation with Pleich from the listening ears of my recorder and refused to answer questions which I put to him afterwards.

Some considered the day's actions a success--with the meal continuing to be fed, folks continuing to sit on the steps of the post office and eat. Others wondered if this were the first step in a campaign to drive FNB from visible feeding in the downtown. The Food Not Bombs banner was visible, but I didn't notice any literature present--the group willing for the moment to give up the right to serve and distribute literature in the unused area they had been at for the previous six weeks under threat of trespass arrest.

While the postal inspector insisted that the group was "violating federal regulations", he declined to say which regulations except for vague claims that FNB was "conducting business". The claim that FNB was violating the state trespass code seemed a strange one since the area is open to the general public.

Food Not Bombs groups in other cities has insisted that it is not simply a charitable organization serving food, but one presenting a clear message (with literature and banners). Such was an earlier FNB message in Santa Cruz in the late 80's and mid-90's when Santa Cruz FNB fed in different spots.

FNB workers and some supporters noted that FNB had only moved 20-30 feet, that it was not being told to disperse, that it would continue to "make poverty visible" and feed poor and homeless people, and address further hostile police actions if they arose as they arose.

Similar threats used against Occupy Santa Cruz [OSC] when it was in front of the courthouse in the fall of 2011 resulted in some citations and arrests, but no charges ultimately in court under the trespass code used to intimidate FNB workers today.

Unlike FNB activists decades before OSC activists did not return to reclaim the space in front of the courthouse once threatened with arrest. However, unlike the earlier attack on FNB in Santa Cruz and San Francisco which demanded the groups cease serving food altogether because they "didn't have a permit", the current attack so far is only limited to the post office grounds and supposedly has to do with location rather than food serving itself.

For some of the events in the history of the FNB movement, go to .

However, a church group feeding in front of Forever Twenty-One on Thursday afternoon was reportedly the target of SCPD police action against clients sitting within 14' of buildings.

Ronee and Scott Curry, who regularly conduct Sunday lunch on Pacific Avenue at Soquel and Pacific have experienced some harassment either directly under the "move every hour" ordinance or of their clients hassled for "sitting down".

Father Joel Miller of the Calvary Episcopal Church experienced a strong attack from former Mayor (and recently reelected City Council member) Cynthia Mathews for his once-a-week Monday dinner at the Red Church, across from Matthew's historic property (located between the Nickelodeon and Jack's Hamburgers).

Pastor Dennis Adams was driven away from the downtown by merchant and police hostility several years ago, now doing his meal out at the Homeless (Lack of ) Services Center.

On Tuesday the Santa Cruz City Council's Public Safety Committee will be meeting 6 PM in City Council chambers to consider a further crackdown on homeless people among other "safety measures". Agenda: . Staff report: .

The opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs as an organization, nor necessarily the views of any of the individuals associated with it.
by Robert Norse
The FNB meal began around 4 PM Saturday January 26th and was immediately approached by police. Workers moved the meal to the sidewalk within 20 minutes after police and postal officials began their threats. It continued for 1 1/2 to 2 hours on the sidewalk.

FNB is looking for volunteers and can be reached via its Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs facebook page.
by RazerRay
"Tommy, don't you go fightin' 'em alone. They'll hunt you down like a coyote. Tommy, I got to thinkin' and dreamin' and wonderin'. They say there's a hun'erd thousand of us shoved out. If we was all mad the same way, Tommy-they wouldn't hunt nobody down-." Ma Joad

Either this link Staff report: is wrong or the Staff Report has been removed/relocated
by Robert Norse
The lead story in the Sunday Sentinel (on line and in print) is about needle disposal and the staff report and agenda of the Tuesday 6 PM Santa Cruz City Council Public Safety Committee.

It can be accessed (I hope) at .
by RazerRay
From the absolutely UN-informative agenda which I viewed earlier, something about Regional responses to problems? A reminder that there's a regional working group in the Bay Area including Santa Cruz, Berkeley, and other cities in regard to their homeless 'problems'.

The Ghost of ol' Tom Joad IS NOT happy.
by John E. Colby
After Food Not Bombs was coerced to move from the Santa Cruz Main Post Office steps in last Saturday's feeding of poor and homeless people on January 26, 2013, I decided that more information must be gleaned from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to determine exactly what laws and regulations apply to the steps of the Main Post Office and who was responsible for the USPS campaign in Santa Cruz against Food Not Bombs. Please read my FOIA request as a downloadable PDF.

Therefore I asked for:

• All electronic and non-electronic written communications including but not limited to letters, reports, summaries, memoranda, emails, and notes written by employees of the Santa Cruz Main Post Office about or pertaining to Food Not Bombs feeding homeless people on the steps of the Santa Cruz Main Post Office at 850 Front Street in Santa Cruz, California, from between December 1, 2012 and today, January 28, 2013.
• All written complaints by customers of the Santa Cruz Main Post Office about Food Not Bombs from between December 1, 2012 and today, January 28, 2013.
• The most current organization chart for the Santa Cruz Main Post Office.
• The most current handbook sections, guides, rules and implementing documents describing federal regulations and laws governing the use of the steps of the Santa Cruz Main Post Office at 850 Front Street in Santa Cruz, California by both private (nonprofit) organizations and by private individuals.

Hopefully this will lead to a greater understanding of the USPS campaign against Food Not Bomb's feeding poor and homeless people on the Santa Cruz Main Post Office steps, who is responsible for it, and whether Food Not Bombs can legally return to using the Main Post Office steps.

The best weapon against tyranny is to shine a light on it. We can open up undemocratic decision making processes to public scrutiny.
by RazerRay
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